Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2417 Earth Immortal

Chapter 2417 Earth Immortal

"Who said that?"

Elder Mo turned his head and asked back.


Fang Yi couldn't help being startled, the other party just now seemed to...

"The old man just said that the rules of space are the basis of all rules, but he didn't say that it is the best. You are afraid of losing money, so..."

Elder Mo cast a disdainful glance at Fang Yi, with a hint of contempt on his expression.

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth twitched, but he didn't refute, because he still wanted to get more relevant information from the other party, so he had to pretend to be humbly asking for advice.

"Then, does it mean that the rules of space are common?"

Immediately, he tentatively said.

"Yes! No!" Elder Mo replied somewhat ambiguously, which drove Fang Yi a little crazy.

Fortunately, he went on to say: "The rule of space is the basis of all rules. From this, it can also be seen that it is a very common rule."

"Because we ourselves are living in the period."

"As big as the Three Realms, as small as an ordinary storage ring, all of them contain the rules of space."

"However, common does not mean ordinary."

"Among the three thousand avenues, space is the most common, but it is also the most mysterious. The number of times the space dao pattern appears is also the most, but similarly, it is also the most difficult to achieve something."

That's it!

Fang Yi couldn't help but suddenly realized when he heard the words.

In fact, it is right to think about it, all existence relies on space, without space, there is nothing.

The most common are often the most extraordinary.

"Among the three thousand avenues, besides the avenue of space and the avenue of nothingness, what other avenues are there?"

Mo Lao's words undoubtedly opened a new door for Fang Yi, making him extremely eager, and he couldn't help asking.

However, Mo Lao seemed to have no intention of continuing to answer.

Said: "Boy! You will naturally know these things in the future, and what the old man knows is extremely limited."

"If you want to understand the rules, the ultimate destination can only be the fairyland."


As Mo Lao said, his eyes could not help but light up slightly, and when he stepped on his feet, he seemed to have stepped across the endless space and appeared directly in the depths of the space, juxtaposed with Shen Canghai and others.

what? ?

Seeing this, Fang Yi's eyes widened in disbelief.

That for him, no!Even for Shen Canghai and others, it took a lot of effort to step into the space, but in front of Mo Lao, it seemed to not exist at all.

He seemed to be independent of this space.

Not subject to any restrictions.

"You... who are you?" Shen Canghai's eyes were full of horror, his eyeballs seemed to be falling out, and he looked at Mo Lao in disbelief.

Let alone the rest.

One by one, as if they had seen a ghost, their eyes were full of horror.

"Who is the sacred fellow Taoist? This is the important place of my soul clan, and the thousand-kalpa road rank is the property of my soul clan..."

An old man of the soul clan also quickly reprimanded at this moment, but his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Mo Lao.

Just kidding, these powerhouses naturally don't know what the sudden appearance of Mo Lao means.

"Things of the soul clan?"

When Elder Mo heard this, his sharp eyes swept directly towards the old man of the soul clan.

boom! !

Immediately, as if struck by lightning, the old man of the soul clan flew upside down, with blood from his mouth splattering across the sky.

what! !

The crowd was dumbfounded, all of them stared wide-eyed, as if they had seen a ghost, because they didn't see Mo Lao make a move from the beginning to the end.

With just a glance, it turned out to be...

It should be noted that the old man of the soul clan is also a strong sky soul, and there is still a space barrier in this space, which cannot be broken through at all.

But the other party is completely unconstrained.

How can this not surprise them?

"You, you..." Seeing this, the complexions of the powerful members of the Soul Clan changed drastically.

"Senior's powerful means, but my soul clan is not a soft persimmon. If the patriarch is here..."

Another strong soul clan stepped forward, and at the same time carried out the patriarch of the soul clan.

Obviously, these people are aware of how powerful Mo Lao is, but if the soul race can stand on the Tianshan Mountains for endless years, how can there be no extremely strong ones?

The Patriarch of the Soul Clan, also known as the Celestial Lord of the Soul Clan, is the most peak figure in the entire Tianshan Mountain every time.

This term is no exception.

"Patriarch? Heh! Who is your patriarch?" Mo Lao seemed to be a little curious, and asked casually.

These words, on the contrary, made everyone startled.

Such a strong person must also be the most peak figure in the entire Tianshan Mountains. They don't know who the patriarch of the Soul Clan is, so they are not surprised.

"Lord Jiuyou!"

The strong soul clan said truthfully.

"Jun Jiuyou? After so many years, he still hasn't condensed his Taoist body?"

A look of surprise flashed across Old Mo's eyes, and there was even a hint of contempt.

"Go back and tell him that the old man wants the Thousand Calamity Dao Step and the Heaven and Earth Dao Wen. If he refuses to accept it, he can come to the old man." As he said, Boss Mo waved his hand.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the space collapsed, and the barriers of space seemed to be completely disintegrated by him.

And Shen Canghai and the group of people who were approaching seemed to be hit hard.

One by one, they flew upside down.

With one blow, just one blow, all the powerful people were thrown into the air, and it seemed that it was effortless.

At this moment, even though Fang Yi was already prepared, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded, his eyes seemed to be about to fall out, it was really the strength shown by Mo Lao, which was too strong.

Strong enough to make him look up.

They are also powerful souls, Shen Canghai and others are so vulnerable in the hands of Mo Lao.

Is this really a realm battle?

It's no wonder Fang Yi made such a fuss, he thought he already had a certain understanding of the strength of Tianhun's power.

Even, Fang Yi is confident that he is not a powerful opponent of Tianhun right now.

However, once he breaks through to the Earth Soul Realm, he will have enough confidence to fight.

But the scene in front of him undoubtedly completely subverted his cognition.

At this point, he finally understood why Chiyan True Ancestor and Jin Ling True Ancestor were so respectful to Mo Lao. It turned out that although they were both in the Heavenly Soul Realm, their strengths were vastly different.

If Fang Yi is like this, the crowd of onlookers can imagine.

In their minds, Shen Canghai and others are already the most peak existences in the entire Tianshan Mountains.

After all, those are all Heavenly Soul powerhouses, and one step further, there are existences in the Legendary Realm, Ascension to the Immortal Realm.

That is already a fairy.

But now, just such a group of people were sent flying by a seemingly ordinary old man with just a wave of his hand. One can imagine the astonished expressions on their faces.

"Legendary Realm? Is that the Legendary Realm in legends? The existence of Earth Immortals?"

The so-called earth immortals, as the name suggests, are immortals who have not yet ascended.

They have reached the legendary realm.

You can ascend at any time, but you haven't ascended yet, so you are called an earth immortal.

Of course, this is just a legend, and not many people have seen it, but Mo Lao's performance at the moment undoubtedly made everyone present think of this.


(End of this chapter)

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