Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2319 Whimsical

Chapter 2319 Whimsical

Boom boom boom! !

Above the void, three figures are entangled together, quite intensely.

Although Mu Xiong's strength is extraordinary, the other two are not bad, and they are one against two.

Fang Yi watched this scene playfully.

Unfortunately, he still didn't find anything special.

It seems that there is really no problem with Kurong Jue, so what happened to the imbalance between Kurong and Rongqi?

never mind!

Fang Yi couldn't figure it out and didn't bother to pay attention to it. This matter wasn't worth his brains.


Just as his divine sense was sensing the entire Jupiter, a faint cyan light suddenly came from a huge palace somewhere in the mountains.

"Finally can't help but make a move?"

Fang Yi's eyes moved, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

The main hall was already in his induction, and he had already guessed the identities of the two based on those two overbearing auras.

It must be the suzerain of Mushen Sect and Mu Chengyin without a doubt.

I made such a big commotion, but these two people didn't show up, obviously holding back something bad, the blue light at this moment must be aimed at me.

So Fang Yi was not surprised.

I was even slightly disappointed, because the breath was really not that good.

But after that, his eyes suddenly lit up, because the blue light became more and more intense.

In the end, it turned into a seven-story pagoda.

The whole body of the pagoda is glowing with blue light, giving people a sense of incomparable holiness, and the body of the pagoda is also expanding rapidly, reaching thousands of feet in an instant, like a fetish that suppresses one party.

"Aoki Pagoda?!"

The expressions of the three people who were in the fierce battle changed drastically at this moment.

Obviously, no one thought that the Qingmu Pagoda would suddenly appear.

As for Fang Yi, his expression also changed drastically, but he was more happy. The reason why he patrolled the entire Tianjupiter was because of this tower.

Because, this is the item left in the inheritance of the Qing Emperor.

And there are many good things in it.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to find this tower, but unexpectedly, the other party sent it on his own initiative, how could he not be happy.

Buzz! !

The body of the tower is condensed, the blue light is bright, and there are bursts of roaring sounds.

And he came straight towards Fang Yi to suppress him.

"Boy! Don't hurry to die!" Inside the tower, there was a sound of thunder. Accompanied by this sound, the blue light shook and turned into a blue light wave, directly covering Fang Yi in it.

In the eyes of outsiders, Fang Yi had almost no strength to resist, and was wrapped in blue light waves and sucked into the tower.

In fact, Fang Yi did not resist.

He couldn't ask for it, so how could he resist.

"That's it?"

In the main hall, Mu Chengfeng and Mu Chengyin were all stunned.

At this moment, Mu Chengfeng even doubted whether Fang Yi was really as domineering as Mu Chengyin said, otherwise, why he was so easily involved.

Mu Chengyin also didn't know why, but he had seen Fang Yi's domineering in Kuhai and his party before.

For some reason, at this moment, he faintly felt a bad premonition.

However, the Cyanwood Pagoda is no joke, none of the warriors who have been trapped in it for countless years has been able to escape, and it finally made him a little more stable.

"Great Elder, is this the Qing Emperor's successor you said can overwhelm Ghost Axe?"

There was an obvious questioning in Mu Chengfeng's words.

It's no wonder he is like this, he thought it must be the Qingmu Pagoda, but now it seems...

The price of opening the Cyanwood Pagoda is in vain.

"The suzerain should not be careless, this kid is quite weird, let's go in and have a look first."

Mu Chengyin also had a gloomy expression at this time.

He was so gloomy that it was not just the other party's questioning, but his own wishful thinking.

He originally thought that it would be extremely difficult to get Fang Yi involved in the Cyanwood Pagoda, and a big battle would be inevitable. At that time, as the master controller of the Cyanwood Pagoda, Mu Chengfeng would suffer heavy losses.

And he can take the opportunity to make a move, and at that time... not only everything that the Qing Emperor's descendants belong to him.

The Qingmu Pagoda and everything about Mu Chengfeng will also belong to him.

The result can be...

"Hmph! Then go in and have a look. This sect wants to see if this kid is really as powerful as you said."

As he said that, Mu Chengfeng reached out with his giant palm, and the huge green wood pagoda disappeared out of thin air.

Everything in the world seemed to return to normal.

Only the three figures in the void looked at all this in astonishment, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Hmph! Do you still want to fight? You idiot!"

The old man in gray robe looked at Mu Xiong and couldn't help but sarcastically.

"Do you really think he is so good? In front of the suzerain, he is still nothing but an ant, and he doesn't even have the ability to resist."

While talking, the two ignored Mu Xiong and fell straight to the ground.

As for Mu Xiong, his expression was still a little dull, and he was a little unbelievable, maybe he couldn't believe it, that the strong man who practiced the real Qingdi Muhuang Fist was suppressed by the Qingmu Tower so easily.

"No! The Qingmu Pagoda was left by Emperor Qing, how could it be..."

He muttered in his mouth, his eyes were brightened, and then he shot straight at the hall


yes!The Qingmu Pagoda was left by Emperor Qing.

As for Fang Yi, as the successor of Emperor Qing, Mu Chengyin fantasized about using the Qingmu Pagoda to deal with Fang Yi.

I don't know whether to say he is stupid or blinded by greed.

Inside the Azure Wood Pagoda, there is an empty blue space.

Fang Yi walked in it, looking at everything around him curiously, sensing the faint aura of destruction around him, slowly eroding everything in this space.

If it were other warriors, they would be in such a bad situation.

I'm afraid it won't last long, and it will become weaker and weaker, until finally, it will fall completely.

But it's a pity that this has become nourishment for Fang Yi.

Leaving aside the destructive aura of the underworld dragon, Dacheng's Qingdimuhuangquan alone is enough for him to stand in it without being affected in the slightest.

"This should be the first floor!"

Fang Yi secretly guessed.

Boom! !

At this time, in the cyan space, there was a sudden sound of thunder.

The billowing cyan energy came together and turned into two huge faces, covering almost the entire sky.

Gives a great sense of oppression.

If this were an ordinary person, I'm afraid they would be scared to death.

As for Fang Yi, naturally he wouldn't have much reaction.

"Boy! Trapped in the Green Wood Pagoda, you are already unable to escape, hand over the inheritance of the Qing Emperor, and the Wooden Temple, this sect will spare your life, otherwise..."

Needless to say, those two faces were exactly Mu Chengfeng and Mu Chengyin.

The Cyan Wood Pagoda undoubtedly gave the two of them great confidence, so much so that they no longer bothered to hide their greedy eyes.

His expression also became a little hideous.


Fang Yi smiled in surprise, he would naturally not be surprised by this result.

Because everything was in his expectation.

Even Fairy Leng Yue could see that Mu Chengyin was restless and kind, so how could he not see it, and it was precisely because of this that he agreed to Gu Changqing's proposal.

Originally, he wasn't sure what the attitude of the Mushen Sect's suzerain was, which made him hesitate.

But now, he can finally stop hesitating.

(End of this chapter)

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