Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2322 Yuan Qitian

Chapter 2322 Yuan Qitian

groan! !

Dots of dragon shadows entangled his body, at this moment, Fang Yi seemed to have turned into a real dragon emperor.

It corresponds to the golden ape from a distance.

The world seemed to have completely turned into a golden ocean.

"Huh? Good trick! Kid, even if you are a disciple of the Wood God Sect, I have to give you a compliment, but you have to try it to know."

"I hope you will never disappoint me."

The sound of the golden ape was like thunder, and it rolled away, causing the surrounding space to rumble.

When the words fell, his huge body had already come.

With a monstrous tyrannical spirit, he was extremely horrified.

This is Fang Yi, if it were any other warrior, let alone the Seventh Level of Fusion, even if he was in the Transformation God Realm, he would probably be scared out of his wits.

As for the Composite Realm, I am afraid that it is already good to be able to stand firm.

But Fang Yi, on the contrary, had a strong fighting spirit in his eyes, and his aura was no worse than that of the golden ape.

They also shouted in their mouths, "That's right! Each other!"


As he said that, he had already stepped forward, and the sky and the earth trembled, as if a huge mountain was pressing down, unstoppable.

Loud noises came one after another, and the void collapsed.

Every time he took a step, he left a huge footprint behind him, like huge black holes, extremely terrifying.

Rao is the golden ape, his pupils are full of astonishment, and there is still a hint of disbelief, as if he wants to compete with Fang Yi, and he also steps forward step by step.

Suddenly, Wanli Void almost collapsed piece by piece.

In an instant, it turned into nothingness.

The two majestic figures also clashed in an instant, like two giants of heaven and earth, their gestures and gestures were filled with the aura of destroying heaven and earth.

At this moment, the world is like the end of the world.

Fortunately, this is in the Cyanwood Pagoda, otherwise, the entire planet Jupiter will collapse.

Countless creatures on Jupiter will also be destroyed once.

Boom boom boom! !

The sky and the earth continued to explode, and the two majestic figures became faster and faster, until finally, it was almost impossible to see clearly, only two groups of bright golden lights were entangled with each other.

Even in the end, they completely merged into one place, like a round of scorching sun, reflecting the sky and the earth.

Such an astonishing battle is extremely rare.

The entire space was shaking violently.

In the depths of the space, auras like abysses rose up, watching everything here.

"Boy! Sure enough, you did not disappoint me. The seventh level of combined body is so tyrannical, I am afraid that there is no second one in the entire Tianshan Mountains."

"But, it's a pity, you are a seventh-fold body after all, don't blame me for bullying the small with the big."

The golden ape spit out human words, it seemed extremely cruel, but it was also very magnanimous.

At the same time as he spoke, a magical power spread from his whole body, obviously wanting to use the spiritual world.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help frowning.

He didn't want to fight to the death with the other party, and it would be fine to exchange ideas, not to mention that he had already seen through the other party's identity, even if he hadn't, there was no need for that.

Everyone has no grievances or enmities.

Moreover, this battle is almost over, and it is time to end.

"No need! Let's end here! Yuan Qitian."

Immediately, he opened his mouth lightly and called his name directly.

That's right!

This golden ape is the former Demon King of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, Yuan Qitian. Mu Chengyin said that he was in the Wood God Sect, but he didn't think that he was trapped in the Qingmu Pagoda.

"Hmph! Boy, you really came here on time. I want you to die on the spot today."

However, Yuan Qitian turned a deaf ear, as if he believed that Fang Yi was a disciple of Mu Shenzong.

Fang Yi was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood.

He did not forget to say: "Yuan Daoyou, you have misunderstood, I am not a disciple of the Wood God Sect, and I was also imprisoned by them..."

"Boy! I didn't expect you to dare to do what you didn't dare to be. You are not a disciple of the Wood God Sect, so how can you know the Qingdi Wood Emperor Fist."

Yuan Qitian was so angry that he had obviously confirmed it.

The shots have also become more domineering.

This is Fang Yi, and it would have been unbearable for anyone else.

Fang Yi was also speechless for a while. He had long heard that Yuan Qitian was brutal, but he didn't expect...

Immediately, he had no choice but to explain his background while dealing with it, until he said the old man who looked at the tree, Yuan Qitian couldn't help being startled, and stopped in mid-air.

"Boy! Are you really from the outside world? You even know the old man watching the tree?"

Yuan Qitian was stunned.

Others may be fake, but how could the people of Mu Shenzong know about Old Man Wangshu.

People here can't get out at all, so...

"Now you believe it?" Fang Yi smiled lightly, and at the same time, the scales all over his body retreated like a tide, and his figure shrank sharply, and he returned to his original appearance in a moment.

Seeing this, Yuan Qitian also transformed into the appearance of the man in the golden robe before.

"No! Kid, are you fooling me? When I was in the outside world, I never heard of someone like you."

Seemingly aware of something wrong, Yuan Qitian's expression became vigilant again.

Stare at Fang Yi closely.

In fact, he is not to blame for this. If there is such a number one person as Fang Yi in the Divine Mirror Space, it must have been spread by now, so how can he not know.

But how could he have thought that Fang Yi did not come from the space of the mirror, but from the spirit world.

Fang Yi knew that if he didn't make it clear, the other party might find it hard to believe him, and he still wanted to learn something about this space from the other party, so...

Immediately, he briefly explained his background.

Besides, there was nothing to hide about it.

Yuan Qitian suddenly realized when he heard the words, and at the same time he became very interested in the spiritual world.

"Hey! Brother Fang, I didn't expect you to have such a relationship with me in the Ten Thousand Demon Realm. I'm being reckless, brother."

"That's right! What does the spirit world look like?"

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Yuan Qitian was quite forthright and enthusiastic. He even changed his address. Fang Yi was a little speechless with his big brother demeanor.

However, he didn't care, on the contrary, getting along like this is simpler and purer.

"It's a long story to tell what the spirit world looks like. Brother Yuan, if you have a chance in the future, you might as well go and see for yourself."

"What kind of place is it inside this Green Wood Pagoda?"

Fang Yi casually said something perfunctory, and asked instead.

What he is more concerned about is undoubtedly this space. Although he has learned some matters about this space from Qingdi's inheritance, he is not very clear about the specifics.

And the other party seems to have been imprisoned for a period of time, so...

"Grandma's! I don't know what the hell is going on in this ghostly place. I can't break it and I can't get out..."

When mentioning the Cyanwood Pagoda, Yuan Qitian lost his temper and seemed extremely angry.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help asking, "By the way! Brother Yuan, how did you get locked up here?"

It's okay not to ask this question, but when asked, Yuan Qitian became even more angry.

"It's not the two bastards Mu Chengfeng and Mu Chengyin, they are absolutely hateful. They learned that Emperor Qing had been to the Ten Thousand Monsters Realm, so..."

Immediately, Yuan Qitian recounted his experience of coming to Tianshan and being trapped.

(End of this chapter)

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