Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2315 Hardwired

Chapter 2315 Hardwired


The burly man was undoubtedly furious, his eyes stared like copper bells, his eyes were full of fierceness, like an ancient beast about to go berserk.

The tyrannical air also permeated, like a tornado, tearing the surrounding space apart with hissing noises.

"It's so courageous. You came here to make trouble on purpose."

"Since that's the case, then this seat will fulfill you!"

The burly man said, striding forward.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth trembled, and the air waves surged, as if a huge mountain was pressing down.

The terrifying coercion also followed.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be enough to bear this coercion. The burly man was full of vitality and blood, and although his cultivation was only at the seventh level of the body, he had not reached the peak.

But even compared to the powerhouses on the demigod list, they are not bad at all.

Especially his huge size, giving people a great sense of oppression.

"Heh! Who is this person? He is so rampant, he dares to act presumptuously in our Wood God Sect, he simply doesn't know what it means."

"At a young age, his cultivation has reached the peak of the seventh level of fusion. It should not be underestimated. It may have a huge background. Let's remind Mu Xiong to be careful with his actions, and don't really take that person's life."

"Hmph! So what if you want it? If you dare to be so arrogant, you deserve to die."


Surrounded by emptiness, there are two other figures at this moment, both of whom are obviously extremely strong of the Wood God Sect.

Without exception, all of them have reached the seventh level of fusion.

In words, he was full of confidence in that burly man, even though he had seen that Fang Yi's cultivation had reached the peak of the seventh level of fusion, he was still full of confidence.

It seemed that he was not worried about the burly man at all, but worried about Fang Yi.

I'm afraid that the burly man will kill him alone.

Fang Yi naturally also sensed this scene, and a look of surprise flashed across his face. This was the first time he was so despised by a warrior of the same level.

Do not!Strictly speaking, I have reached the peak of the seventh level of fusion, which is higher than these people's cultivation base.

The result is...

"Boy, don't say that I didn't give you a chance, just obediently catch you without a fight, and I will save your life."

"Otherwise... you will never want to leave Jupiter today."

The burly man shouted loudly, issuing a final warning, and his feet were already approaching step by step.

This is of course a superfluous sentence.

From his actions, it is not difficult to see that he did not think that Fang Yi would be caught without a fight, but the voice reminding him behind him still made him put on a good show.

"Unexpectedly, you are quite big, and you talk a lot of nonsense."

Fang Yi smiled lightly, a little impatient.


Hearing this, the burly man undoubtedly couldn't bear it any longer, and when his eyes crossed, they looked like two raging flames.

With a fist, he slammed at Fang Yi.

He did not forget to say in his mouth: "Little one, suffer death!"


With this punch, the world trembled, and the huge space seemed to be unable to withstand the power of this punch, and it was on the verge of collapsing.

Under the fist wind, it even burst apart instantly.

Like a huge black hole storm, wantonly devouring everything around.

With the power of this punch alone, it is no less than the top [-] powerhouses on the demigod.

The two powerhouses watching couldn't help nodding slightly when they saw this punch.

Together with the look at Fang Yi, there was a trace of disdain, as if he had foreseen Fang Yi's end.

Just kidding, the burly man 'Mu Xiong' is one of the strongest in the Mu Shenzong.

Except for the suzerain and the great elder, no one dared to say that they could win, even if they only had the cultivation of the seventh level of the body, they could crush many peaks of the seventh level of the body.

And Fang Yi, in their opinion, was undoubtedly too young.

Although the cultivation base has arrived, the strength is probably...

"Not bad!"

Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded at this moment, quite surprised.

Of course, it was just an accident. With his strength, let alone the Seventh Layer of Fusion, so what if he is in the God Transformation Realm?

So, he didn't move.

There was an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What is this kid doing? Could it be that he wants to die?"

Seeing that extremely domineering punch was about to land, the expressions of the two onlookers couldn't help but change drastically, because Fang Yi had no intention of avoiding it at all.

Not only that, he didn't even intend to make a move, as if he was going to face the punch directly.

How can this not surprise them,

The burly man's expression also changed drastically, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes, he wanted to stop, but it was too late.

That punch has already fallen like a meteor.

boom! !

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, and without any surprise, Fang Yi's figure was blasted out like a shell fired.


In the arena, the burly man's eyes were full of astonishment, and the two onlookers were also like him.

No one thought that the other party really didn't hide, nor did they make a move.


Several people couldn't help but looked at each other. At that moment, they seemed to be at a loss.

Until Fang Yi's body stood upright in the void again, and he stepped slowly, he still said lightly: "It's almost there!"

At that moment, several people trembled as if they had been electrocuted, and then their eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

" is this possible? He's fine?"

The eyeballs of a few people seemed to be falling out.

There was never a moment that shocked them as much as now, because they never dreamed that someone who received Mu Xiong's punch head-on would still look like a normal person.

This... Even a strong person in the Transformation God Realm might not be able to do this, right?

"you you……"

As for the burly man 'Mu Xiong' himself, his heart was undoubtedly even more shocked, as if he had seen a ghost.

Because of the unbalanced Kurong Jue and the great vitality, his physical body far exceeds that of the same level of powerhouses, and ordinary warriors of the same level are not seen by him at all.

Under one punch, almost half of them couldn't catch it.

But now it's good, the opponent not only caught it, but also carried it down completely with his physical body, it's simple...

He was stunned, not knowing what to say.

But then, the blood in the body boiled.

Because he didn't believe, didn't believe that there really was such a tyrannical Seventh Layer of Fusion in this world, and he was completely unharmed when he received a blow from him, even his complexion didn't change.

"What? Are you surprised?"

Fang Yi grinned, it wasn't that he wanted to be so high-profile, but that he wanted to feel the other party's dryness.

That's why he took the punch hard.

As for what kind of harm this punch would cause him.

sorry!Just relying on the power of this punch, it is still a lot worse to cause damage to his body re-condensed from the three temples.

"You... who are you? Why..."

Mu Xiong's eyes were full of fear, at this moment, he no longer had the domineering arrogance he had before.

However, the breath became more and more majestic.

"Want to know? Let's see if you are qualified first!" Fang Yi smiled lightly, and then, his figure couldn't help but move, and walked towards Mu Xiong.

"What a big breath!"

Hearing this, Mu Xiong also shot at him like lightning, and the battle was imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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