Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2406 The Rules of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2406 The Rules of Heaven and Earth

And around, no monsters appeared anymore.


It gave people a feeling of heart palpitations, and Fang Yi's brows could not help but frown.


He secretly thought, and began to look around, since there are no monsters here, how should he pass the examination?

Also, where are those warriors who have entered the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage like him now?Is it approaching the top, and is Fengshenmeng among them?

If I am late, I am afraid that I will not get anything.

Boom! !

However, just when Fang Yi was wondering, there were sudden bursts of thunder all around.

The voice seemed to come from the outside world.

It seems that countless powerhouses have already rushed in. Could it be...the three great soul powerhouses of the soul clan can no longer stop the crowd?

That doesn't seem impossible either.

Although the three elders of the soul clan are unparalleled, but there is a god, if there are more strong ones, then... although the three elders of the soul clan cannot be defeated, it should not be difficult to break through.

It seems that I must hurry up.

Otherwise, when a strong man like Shen Canghai arrives, he will never have any chance.

Even once his identity is revealed, he will be in great danger, let alone find Fengshenmeng.


Suddenly, just as Fang Yi was contemplating, a fiery red light rushed over.

Like a flash of red lightning, it is extremely fast.

It directly tore apart the space and attacked Fang Yi.

"Get out!" Fang Yi mumbled, the surrounding area was already in his senses, and he couldn't help but slapped out a giant palm.

Immediately!A sky-shattering dragon chant sounded, and the terrifying power directly swallowed the red lightning.

Click! !

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, and the red lightning exploded suddenly, turning into a fiery red figure.

"You are not from the soul clan!"

"Bold! How dare you break into the Dao Step of Thousand Tribulations, and seek death!"

The fiery red figure was a man with a majestic aura, and he recognized Fang Yi at a glance, and the fierce light in his eyes couldn't help but flourish.

Fang Yi was slightly taken aback, obviously a little surprised.

This is the first time he has met other people since he broke into the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step.

Could it be that people who also broke into the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step can still meet in this space?This is what he did not expect.

I thought we would meet each other only when we climbed to the top, but I didn't expect...

Boom! !

At the same time as he spoke, the fiery red man slapped his palm again, with the intention of killing him.

This palm is no small matter, it has already surpassed the scope of the Fusion Realm. Undoubtedly, the other party's cultivation has reached the Transformation God Realm.

But it's a pity that it's only in the early stage of the human soul, which is comparable to Fang Yi.

But although their cultivation bases are comparable, their strength is...

Looking at that palm, Fang Yi's mouth twitched with disdain, and at the same time he took a step forward.

With a pinch of five fingers, a huge fist has already been blasted out.

The terrifying power of birth and death erupted in an instant. Immediately, as the fist wind passed by, the surrounding void was wiped out inch by inch, and the churning sea of ​​clouds and the dense jungle were no exception.

not good! !

The pupils of the fiery red figure shrank sharply, and his face was full of horror.

He is just an ordinary human soul fighter, and he may be a strong one in front of others.

But in front of Fang Yi, it was obviously not enough.

Especially with such a domineering punch, it almost made him fall into an abyss, and it was too late to avoid it. The majestic vitality in his body seemed to be sucked away by some powerful suction.

His body seemed to be shriveling inch by inch.

"you you……"

Immediately, his expression changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost, his figure retreated violently, wanting to escape.

But it's a pity, how could Fang Yi give him a chance, a dragon chant came, and a huge real dragon's claw fell from the sky.

directly buckled his head.

"No...don't kill me!!" The fiery red man's face was ashen, and his whole body couldn't help trembling.

It's no wonder that from meeting Fang Yi to being captured, it took only an instant.

So much so that he didn't even realize what was going on.

I have already fallen into the opponent's hands.

Judging from the opponent's cultivation base, he is not much different from him, but the strength is worlds apart.

"Not to kill you?"

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth curled into a hint of sarcasm, and he smiled playfully, showing a bit of evil, "Then it depends on your performance."

"Tell me! What's going on with the Thousand Tribulations Dao Stage? Or is that woman among them?"

Fang Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he asked directly.


The fiery red man hesitated for a moment, Fang Yi pinched his five fingers, followed by the sound of bones breaking.

A burst of howling like a pig can't help but sound.

Fang Yi didn't give the other party a chance to hesitate at all, because the more so, the more difficult it would be for him to get the real answer.

and so……

really!Under this heart-piercing pain, the fiery red man knew everything.

According to what he said, he didn't know whether Fengshenmeng was within the Dao Stage of Thousand Tribulations.

He doesn't belong to the Thousand Tribulation Star, but came from other planets of the Soul Race, and he doesn't know much about what happened to the Thousand Tribulation Star.

Because as soon as they came, they were arranged to enter the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage.

"You mean, those who entered with you are all geniuses gathered from all over the Soul Race?"

Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move.

Because according to what the other party said, not all those who entered the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage were extremely strong, but geniuses of all stages of the soul clan, with both strong and weak strengths.

"That's right!" The fiery red man didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly replied.

"Then what were you told when you entered?"

Fang Yi couldn't help being stunned, he thought that those who entered were all strong, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Could it be that the Soul Race wants to train these juniors?

wrong!I don't know how many steps I have broken through, why didn't I meet other people?

Immediately, Fang Yi asked quickly.

"This, this..., the space within the Thousand Tribulations Dao Step is extremely mysterious, with a total of 99 steps, and the first [-] steps can be entered by people below the God Transformation Realm, and they will not meet each other."

"After the 99th step, you can only step in if you are above the God Transformation Realm."

The fiery red man said truthfully.

When Fang Yi heard the words, he couldn't help but a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. It turned out to be like this, so it's no wonder.

But, is Fengshenmeng actually there?After working for a long time, it turned out...

There has been a lot of time since the matter of the Thousand Tribulation Star. Logically speaking, if Fengshen Mengzhen entered it, it should have come out.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it will be extremely difficult in the future, you can't break through, you can only stay.

At least Jun Jiuzhang's real body is also in it, and he should have stayed there for a long time. In this way, the only way to know the truth is to keep going.

"That's right! I ask you, what is the pattern of the heavens and the earth?"

Thinking of Shen Canghai's words before, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"This this……"

When asked, the fiery red man showed embarrassment, as if he didn't know much about it, but he still said, "It is said that the pattern of heaven and earth is formed by the rules of heaven and earth. Once it can be smelted, it can control the rules of heaven and earth."


(End of this chapter)

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