Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2327 The Old Man's Story

Chapter 2327 The Old Man's Story

However, no matter how majestic the energy is, it is still vulnerable to a single blow in front of the green robe figure.

I saw the green-robed figure slowly extending a palm.

This punch seemed ordinary, but it seemed to shake the general trend of the world. Driven by this palm, the whole world was crushed towards Fang Yi.

The two huge coercions squeezed together, causing the surrounding void to explode inch by inch.

It was as if countless bombs had been dropped.

In comparison, Fang Yi's blow was obviously much worse.

Even if the power of terror and destruction contained in it, under the huge coercion of the green-robed man, it will hardly have much effect.

Like a red-hot soldering iron falling into the water.

No matter how hot and tyrannical it is, it is still too weak to shake the opponent.

Finally, inch by inch annihilated.

And Fang Yi's figure also flew upside down for it, like a boring shell.

Fortunately, there was nothing serious when it arrived, but his face was pale, and it seemed that it was not a small effort.

"Did you catch it?"

The old man on the side looked at this scene, and a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Apparently, with Fang Yi's [-]th level of fitness, being able to receive this palm was far beyond his expectations.

You must know that when a warrior reaches this level, every step he takes makes a world of difference.

Fast hundreds of years, slow thousands of years ago, or even ten thousand years.

The gap in the middle cannot be calculated at all.

Not to mention Fang Yi, who has crossed two levels.

If it were an ordinary person, most likely they would be defeated by the green-robed man at the flick of a finger, but Fang Yi...

Right now, Fang Yi is only at the peak of the seventh level of fusion. If in a few hundred years, he breaks through to the state of transforming gods, then...

Involuntarily, the old man's eyes shone with hope.

On the other side, Fang Yi's eyes widened, and he attacked again.

Although the previous blow had already let him know that this battle would undoubtedly be defeated, but in order to find out the opponent's strength, he resolutely went forward.

After all, this is just an assessment, not a life-and-death struggle.

He can escape at any time.

and so……

Boom boom boom! ! !

There was a loud bang, and the whole world exploded, and the two figures staggered back and forth, extremely fast.

It seems to be quite evenly matched.

But in fact, Fang Yi relied more on the water escape technique to avoid it, and he had little power to fight back.

It can be described as extremely embarrassing.

And even so, his whole body was already covered with scars, and there was blood in his mouth. This was still his powerful physical body. If it were someone else, he would have died on the spot.

The old man on the side was almost in a state of sluggishness at the moment.

It was as if all perceptions had been completely overturned.

No wonder, who would have imagined that a martial artist with the seventh level of fusion would be able to fight to such a degree with a strong man in the earth soul state.

If this spreads, it will definitely be shocked as a heavenly man!

At this moment, the ancestor even had some doubts, whether something happened to Tianshan during the time he was trapped.

Otherwise, why is there such a monster?

The war is still going on, but Fang Yi has become more and more out of support, and the speed is getting slower and slower.

Finally, with a loud noise, Fang Yi's figure flew upside down from the space.

The blood in the mouth can't help gushing out.

His face was as white as paper.

Obviously, he suffered a lot, and the old man on the side looked in fear.

On the contrary, he himself didn't realize it.

Because of the re-condensed physical body of the three major temples, no matter how badly he was injured, he would recover at an extremely fast speed, not to mention he still has the Longevity Scripture.

A little injury is nothing to him.

What gave him a headache was that the strength of the green-robed man was too strong, far beyond his limit.

With his strength, I'm afraid...

"Boy, what is your background? You have only seven layers of body, but..."

The old man finally couldn't help but speak again.

There was a strange light in his eyes.

Fang Yi also didn't understand, and the eyes looking at the blue space couldn't help becoming a little depressed.

I thought that with the inheritance of the Qing Emperor, I could easily control the Qingmu Pagoda, but I didn't want to...

"Little friend seems to be in a hurry?"

Seeing this, the old man had a faint smile on his old face.

Then he said: "It is already a miracle to be able to reach this point with my little friend's cultivation base, so there is no rush."

"Also, little friend is not far away from the God Transformation Realm. I believe it will take a few hundred years at most to break through, and then..."

As the old man said, there was a gleam of longing in his dim eyes.

yearning for the outside world.

But Fang Yi couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

Hundreds of years?

It would be better to die now, hundreds of years later, Kyushu will be destroyed long ago, and Ji Wuxian doesn't know what to do.

Of course, he also has absolute self-confidence in his heart, even if he has no choice but to take the green-robed man right now, it will definitely not take that long for him to break through to the God Transformation Realm.

Decades at most are enough.

However, for decades, he also couldn't afford to delay.

"Perhaps, the old man can shorten this time a bit."

At this time, the old man continued, obviously there was something in his words.

Fang Yi couldn't help but move his eyes when he heard the words, and finally looked at the old man, and asked, "Senior, do you really have a solution?"

However, seeing the dying appearance of the old man, Fang Yi couldn't help frowning. If he said that the old man used to be a generation of strong men, Fang Yi would not have the slightest doubt.

But at this moment, what else can I do if I hang on to it in one breath?

"Little friend, don't you believe me?"

The old man clearly saw what Fang Yi was thinking, and smiled faintly.

Then he said: "Would you like to hear the old man's story?"

Although the old man asked, he didn't wait for Fang Yi's reply, so he spoke on his own.

Fang Yi was actually a little curious, but he was eager to try the difficulty of this level of assessment before, so he didn't ask too much.

At this moment, he adjusted his breath while listening to the old man tell his own story.

According to what the old man said, he and Zhenzu Guimu of the Wood God Sect were originally good friends, and both of them had reached the peak of the Earth Soul Realm.

Once, they went to a certain ancient forbidden place, where the old man discovered something and successfully broke through to the Heavenly Soul Realm.

On the contrary, True Ancestor Oniki not only got nothing, but almost lost his life.

Fortunately, he was rescued by the old man at the last moment.

After that, the old man directly sent the Ghost Wood True Ancestor to the Wood God Sect, and at the same time informed him about some forbidden places.

Unexpectedly, True Ancestor Oniki became greedy, and when the old man was unprepared, he was involved in the Qingmu Pagoda, and this scroll was 5000 years old.

"At first, the ghost wood thief would appear from time to time, but afterward, he seemed to disappear."

"Now I heard from my little friend that he has been missing for 5000 years. He probably went to that ancient forbidden land after that, and he probably died there."


Maybe it was because it was expected that True Ancestor Oniki was dead, the old man was not as angry as before.

Instead, it has an indescribable taste.

"That's it? Why did he imprison you?"

(End of this chapter)

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