Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2329

Chapter 2329

Seeing Fang Yi's appearance like this, the old man smiled instead.

Because this undoubtedly proves that Fang Yi knows nothing about it, so it is even more impossible for him to be arranged by the old thief Guimu, so...

"Little friend, let the old man hand over this sword to you now!"

As the old man spoke, there seemed to be some reluctance in his eyes.

I don't think it's the desire for life, but more like the daughter he said in his mouth.

"give me?"

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help showing a strange expression on his face, and immediately said, "In that case, wouldn't you..."

The old man's state at this moment is completely maintained by the sword.

Once you lose that sword, you can imagine...

"It's okay! The old man has lived enough. For thousands of years, the old man has been comprehending this sword. He originally expected to use it to get out, but unfortunately, he found nothing."

"Since that's the case, there is no need to force it."

The old man was quite open-minded, as if he had already seen through life and death.

But then he added another sentence, saying: "However, the old man hopes that, except for this sword, you can give all the other items of the old man to my daughter."

"They are all worthless things. With your strength and potential, they are not worth mentioning to you."

"But for my daughter, maybe..."

Obviously, this is the real intention of the old man, to pity the hearts of parents all over the world.

As a strong man in the Earth Soul Realm, he even broke through to the Heaven Soul Realm at the last moment. How could the relics of such a strong man be something worthless.

Naturally, Fang Yi would not fail to understand.

However, he is not a greedy person, the other party gave him all the most precious things.

How could he covet other things.

And as the other party said, with his strength, there is no shortage of these things, so...

"Okay! Don't worry, senior."

Immediately, Fang Yi nodded, and said: "As long as your daughter is not a treacherous and evil person, I will protect her well."

Hearing this, the old man nodded in satisfaction, looking very relieved.

Immediately, the light around him shook.

Fang Yi was shocked by a vast gushing of soul power, like a vast ocean.

And from the vast ocean, a seemingly ordinary long sword slowly condensed. The long sword was like a wooden sword, as if it existed forever. With its appearance, everything around seemed to stop .

A faint breath also filled the air.

this breath?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, because this breath gave him a feeling of deja vu.

I seem to have seen it somewhere, but... I can't remember it for a while.

Moreover, there is a "five" character engraved on the sword body.

This is?

What does the word 'five' mean?Is it the name of this sword, or is there many such swords, and this is just one of them?

Fang Yi's eyes were full of doubts, and he was puzzled.

But at this time, the voice of the old man had already come, "Little friend, take the sword!"

"There is still the last sliver of soul power left by this old man, I will give it to you! I hope you can break through to the realm of transforming gods as soon as possible."

"Don't forget to promise the old man. This old man is Sikong Jianming, the former Great Elder of Akasaka Palace. The old man's daughter is named Sikong Yan."

After the old man finished his last sentence, the majestic soul power and the wooden sword came towards Fang Yi like a big wave.

So much so that Fang Yi was a little caught off guard, feeling as if his sea of ​​consciousness was about to explode.

Fortunately, he mobilized the spiritual seeds immediately.

One after another dragon chant came.

Countless dragon shadows roared and devoured the vast soul power.

Slowly, that bright spiritual seed expanded rapidly, like a black hole, greedily absorbing the vast soul power.

It didn't take long, it seemed to have reached the extreme, becoming extremely bright, such a scorching sun.

In fact, Fang Yi is not far from a breakthrough.

The energy of the physical body has already been accumulated enough, the only thing that is lacking is the power of the soul.

But at this moment, Sikong Jianming's majestic soul power poured in, one can imagine...

You must know that the other party was once a strong man in the Heavenly Soul Realm. Even if he fell, most of the power of the soul was lost, but for the other party Yi, it was still extremely vast.

and so……


Sensing the saturation of the spiritual seeds, Fang Yi couldn't help shouting angrily.

Immediately, the bright spiritual seed 'clicked', revealing a crack, and finally, it was like a whirlpool.

The endless soul power swarmed in, it was like an endless abyss, bottomless.

At the same time, Fang Yi's aura also rose sharply, as majestic as a prison.

Dragon shadows wrapped around his body, and the dragons chanted endlessly.

At this moment, the sky and the earth trembled, and the cyan space was crumbling, as if it could not bear the coercion brought by Fang Yi's breakthrough.

good!At this moment, Fang Yi finally broke through to the God Transformation Realm.

"Good! Good! Good!

Sikong Jianming obviously didn't expect it, and even after saying three good words, he couldn't help but feel relieved in his eyes.

But then, the fire of his soul was about to be extinguished.

Then...he will also disappear forever. When a warrior reaches the state of transforming into a god, his soul has already been condensed.

This is also the price for the promotion of warriors.

Unless he can achieve the perfection of the three souls, he can be reincarnated and reincarnated by himself, but he is undoubtedly far behind.

Just when he was a little bit reluctant.

Suddenly, he faintly heard the sound of water flowing, and the soul fire that was about to be extinguished seemed to be wrapped in a warm current.

After that, he seemed to see a rushing river, leading directly to the nether world.


Moan! !

The sound of dragon chant came from Fang Yi's body, shocking the mountains and rivers.

Between the three-color Tianying's eyebrows, that spiritual seed has turned into an endless black hole at this moment.

The black hole devoured the vast soul force wantonly, until everything in the world returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, Fang Yi opened his eyes suddenly.

The three-color divine light also burst out, piercing the world.

"Finally broke through!"

Fang Yi couldn't help being ecstatic in his heart, and a feeling of extreme power also emerged spontaneously.

Afterwards, he looked at Sikong Jianming who was gradually disappearing in front of him, and murmured: "I hope you can start again in the underworld."

After speaking, he closed his eyes again.

That clear stream is naturally Fang Yi's masterpiece. Fang Yi has never been a stingy person.

Since the other party gave him the sword and even had the remaining soul power, he would naturally not be stingy about keeping the other party's chances of survival.

As for what will happen after entering the underworld, that can only depend on the other party.

Fang Yi can't do anything either.

However, I believe that relying on the memory and experience of being a strong person in the Heavenly Soul Realm, it will not be too difficult to rise up.

Of course, Fang Yi had no intention of caring about these things. Right now, what he cares most about is the sword and the vortex between the three-color Tianying's eyebrows.

Because that is his spiritual world.

(End of this chapter)

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