Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2321: The Golden Ape

Chapter 2321: The Golden Ape

In the cyan space, Fang Yi strolled in it, inspecting everything around him.

It's unusually quiet here.

Apart from the vast blue void, there is nothing else.


Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly said, according to the virtue of the master of the Wood God Sect, I'm afraid there should be quite a few people trapped in it, why is there no trace?

Could it be that those martial artists who were trapped in it were all solved by the other party?

It seems that this is the only possibility.

Fang Yi secretly guessed.

At this moment, he naturally doesn't know that it will take such a big setback to open the Qingmu Pagoda.

In fact, since Mu Chengfeng became the suzerain of the Wood God Sect, the Qingmu Pagoda has not been opened twice in total.

Immediately, Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to these things, and continued to patrol, looking for the entrance to the second floor.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time and how far he walked, a cyan halo appeared in Fang Yi's perception in front of him.

The aperture is elliptical, like a small portal.

"This should be it!"

Fang Yi secretly estimated, without too much hesitation, stepped into the aperture with one step.

In the eyes, there is still a piece of blue nothingness.

Just like the previous space, if it wasn't for the faint aura of destruction that was more intense, Fang Yi really doubted whether he was still on the first floor.

Moreover, in addition to that destructive aura, there is actually a strong aura.

This is……


Suddenly, just as Fang Yi was wondering, a golden lightning flashed across the blue space.

The lightning was so fast that it fell straight into the sky.

He slashed down towards Fang Yi, as if he wanted to split Fang Yi in two.

"Huh?" Fang Yi didn't panic, his eyes turned into a three-color thunder, and he went straight to meet him.


Immediately, the two thunderbolts collided, and the sky and the earth seemed to be torn apart, followed by a loud noise.

The golden lightning and the three-color thunder flew out at the same time, turning into two figures respectively.

One of them was Fang Yi, of course, while the other was a man in a golden robe, with an aura like an abyss, extremely tyrannical, like an ancient beast.

There was even a faint golden light in the bright eyes, which made people dare not look directly at him.

With a fierce look on his face, his cultivation suddenly reached the state of transforming gods.

"Who are you?"

Fang Yi's eyes darkened, and he questioned.

really!There are indeed other people in this Qingmu Pagoda, and they should be the strong people who were trapped by the Wood God Sect.

However, the man in the golden robe didn't seem to hear it. Instead, he looked at Fang Yi in disbelief, "It's just a seven-fold body, and it's a good skill to be able to take a blow from me!"


As he said that, his figure suddenly sped up again, more majestic than before, like a golden aurora, attacking and killing Fang Yi.

The shot was so decisive and so fierce that Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

So strong!

Fang Yi thought to himself, with such strength, he is no worse than Qing Jiao King, even worse than him.

However, the Qing Jiao King has reached the peak of the first level of the God Transformation Realm.

And the other party, who seems to have just stepped into the God Transformation Realm, has such strength, how can Fang Yi not be surprised.

Fortunately, he is not an easy person, otherwise, he would never be spared from this blow.

"Good come!"

Immediately, he couldn't help shouting loudly, the breath burst out from his body, and the Qingdimuhuang fist was pushed out, and a force of life and death swept away instantly.

The huge space collapsed inch by inch and was bridged inch by inch.

It looked very strange.

The pupils of the man in the golden robe also changed greatly, and a touch of inconceivableness emerged, "Qingdimuhuangquan?"

In the end, even more blurted out.

It's just that the voice was full of uncertainty, and it seemed that he was not very sure whether this was the Qingdimuhuangquan.

But his hands did not relax at all, and his whole body became even more golden, like a golden Buddha, and his huge fists also became golden, like the scorching sun in the sky.

With the momentum of horizontal pressure on the world, it fell straight down.

Boom boom boom! !

Loud noises continued, and the entire world exploded completely, as if countless bombs had been dropped.

The two huge fists met instantly.

The world collapsed.

With this blow, they were suddenly evenly divided again.

"Huh?" The pupils of the man in the golden robe couldn't help shrinking, and there was a strong sense of disbelief inside, as if he never dreamed that a seven-layered body could be on par with him.

This made him who had always been proud, no matter how he dared to believe it, his fighting spirit became more and more vigorous.

Like him, Fang Yi's body is also ready to move at the moment.

The man in the golden robe gave him the feeling that he had already surpassed the Qing Jiao King, more tyrannical and more ferocious.

And the physical body is extremely powerful, so that he can't help but give birth to a trace of fighting spirit.

"I didn't expect that the Wood God Sect still has such a monster like you, that's good! I will destroy you today, so that you won't harm other people in the future, and you will die!"

The man in the golden robe shouted loudly, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, and with a wave of his hand, a golden stick swept towards him.

Boom! !

The void was instantly crushed, cracking apart inch by inch.

The huge golden stick collapsed like a sky pillar, pressing down horizontally.

There is a dragon on it, which is so powerful that even Fang Yi can't help but change his expression.

However, when he saw this Coiling Dragon Stick, he vaguely remembered something, and the corners of his mouth could not help but evoke a strange look.

But the hand didn't stop either, and the bright three-color sword shadow shot out instantly, like a sword to open the sky from the abyss of hell, facing the dragon stick.

boom! !


The huge Coiling Dragon Stick and the resplendent three-color sword shadow are as shocking as stone.

The whole space trembled, as if the sky had been turned upside down,

Fortunately, it is within the Cyanwood Pagoda. If it is outside, the entire planet Jupiter may not be spared.

"how come?"

The golden-robed man's pupils protruded, as if they were about to explode, because his stick, under the shadow of the three-color sword, did not get any benefit, but was faintly suppressed.

How dare he believe it.

Involuntarily, his aura surged again, and his body shape also changed rapidly, expanding rapidly.

The golden hair also extended out.

In an instant, it had turned into a huge golden ape.

It turned out that the man in the golden robe was suddenly a monster, and it was his real body at this moment.

After taking shape, his tyrannical aura became more majestic, and the surrounding space was disrupted like a storm, sweeping in.

The world was wiped out inch by inch.


Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but move his eyes, but it seemed that there was not much surprise.

Because when he saw the Coiling Dragon Stick, he already recognized the person.

However, he didn't call out the other party, but looked at the other party's appearance at the moment, and the blood in his body boiled for it.

The next moment, a dragon chant came from within his body, and his majestic body swelled rapidly, and pieces of golden scales also appeared, densely covering his whole body.

In an instant, he had turned into a golden armored God of War.

(End of this chapter)

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