Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2328 Sword?

Chapter 2328 Sword?

Fang Yi couldn't help being a little puzzled by what the old man said, so he asked casually.

However, the old man did not answer in a hurry, but looked at Fang Yi, then smiled, and continued: "It is rumored that the Qingmu Pagoda has a total of seven floors, and it was left by Qingdi, the most powerful person in the ancient Wood God Sect."

"Those who enter the tower, unless they can break into the seventh floor, will be imprisoned here forever."

"In view of this, the old man broke all the way to the fifth floor."

"In the end..."

As the old man said, he couldn't help looking at the blue space, his dim eyes were full of unwillingness and despair.


One step away, but a world apart, and 5000 years of imprisonment.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would go crazy.

Fang Yi's eyes could not help flashing a flash of astonishment, but there was still a deep shock.

Yuan Qitian's lesson can be learned from the past, which means that without absolute strength, it is impossible to defeat the green-robed man, and the old man in front of him has broken all the way to the fifth floor. This strength is simply...

Could this be the power of a strong person in the Heavenly Soul Realm?

It's a pity that it still fell here in the end.

There was a brief silence all around.

The old man didn't speak, as if he was recalling the experiences of these years, and the challenges he faced again and again, and finally fell into this place.

Fang Yi also didn't speak, any consolation would be superfluous for the old man.

Just some pity.

"The story is probably like this. As for why the ghost wood thief imprisoned the old man here, this is what the old man will tell you next, and it is also the key to improving your cultivation as soon as possible."

The old man said again at this time, there seemed to be some hesitation between his brows.

Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten.

But he didn't rush to ask, because he knew that the other party didn't fully believe him.

Maybe it's because of the hatred for True Ancestor Ghost Wood, or maybe it's because he possesses Kurong Jue and Qingdimuhuangquan.

But if there is a choice, the other party may not tell everything.

Unfortunately, his life is already hanging by a thread, and Fang Yi is his only choice.

"Before that, I hope my little friend can promise me one thing." Finally, the old man seemed to have made up his mind.

"Let's talk and listen!"

If you are not curious at all, it is obviously impossible.

After all, to be able to turn the two powerful soul realms against each other, the old man must have an extremely astonishing secret.

Therefore, Fang Yi signaled the other party to continue.

"The old man still has a daughter. It has been 5000 years, and I don't know what happened..."

When it comes to his daughter, the old man's face is full of kindness and reluctance.

"The old man hopes that you can take a look after she goes out. If she is not doing well, I hope you can support her more. If she is doing well, then tell her the news of the old man's death."

"However, there is no need to mention the matter between the old man and the ghost wood thief, the old man does not want her to live in hatred."

"Just say that it fell in a certain secret place."

The old man sighed slightly, indescribably sad.

Fang Yi glanced at the old man with some sympathy, and immediately said, "Why don't you go and see for yourself?"

"If you can help me break through to the God Transformation Realm and pass the assessment before me, I will naturally be able to go out together."

Fang Yi has never been a stingy person, let alone a person who repays kindness with hatred.

The other party is kind to him, so he will naturally take the other party out together.

However, when the old man heard the words, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "I can't get out! Do you know why the old man is still alive under such circumstances?"

The old man obviously meant something.

The green wood pagoda is filled with endless destructive aura.

And the old man stayed here for 5000 years, and looking at his broken body, he must have challenged many people in green robes.

Still alive, it has to be said is a miracle.

Fang Yi had doubts for a long time, but now he couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and his spiritual thoughts also followed.

But this probe, he was suddenly taken aback.

"You...what's the matter with you? There is no vitality in your body, it has long been..., why?"

No wonder Fang Yi made such a fuss.

It turned out that the old man's body had no vitality at all, it was like a pile of rotten things piled up.

But miraculously, the fire of his soul was still not extinguished.

According to common sense, his spiritual world will collapse, slowly dissipate, and nothing will be left in the end.

But in fact, although his state is extremely weak, and the fire of his soul seems to be extinguished at any time, it still gives people a feeling of incomparable firmness.

It seems to be able to continue until the end of the world.

It's a wonderful feeling.

That's why Fang Yi was so shocked.

"Don't be surprised!"

Seeing this, the old man smiled faintly, "As you can see, the old man has already fallen a long time ago, and the guardian force in this Cyanwood Pagoda is too strong."

"Even if I broke into this place with my Heavenly Soul cultivation base, I'm already scarred."

"Finally, on this fifth floor..."

The old man sighed, the meaning of the words could not be more obvious.

"Then why are you?..."

Fang Yi didn't doubt this at all. With Yuan Qitian's ability, he couldn't even break into the second floor.

It can be said that the other party was able to break into these five floors, which is already shocking.

It's just the other party's state at the moment.

"That's why the ghost wood thief wants to detain the old man."

The old man naturally understood Fang Yi's confusion, and said lightly.

"As for the reason, let's talk about it from the ancient forbidden place."

The old man continued.

I don't know if it's because I haven't spoken for a long time, or it has always been like this. Most of what the old man said is irrelevant, just like an old man who goesssiping.

He recounted everything he saw and heard when he entered the ancient forbidden land.

Fang Yi seemed to be in the scene, and his expression changed from time to time.

Fascinated by the old man's narrative.

According to the old man, that ancient forbidden place is extremely strange, and time seems to have no concept there.

As an Earth Soul Realm, he was almost only abused in it.

If it wasn't for the appearance of another group of people, he would have almost died. In the end, by chance, he got something instead, and successfully broke through to the Heavenly Soul Realm.

And all this is because of a long sword.

"What sword?"

Hearing the experience of the old man, Fang Yi became more and more curious about the sword.

However, the old man did not answer in a hurry, but continued: "The sword is also like the forbidden area, as if it can freeze time, and at the moment of the old man's fall, it was integrated into the old man's soul."

"Let the old man maintain the current state."


Freezing time?this……

Fang Yi's pupils were wide open, his eyes full of disbelief.

It's no wonder he is like this, time is the most wonderful thing, since he has practiced, except that he owns a piece of time, and Fengshenmeng's weird dreamland.

He has hardly seen anything else that can change the flow of time.

Of course, even if such a thing exists, it will not be easily shown to others.

However, even he and Fengshenmeng can only achieve the effect of time acceleration in their respective spaces.

And the sword that the old man said is obviously different, how could he not be surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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