Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2314 Unscrupulous

Chapter 2314 Unscrupulous

"Fan Gang, thank you for your hard work this time, you did a great job!"

Walking out of the main hall, the fat man heard Mu Chengyin's praise, and his face was full of joy.

He hurriedly said: "Elder Mu has praised you, these things are what disciples should do, but along the way, disciples have died several times, almost..."

The fat man looked pitiful, obviously seeking sympathy.

Mu Chengyin's deep eyes could not help flashing a gleam of coldness, but he still said: "Don't worry, the elders have noticed your performance."

"Once the matter is completed, this elder will be the first to restore you to your original appearance."

When the fat man heard this, he was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

That expression seemed to have returned to its once handsome appearance.

Maybe it was because he was too yearning, or maybe it was because his strength was too weak, so that Mu Chengyin was surrounded by a gust of aura rolling towards him, but he didn't even notice it.

"Elder Mu, you..."

By the time he reacted, it was too late.

That huge body didn't even have time to react, before it was enveloped by that deep-like aura.

Then, disappeared.

"Hmph! Just because you, a stupid pig, want to restore your original appearance?"

"As everyone knows, only one person can recover."

The corner of Mu Chengyin's mouth curled up with a cruel look, and immediately, he took another look at the hall and disappeared.



In the main hall, Fang Yi's brows were tightly frowned at this moment, revealing doubts.

In his hand, there is also a jade slip, which records Zhengkurong Jue, but this Kurong Jue is not obtained from Qingdi's inheritance.

But from the fat man.

In order to be able to quickly understand why the Ku Rong Qi in the body of the disciple of the Mu Shen Sect was out of balance, on the way, he asked the fat man for this jade slip.

As for the fat man, naturally he couldn't wish for it.

It's just that he was in a hurry all the way, so he didn't study it carefully.

At this moment, after looking at it, I realized that these two Kurong Jue are exactly the same, in other words, it is not a problem with Kurong Jue.

However, the fact that the disciples of the Wood God Sect are so widespread is not the reason for the Kurong Jue, what is it?

Or is there something wrong with the Kurong Jue that I got from Qingdi's inheritance?

But this possibility, it seems...

Subconsciously, Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head, who is Emperor Qing, although he may be nothing in that cemetery.

But in this Tianshan Mountain, that is a god-like figure.

If there is really a problem with the Kurong Jue, it is impossible for him not to know about it, let alone pass it down.

In that case, the Kurong Jue should be fine, the problem lies with Mu Shenzong.

What is so special about Kemu Shenzong?

Such a large scale, and it has lasted for so many years, it is obviously impossible to be man-made, then...

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning.

Forget it, I'm afraid I'll have to look around to find out, and he doesn't care too much about this matter, it's best if he can solve it, if it can't be solved, there's no point in forcing it.

On this day, Jupiter and the Wood God Sect might be the future destination.

It's also good to look around.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi thought, and disappeared out of thin air.

The huge Jupiter is all in his induction.

There is not much difference between Tianjupiter and ordinary life planets, and the size is similar. With Fang Yi's current strength, it is easy to cover the entire planet with spiritual thoughts.

Of course, while he scanned the entire planet with his divine sense.

It also means exposing yourself.

Some super powers can easily capture his existence.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, very few strong people would do this.

However, Fang Yi has no scruples. Tian Juxing can sense him, definitely no more than a pair of hands, and the strongest one is only Mu Chengyin, and the lord of the Mushen Sect, Mu Chengfeng.

It's a pity that the strength of these two people is limited.

Don't say that they are not in the normal state of transforming gods, even if they are, Fang Yi may not see them in his eyes.

As for the others...

"Who! Dare to be presumptuous on Jupiter!"

At this time, a thunderous voice exploded in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Fang Yi's behavior obviously angered some people. No wonder, in the world of warriors, such unscrupulous glances by divine sense can be described as a kind of naked contempt.

Especially his breath, which is still so strange.

Naturally, those powerhouses on Jupiter couldn't sit still.

As for Mu Chengyin, he couldn't help but look up at the void at this moment, his expression extremely ugly.

Obviously, he did not expect Fang Yi to be so blatant.

And at this time, in a large hall in front of him, a middle-aged man who was as short as a child shot out with a deep breath.

There was a little anger on his face, and his eyes were shining brightly.

He also looked at the void, obviously aware of Fang Yi's existence, and was about to speak.


But at this time, Mu Chengyin had already spoken first.

It turned out that this short man was suddenly the suzerain of the Wood God Sect, Mu Chengfeng.

"Great Elder? What's going on here?"

Mu Chengfeng's pupils shrank, revealing a frightening coldness, but there seemed to be endless energy contained in that short body, causing Mu Cheng's dark eyes to be filled with fear.

However, he still said in his mouth: "Sect Master, don't worry, let's go to the palace first..."


And at the same time, a majestic figure also soared into the sky.

The figure was huge, three meters away, and its muscles were like iron plates. The whole body was a humanoid, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Coupled with the tyrannical aura all over his body, it was like a giant mountain pressing down.

The cultivation base has also reached the seventh level of integration.

If it was not Fang Yi who was standing opposite, but someone else, I am afraid that just this breath would be suppressed and immobilized.

"Not bad!"

As for Fang Yi, he couldn't help but nodded at this moment, quite appreciatively.

Although the other party's huge body was caused by too much vitality in his body, but no matter what, he looked much better than Mu Chengyin's shriveled and fat man's obesity.

"Who are you? Could it be that you don't understand any rules? Do you really think that there is no one in my Wood God Sect if you dare to act presumptuously on the planet Jupiter?"

The burly man shouted like thunder, directly exploding in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

After all, this is Tianjuxing, the base camp of the Wood God Sect. As a member of the Wood God Sect, it would inevitably affect other people, so he didn't make much noise.

Try to suppress it.

However, when he saw Fang Yi's indifferent face and his unawareness, he couldn't get angry.

"Boy, who are you? If you don't give an explanation today, don't blame me for being ruthless."

As he said that, his breath burst out suddenly, and he rushed straight to the sky.

It seems that if Fang Yi can't give him a satisfactory explanation, it's impossible to think about it.


Fang Yi's eyes moved slightly.

Since there is nothing wrong with Ku Rong Jue, perhaps something can be seen from the actions of these people.

Thinking of this, a smile could not help appearing on his face, and he said lightly: "I really want to see how ruthless you are!"


(End of this chapter)

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