Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2316 Calculation

Chapter 2316 Calculation

"What did you say? That kid is the descendant of Emperor Qing?"

In the main hall, despite Mu Chengfeng's short body, his head looked extremely large. Hearing this, his bright eyes couldn't help but glow with fiery light.

Extremely greedy!

Just kidding, the inheritance of the Qing Emperor is the most desired thing of the Mu Shenzong for countless years.

How could he not be excited now that the descendant of the Qing Emperor appeared.

Moreover, there are many legends about Emperor Qing, one of which is the Wooden Temple.

Outsiders may not know it, but as the suzerain and grand elder of the Wood God Sect, how could the two of them not know it.


"Returning to the suzerain, that kid created a storm in the sea of ​​bitterness, and even used the Qingdimuhuang fist to defeat the ghost ax of the Shengong camp, almost killing the latter on the spot."

Immediately, Mu Chengyin explained the matter of Kuhai in detail.

He did not hide anything about Fang Yi's identity.

but other...


Hearing the words, Mu Chengfeng seemed to still have some doubts, and there was a little bit of coldness in Mu Chengyin's eyes.

He said in his mouth, "If that's the case, would you tell this sect frankly?"

If outsiders hear these words, they will be extremely surprised. After all, Mu Chengfeng is also the suzerain of the Mushen Sect, so it is only natural for Mu Chengyin to report everything!

But if the disciples of Mu Shenzong heard about it, they would not be surprised.

Because both of them are extremely strong in the Wood God Sect, their cultivation base and strength are equal, and there is a gap between them, so...

"The suzerain is joking!"

Mu Chengyin smiled awkwardly, but there was no surprise on his face.

"Let me guess. You know you can't take down the opponent, so you want to join us!" Mu Chengfeng seemed to know everything, and his eyes shone with shrewdness.

A look that predicts things like a god.

Hearing the words, Mu Chengyin's eyes moved, he smiled awkwardly and said: "I knew I couldn't hide it from the suzerain, and I didn't intend to hide it."

"Moreover, things are far from as simple as the suzerain thought."

Mu Chengyin threw out the bait.

"Oh? Why is it not an easy method? I really want to hear about it." Mu Chengfeng asked with a slightly dark face.

Seeing the other party taking the bait, Mu Chengyin faintly flashed a gloomy light in his eyes, and immediately asked, "Does the lord know why that kid came to our Wood God Sect?"

"What is the purpose?"

Hearing this, Mu Chengfeng couldn't help but have a look of doubt in his eyes, but he still said: "Is there any difference? No matter why he came, if he is targeted by the elder, will there be other results?"

There was a hint of irony in these words.

Mu Chengyin was not annoyed, and continued: "The suzerain thinks highly of the old man, relying on the old man alone is no different from sending him to death."

"Even with the suzerain, with the strength of the two of us, it may not be possible to win, unless..."

Having said this, Mu Chengyin stopped.

But Mu Chengfeng seemed to understand what he said, and a look of astonishment crossed his face.

"As for that kid's purpose, in fact, he came after the suzerain." Mu Chengyin continued.

"Oh! Come here for this sect? This sect has never met him, and there is no grievance or enmity. Could it be that the Great Elder treats this sect as a three-year-old child?"

Mu Chengfeng sneered, showing disdain.

"The suzerain's words are different. Although you are strangers, don't forget his identity. He is the descendant of the Qing Emperor."

"He came here this time for the sake of the Wood God Sect, and the purpose is to become the suzerain of the Wood God Sect."

what! !

As soon as these words came out, Mu Chengfeng's face changed drastically, and a hint of anger appeared in his fierce eyes.

Seeing this, Mu Chengyin continued to fan the flames: "I'm afraid the suzerain doesn't know, that kid is still delusional in trying to win over the old man, and promise him to solve the imbalance of the withered and prosperous art in his body, so that the old man can return to his original appearance."

"But he doesn't know that the old man is already at this age, and he doesn't care much about his appearance."

"How could he be fooled so easily!"

What Mu Chengyin said was true, if Fang Yi was here, he would have believed it.

However, although he made a false accusation, it can be regarded as a crooked attack. Fang Yi really has the idea of ​​using this place as a foothold.


As one can imagine, Mu Chengfeng was already furious, with fierce killing intent in his eyes.

However, he was extremely cautious, and he didn't forget to ask, "The Great Elder is serious? Since that kid is as amazing as you said, and he is the successor of Emperor Qing, why don't the Great Elder..."

Mu Chengfeng's face was gloomy and cold, and what he wanted to say could not be more obvious.

However, before he could speak, Mu Chengyin spoke first.

"Who is the sect master when he is old? Although there are conflicts between you and me, but that is only a matter within the sect. May I ask which sect has no internal conflicts?"

"My Wood God Sect has been passed down for countless thousands of years, how can this old man let it fall into the hands of an irrelevant person."

The righteousness of these words made even Mu Chengfeng's eyes move slightly.

But he still asked, "Since that's the case, then this kid came to my Jupiter alone like this? Could it be that he really thinks that there is no one in my Wood God Sect?"

Mu Chengfeng's eyes shot coldly, and the killing intent could no longer be suppressed, and it permeated the air.

Seeing this, Mu Chengyin's eyes were filled with joy.

Continued: "Back to the suzerain, this kid's strength is indeed extraordinary. In addition, no one knows whether he can really solve the Kurong Jue. If he can, those disciples in the sect..."

"Besides, he is the descendant of Emperor Qing."

"Although the suzerain has been in business for many years, if something happens, the consequences are unpredictable."

As soon as these words came out, Rao Mu Chengfeng couldn't help but a pale look flashed across his face.

yes!The identity of the Qing Emperor's successor, coupled with the strength to crush the God Transformation Realm, and the possibility of solving the Kurong Jue.

With so many superimposed together, it may not be impossible to overthrow his suzerain position.

It can even be said that there is a great possibility.

How can he not panic?

"In view of this, the old man had no choice but to pretend to promise him and lure him to Jupiter. First of all, at least he is under our sight and won't do anything behind his back."

"Secondly, he is the descendant of Emperor Qing, that legendary thing, maybe..."

Mu Chengyin continued, with a greedy gleam in his eyes.

Seeing him like this, Mu Chengfeng completely believed it.

If it is said that the other party is wholeheartedly for the Wood God Sect, for him, he absolutely does not believe it, but if it is for the legendary Wood God Temple, then it is easy to understand.

"Don't worry, Great Elder, this sect is not someone who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges."

"As long as this matter is completed, you and I will share what is on that kid's body, and this sect will never take an extra share."

Mu Chengfeng also dropped a promise at this moment.

The two had a great sense of common hatred and hatred.

"Then what should I do next? Does the Great Elder care?" Mu Chengfeng couldn't help asking at this time, it seemed that he had completely believed in Mu Chengyin.

"Sect Master, don't worry, that kid is trying to use this to shake the powerhouses of the Wood God Sect."

"If the suzerain comes forward, it will make him succeed."

"For the current plan, only by introducing it into the Qingmu Pagoda can it be completely eradicated..."

(End of this chapter)

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