Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2407 Destroying the True Dragon

Chapter 2407 Destroying the True Dragon

What?Control the rules of heaven and earth?

Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten.

The way of heaven is running, and everything is in order, ranging from the stars and rivers of the universe, to the beings of the three realms, as small as a plant and a tree, in the dark, all are affected by the laws of heaven and earth, which is the root of everything.

The so-called no rules, no circle.

Of course, there are countless rules in the world, but no matter what they are, they are beyond the reach of ordinary warriors.

Even Fang Yi, when condensing the inner world, obtained the seed of the perfect world left by Shimo.

But, that's all.

He tried to outline the rules of his own inner world, but found nothing.

In the end, in desperation, he had to slowly integrate the four sword arrays into it.

Fortunately, the Four Great Sword Formation did not disappoint him, but his comprehension of the rules of heaven and earth has not made any progress.

Originally, he thought that he would be able to outline his inner world by himself when his cultivation level improved.

But now, having reached the state of transforming gods, he still hasn't made any progress in understanding the rules, as if he is still out of reach, which makes him a little depressed.

Actually don't blame him.

How can it be so simple to comprehend the rules of heaven and earth.

In the vast spiritual world, the realm of transforming gods has long since disappeared, and who would know the comprehension of the rules of heaven and earth.

It wasn't until he entered Tianshan that he vaguely understood that the rules of heaven and earth cannot be touched, even for those who are strong in the state of transforming gods.

But now, the man in front of him actually said that he could control the rules by merging the Dao pattern of heaven and earth. Fang Yi was not surprised, but his heart was ready to move.

"Really? What did the tunnel pattern look like that day?"

"After smelting, what's the point of controlling the rules?"

It's no wonder Fang Yi asked this question, because so far, he has not seen any strong man who controls the rules.

I can't help but be curious.

"This this……"

However, the fiery red man also showed embarrassment, obviously, he also knew something about it.

"I... I just heard that, how on earth..."

Seeing him trembling and stammering, Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed across his brows.

"What else do you know?"

Immediately, Fang Yi asked again.

Under the threat of death, the fiery red man knew everything. Maybe he knew he was going to die. At this moment, even a second of extra life would be worth it.

"That's all..." Fang Yi was slightly disappointed.

"Then do you know what level we are in now? How should we enter the next level?"

"And, where is the pattern of heaven and earth?"

Seeing Fang Yi's expression was cold, as if he was about to strike, the fiery red man turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said, "No! Don't kill me!"

"It's hard to tell the exact number of levels above [-]. To enter the next level, you must defeat the powerful beasts in this world."

"Those strange beasts are transformed by the power of the soul, and they have different shapes."

"As for the Dao pattern of heaven and earth, it is said that only the last nine ranks exist."

The fiery red man's face was ashen, and he looked at Fang Yi eagerly.

It's a pity, if he is not a member of the soul clan, Fang Yi would not mind saving his life if he cooperates so much, but now...

"I'm sorry! If you want to complain, blame you for being born in the soul clan."

"But this gentleman will give you a good time!"

After saying that, Fang Yi pinched his five fingers, and the fiery red man's body burst open without even a slight reaction.

The blood mist all over the sky stained the surrounding space.

Let the surrounding space collapse inch by inch, like broken glass, revealing a different world.

This is?

Fang Yi's eyes froze.

Could it be that killing the opponent is also part of the assessment?Let yourself go one step further?

Or, that fiery red man is simply an opponent transformed from this spiritual world, not an entity at all?

If so...

Fang Yi couldn't help but looked up at the surrounding space, a little dignified.

The spiritual world is ever-changing, nothing is impossible, especially with my own spiritual power, I can't see through this world at all for the time being.

Just kidding, who is the Holy King of Thousand Tribulations? With Fang Yi's current strength, it is obviously not as good as it is.

However, he was not discouraged.

Because at present, not only him, but even the powerful soul clansmen cannot see through this world. Otherwise, the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage has been around for a while, so how can they not be subdued until now.

With curiosity, Fang Yi inspected this world again.


As the fiery man said before, there are all kinds of strange creatures in this world.

Some are unheard of.

But without exception, each one is extremely powerful, has reached the state of transforming gods, and the power of the soul is extremely majestic, which makes Fang Yi a little frightened.

At the same time, it also surprised Fang Yi.

Because, killing these strange-shaped creatures will also have the same energy as before, pouring into their bodies.

But unlike before, what is poured in now is the power of the soul.

Not bad!

It is the power of the soul, which is extremely difficult to cultivate for the outside world.

Here, it can be obtained by beheading those beasts transformed by the power of the soul.

Fang Yi's excitement can be imagined.

However, it is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to kill. Rao Fang Yi, it seemed relatively easy at the beginning, but later on, it became more and more difficult, almost unbearable.

Obviously, as he goes up this level, the opponents he faces are getting stronger and stronger.

From the early stage of the human soul, to the middle stage, to the late stage, and the peak of the human soul.

In the end, Fang Yi was unable to suppress his opponent with his own soul power alone, and even suffered repeated injuries.

And this, according to his estimation, has only stepped out of about [-] steps at most.

In other words, there are more than 60 steps behind.

With his strength, let alone climbing to the top, even stepping into the last nine steps is almost impossible.

"Damn it! How difficult is this Thousand Tribulation Dao Step?"

Fang Yi couldn't help cursing inwardly, feeling a little depressed at the same time.

do not care!

As soon as he turned his heart, his majestic body transformed into a three-color dragon in an instant, and the terrifying meaning of destruction permeated the air, making the whole space tremble.

good!With Fang Yi's own soul power, although he has only stepped out of about thirty steps.

However, he did not use the Destruction Dragon.

The Snow Queen's words have always been in his ears. Although he has used them frequently during this period, they are all out of necessity.

Just like at this moment, if he stops here, then he will never be able to know whether Fengshenmeng is at the Thousand Calamity Dao Stage, let alone the Dao Rune of Heaven and Earth.

So...he didn't care too much.

groan! !

The Dragon of Destruction roared out, and the surrounding space was crumbling, as if it couldn't bear the meaning of destruction, it was extremely horrified.

And those alien beasts transformed by the power of the soul seem to have some kind of natural suppression.


In the end, it was directly swallowed by the three-color dragon, and there was almost no resistance.

good guy! !

Fang Yi was overjoyed, and the three-color dragon also roared, wandering in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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