Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2318 Green Wood Tower

Chapter 2318 Green Wood Tower

"Muxiong, you..."

Seeing this, the expressions of the two wood god sect powerhouses who were onlookers suddenly changed drastically.

Mu Xiong is the No. 1 of the Wood God Sect, except for the suzerain and the great elder, and it is very likely that he will break through to the realm of transforming gods in the future. How can they just sit idly by and ignore others like this.

However, Mu Xiong turned a deaf ear and stared at Fang Yi closely.

Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his eyes. He was a little surprised. He never expected that the big man in front of him would actually fight for the Qing Emperor Muhuang Fist...

Really a martial artist!


"Do anything for me? Do you think Pingjun's strength can use you?"

The faint voice is playful.

Mu Xiong couldn't help being stunned.

It also made the eyes of the other two people burst into anger. Fang Yi's behavior was undoubtedly slapping Mu Shenzong in the face, and even the third person of Mu Shenzong was not taken seriously by the other party.

Then they, aren't they...

"Boy, you're so crazy, no matter how tyrannical you are, after all, it's just a fit state, and the suzerain and the elders can suppress you at will."

"What's more, this is the Wood God Sect, so why both of them need to take action."

Among the two, the gray-robed old man finally couldn't bear it anymore, his voice was like thunder, revealing supreme majesty.

The other celebrity also glared at him, as if he wanted to suppress Fang Yi on the spot.

But, just thinking about it, even Mu Xiong was easily suppressed by the opponent, how could the two of them dare to act rashly.


However, Fang Yi glanced at the two of them playfully, then turned to Mu Xiong and said, "Don't say that I didn't give you a chance, if you beat them, if I can satisfy you, maybe..."

"You bastard, how dare you!"

Hearing this, the expressions of the two of them undoubtedly changed greatly, and their anger was soaring.

However, what made them even more angry was still behind, Mu Xiong's sharp gaze actually turned towards the two of them.

"Mu Xiong, you elm bump, you must not be fooled by him."

The old man in gray robe was extremely angry, especially for Mu Xiong's behavior.

But Mu Xiong turned a blind eye and said, "I'm sorry!"

As soon as the words fell, his eyes were also slanted, and he swept towards him like a ferocious beast that had escaped from its cage.


Those two were furious, but facing Mu Xiong's attack, they didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, they hurriedly went up to them, not forgetting to dissuade them.

But it's a pity that Mu Xiong has obviously made up his mind.

Fang Yi smiled in surprise.

He was just talking casually, but he didn't expect...

That's fine, so we can see what's wrong with the Kurong Jue between each other.

At the same time, it can also sense the entire Jupiter, whether there is something wrong.


"Mu Xiong, that bastard! This sect is going to kill him."

In the main hall, sensing everything in the void, Mu Chengfeng gritted his teeth, his body full of anger.

That short body seemed to contain infinite energy.

It's about to explode anytime.

On the other hand, Mu Chengyin's eyes were also filled with deep tremors, and there was also a hint of sinister light, which was fleeting.

"Let's see, suzerain, just a Qingdimuhuangquan has already made Muxiong like this, if that kid, he can really solve the matter of Kurong Jue."

"At that time, there will be no place for the two of you to gain a foothold in the Wood God Sect."

Mu Chengyin took the opportunity to say.

The corners of Mu Chengfeng's eyes also twitched, filled with hatred.

If he still had doubts at the beginning, then at this moment, this trace of doubt has undoubtedly disappeared.

But he still seemed hesitant.

"Sovereign, don't think about it anymore, sacrifice the Cyanwood Pagoda! Only by introducing it into it, and with the strength of the two of us, can this son be suppressed on the spot, otherwise... there will be endless troubles."

Mu Chengyin bewitched again.

But Mu Chengfeng looked a little ugly.

The Qingmu Pagoda is a powerful three-soul magic weapon left by Emperor Qing, and this three-soul magic weapon is not under the control of anyone.

The opening is all based on an Aoki Token, which is also the token of the Sovereign of the Wood God Sect.

The Cyanwood Pagoda is extremely powerful, and ordinary powerhouses at the Transformation God Realm will undoubtedly die if trapped in it. Even the strong people at the Earth Soul and Heaven Soul Realm, once they enter it, they will never be able to escape.

To be imprisoned in the Tower forever.

This is also the reason why the Wood God Sect was not completely wiped out by the former enemies after the fall of the Wood God Sect.

And throughout the ages, countless powerful people have been imprisoned in it.

It can be said to be the true treasure of the Mushen Sect.

Regrettably, although the Cyanwood Pagoda is amazing, it is not easy to open it. Not only does it require at least the cultivation of the God Transformation Realm, but it also consumes a lot of money to open it once.

It is simply not something that ordinary people can bear.

Even the head of the Wood God Sect couldn't bear it, because his state of transformation into a god was just like what King Qingjiao said, it can only be regarded as a fake.

It's not really a realm of transformation into gods.

The most important thing is that he had opened it once not long ago, and if he opened it again, he would be severely injured.

This was obviously something he couldn't bear, so...he hesitated.

"Sovereign, there is no time to hesitate. Before many people know about this matter, make a decision as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, once the matter spreads, even if you want to make a move, those powerful people in the sect will not agree, and even cause a backlash. At that time..."

Mu Chengyin urged again, his eyes flickering.

"Is the Great Elder really for the sect?"

At this moment, Mu Chengfeng couldn't help looking at Mu Chengyin, questioning faintly in his sharp eyes.

Mu Chengyin seemed to have expected it a long time ago, a hint of sinisterness flashed in his eyes, and he said calmly: "I know what the suzerain is worried about, are you worried that I will take the opportunity to make a move?"

"If this is the case, the suzerain can give the Aoki Token to the old man, and the old man will open it."

"Or maybe, the two of us will open it together, and each will take half of the damage."

Mu Chengyin secretly said to the old fox.

Fortunately, he had already expected this scene and prepared early, otherwise...

Aoki made it impossible for the other party to hand it over, and the final result was undoubtedly that the two of them opened the Aoki Pagoda together.


Hearing this, Mu Chengfeng smiled and said: "What is the elder talking about, this sect is only worried that after entering the Qingmu Pagoda, the boy will still be difficult to suppress, so..."

"As for letting the Great Elder alone bear the consequences of opening the Cyanwood Pagoda, how can this sect bear it?"

"According to what the Great Elder said, you and I will open the Cyanwood Pagoda together, and after the event is completed, you and I will equally share everything in that kid's body."

Old fox!

Divide equally?How is the Wooden Temple equally divided?

Mu Chengyin sneered in his heart, but his face was still calm, and he couldn't help saying: "What the suzerain said is very true, since that's the case, it shouldn't be too late, let's start now!"

"it is good!"

Mu Chengfeng didn't hesitate any more immediately, and when he touched his hand, a green token appeared in his hand.

The token is extremely transparent, like jade but not gold.

When Mu Chengyin saw it, a hint of greed flashed in his eyes.

But now is clearly not the time.

"Let's get started!" The two looked at each other, and then each formed a seal, and two majestic energies were directly poured into the token...

(End of this chapter)

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