Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2317 Qing Emperor Wood Emperor Fist

Chapter 2317 Qing Emperor Wood Emperor Fist

Boom! ! !

Above the void, there was endless thunder.

Mu Xiong's huge body is like a humanoid vajra, every movement of his hands and feet is full of tyrannical aura like an ancient beast.

Let the surrounding space be shattered.

It seems that it can't bear this huge power.

Before Fang Yi took his punch hard, he undoubtedly did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and he did not dare to hold back in the slightest.

It is conceivable that they are fighting with all their strength at this moment.

However, the reality was far from what he had imagined, after Fang Yi punched him forcefully.

He no longer confronted him head-on, but wandered around, like a ghost, making him at a loss what to do.

Like a mouse played by a cat.

This undoubtedly made him furious, and he couldn't help shouting: "Little boy, could it be that you can't be transformed from a monkey, if you have the guts, you will fight this seat, and hide like a bitch, you bastard!"

He cursed in his mouth, and his whole body breathed out.

Like a runaway beast.

However, Fang Yi turned a deaf ear, with a faint smile still on his face.

Naturally, it wasn't that he really didn't dare to confront the opponent head-on, but wanted to take a closer look to see what was wrong with the operation of Ku Rong Jue.

How is it different from your own.

Unfortunately, so far, he has found nothing.

It seems that there is no problem with Kurong Jue.

Then, why do these disciples of the Wood God Sect lose the balance of the two Qis of Kurong and Rongrong in their bodies?

This really puzzled Fang Yi.

"Bastard! Die!"

Mu Xiong was so angry that he seized a gap in Fang Yi's thinking, and roared like a beast, sweeping all directions with a monstrous tyrannical aura.

A huge fist also came immediately, like a fallen star from nine days.

On top of it, there is an aura that is extremely familiar to Fang Yi, which is the Qingdimuhuangquan.

It's a pity that the power is not the same as Fang Yi's Qingdimuhuangquan. Not to mention, even the meaning of the fist is very different.

It seems that the Qingdimuhuangquan he inherited is not perfect.

Although the Qingdi Muhuangquan was inherited by the Qingdi, Fang Yi has already learned from the fat man that there are also some strong people in the Mushenzong who practiced this boxing technique.

It's just that this boxing technique is regarded by Mu Shenzong as a unique skill of the sect, and it is impossible for ordinary people to learn it.

Even with Fatty's cultivation base, it's a little bit worse.

And Mu Xiong in front of him is almost the No. 1 under the head of the Wood God Sect and the Great Elder, Fang Yi was not surprised to be able to learn it.

To his surprise, there seemed to be something wrong with the Qingdimuhuangquan.

Or, there is a problem with the other party's cultivation.

"This is the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor Fist, right?"

Immediately, Fang Yi's heart moved, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking an intriguing smile.

"Even if you still have some knowledge, now, let me show you the dominance of Qingdimuhuangquan, get down!"

Mu Xiong let out a loud cry, and that punch also swelled up, crushing everything with the momentum of thunder from nine heavens, nothing can stop it.

The fist wind passes through, piercing the void.

It can definitely be regarded as an extremely powerful punch, even if it is the top [-] powerhouses on the demigod list, it may not be able to receive this punch safely.

One must know that Mu Xiong has not yet reached the peak of the seventh level of fusion.

And the top [-] powerhouses on the demigod list are not only the peak of the seventh level of fusion, but also the best among them.

This shows the dominance of this punch.

The other two powerhouses onlookers were also amazed at the moment, it seemed that Mu Xiong's strength had exceeded their expectations.

But it's a pity that Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the punch.

"Qing Emperor Wood Emperor Fist?"

"No! This is not the Qingdi Muhuang Fist. It's more than strong, but lacks punching intent. It's a second-rate boxing technique at best."

There was a little regret in his faint voice.

However, this undoubtedly completely angered Mu Xiong, and even the two Mu Shenzong powerhouses who were watching.

"Bastard! Ignorant child, don't hesitate to talk nonsense here. You know what the Qingdi Muhuang Fist is. When the Qingdi is around, everything can be born and destroyed with one punch."

"I'm not talented, but it's enough to crush you."

Mu Xiong was furious, and a huge fist followed immediately, overwhelming all directions.

However, Fang Yi still acted like a normal person, instead he muttered: "Everything is born and destroyed?..."

"That's right! It's true that everything is born and destroyed, but it's a pity, with your punch, how can you have the power to destroy everything?"

"Forget it! For the sake of the words 'life and death', I will let you see what the real Qingdimuhuangquan is."

As Fang Yi said, he couldn't help stepping on his feet, clenched his five fingers, and slowly pushed out a fist.

"Oh! It's up to you?..."

Mu Xiong sneered, his face full of disdain.

But then, that trace of disdain solidified, and finally turned into disbelief, with eyes full of horror.

Because that punch seemed extremely slow and unremarkable.

But it seems that the general trend of the world has been condensed, and the whole world seems to follow this punch.

What's even more incredible is that the surrounding void is cracked inch by inch, and then healed inch by inch, and the cycle repeats. The endless flowers, plants and trees below, like this, alternately arise and die.

At this moment, it was as if time had been sped up.

Birth and death are all in one thought.

"No...impossible! Birth and death of all things, Qingdimuhuangquan! How could you know Qingdimuhuangquan?"

Mu Xiong's pupils are wide open, full of inconceivable.

Even that punch seemed to have been forgotten.

In fact, there is no need to hit it or not, because compared to the real Qingdimuhuangquan, this punch is like a child's game.

"It's really Qingdimuhuangquan! How is it possible! Who the hell is he?"

The two Mushen Sect powerhouses who were onlookers undoubtedly also stayed on the spot at this moment, looking at each other in blank dismay.

They have all practiced Qingdimuhuangquan.

However, until this moment, they didn't know what the real Qingdimuhuangquan is, and what they comprehended simply humiliated the five words Qingdimuhuangquan.

Boom! !

That punch continued to be launched, and Mu Xiong's punch was also disillusioned, and he had almost no strength to resist.

Then, Mu Xiong's huge figure also flew out.

A mouthful of blood could not help but spit out from the mouth.

Of course, Fang Yi was merciful, otherwise, even if Mu Xiong had ten lives, he wouldn't be enough to die.

But Mu Xiong, completely disregarding these things and the blood gushing from his mouth, once he stabilized his figure, he stared at Fang Yi closely with a fiery light.

"You... who are you? Why do you know the Qingdimuhuangquan?"

he asked anxiously, eager to the extreme.

The other two powerhouses were similar, both like him.

"I said before that if you want to know who I am, it depends on whether you have the qualifications. At present, it seems that you are not close."

Fang Yi replied lightly, extremely arrogant.

If this were changed to before, Mu Xiong would have been violent, but at this moment...

He took a deep look at Fang Yi, and then made an unexpected move, slightly bent one knee, and said in his mouth: "Teach me the real Qingdimuhuangquan, I am willing to do anything for you."

(End of this chapter)

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