Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2418 Mutation

Chapter 2418 Mutation

As for Shen Canghai and the others, they were also stunned, speechless in astonishment.

Mo Lao's dominance undoubtedly shocked everyone.

The huge crowd was completely silent at this moment, there was no sound at all, only Mo Lao's seemingly ordinary figure seemed to have become incomparably majestic, and everyone present could only look up to him.

Among them, Fang Yi was naturally included.

It made him feel a little eager to move. With such a strong person by his side, if he could own it for himself, then...

Of course, for such a strong person, it would be inappropriate for him to order.

Moreover, once the opponent obtains the Dao Rune of Heaven and Earth, it is still uncertain when they will be able to condense the Dao Body.

So, the order is nothing more than that.

Being able to build a good relationship is the most important thing.

At the same time, improve your strength as soon as possible, otherwise... no one knows what will happen in the future.


The powerful soul clan looked at Mo Lao, their faces were as white as paper, and they didn't dare to move forward at all, looking trembling.

Just kidding, anyone who encounters such a strong person will probably not be much better.

As for Mr. Mo, obviously he didn't want to pay attention to the crowd, he just glanced at them lightly, and he didn't bother to pay attention anymore, his eyes couldn't help looking at the messy space.

A longing gleam appeared on his face.

boom! !

Immediately, he took a step forward, and the world seemed to tremble.

A ripple that was hard to catch with the naked eye spread out around him centered on him.

Suddenly, the surrounding space barriers seemed to be collapsing inch by inch, together with the space like a mess, the countless thin lines seemed to be induced, and unexpectedly outlined a passage composed of countless thin lines.

It goes straight to the depths of the space, where Jun Jiuzhang and Fengshen Meng are.

This is? ?

The eyes of the crowd were all bright, especially Shen Canghai and others, they already knew something about the pattern of heaven and earth.

Not as ignorant as the crowd.

Mo Lao's performance all shows that the other party at least has an understanding of the rules of space, and this is definitely the most peak existence in the entire Tianshan Mountains.

Although they are both in the Heaven Soul Realm, those who have comprehended the Dao pattern and those who have not comprehended the Tao pattern.

It is completely different, not the same.

Because that is the existence that is really close to the legendary realm. Once the comprehension of the heaven and earth dao pattern reaches a certain level, it can condense the dao body.

At that time, when the seven souls gather and the three souls return to their positions, a true legend can be achieved.

This is also the ultimate goal of all warriors.

How could they not be surprised when they saw Mr. Mo displaying such supernatural powers?His eyes were full of desire.

Compared with them, those ordinary people still have more doubts.

Because it was too far away for them, so far away that they couldn't touch it, so naturally they didn't have any idea, but there was no doubt that Mo Lao was extraordinary.

In their minds, that is already the same existence as a fairy.

Boom! !

However, at this moment, the surrounding space trembled violently, as if it was about to collapse, and it was crumbling.

And that space, which was like a mess, was healed up again, and the passage disappeared. Not only that, there were countless thin lines rushing towards Mo Lao.

Old Mo's complexion also changed, a little ugly.

"what happened?"

The crowd obviously noticed the strangeness and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Fang Yi couldn't help bringing up the heart that had already been let go, because he had a vague premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment, Mo Lao's voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Boy, it's not good! This Thousand Tribulation Dao Step is rejecting the old man, and the old man can't help that girl at all, and he can't even go any further."


Hearing this, Fang Yi's expression changed, "Why? Could it be that the Thousand Tribulation Sage Monarch sensed that you were not a disciple of the Thousand Tribulation Sect?"

But this is not right either!Fengshenmeng is also not.

Even the Thousand Tribulation Sect was destroyed by the soul clan, and Jun Jiuzhang still stepped into it.

"No! It's the induction of the rules. I'm afraid the Holy Monarch of Thousand Tribulations doesn't want the strong to come and destroy it, so..."

This is already obvious.

That is, Elder Mo's strength is too strong, and the heirs that the Thousand Tribulations Sage Monarch is looking for are not those strong ones, so Elder Mo was excluded.

"The old man was still wondering why no Dao Rune expert from the Soul Clan showed up. The old guy Jun Jiuyou is still there, so he definitely won't miss this opportunity."

"Now it seems that they already knew."

Mo Lao's voice was a little depressed.

I thought that the heaven, earth, and dao patterns were easy to get, but it turns out...

"Then... what should we do then?" Fang Yi asked anxiously.

"No way, I can only rely on that girl herself. However, that girl's cultivation base is much worse than her opponent, I'm afraid..."

Old Mo hesitated to speak, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Fang Yi's expression darkened when he heard this.

And Shen Canghai and the others undoubtedly noticed something strange at this moment, each of them had deep eyes.

"He was suppressed by the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step, hurry up!"

A strong man of the soul clan seemed to have insight into something, and quickly shouted, and at the same time quickly shot towards the space.

Originally, there were space barriers between each level, and it was extremely difficult to cross them.

But, because of Mo Lao's appearance, those spatial barriers were shattered by him instead, and the crowd was no longer restrained, and when they saw someone galloping away, they followed closely behind.

After all, this is the path of a thousand calamities. If it is not a last resort, who is willing to give up.


Seeing this, Elder Mo couldn't help being furious.

Just kidding, with his strength, why did he put these people in his eyes, and now these people even want to rebel in front of him, how can he not be angry.

A giant palm also slapped it fiercely.

Suddenly, the sky trembled, as if the end was coming, and the sound was mighty.

The faces of the crowd all changed drastically in fright.

Even Shen Canghai and the others are no exception, just kidding, this is a blow from a Dao Rune powerhouse, and it contains the rules of heaven and earth.

There is a world of difference between the two, and they cannot be compared at all.

How dare they accept it.

However, a scene that no one expected appeared. In the space, an undetectable ripple rippled. In an instant, that palm seemed to lose its essence and become ordinary.

Ordinary, no longer that incomparable palm.

How could this be?

Elder Mo's expression couldn't help changing drastically, he looked at the palm he was looking at in disbelief, and looked at his own palm.

Obviously, the suppression of the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage was completely beyond his expectations.

Let him not exert any power of rules at all, and can only rely on his own energy. In this way, the gap between him and these people will undoubtedly be greatly shortened.

"He was really suppressed, let's go together!"

Seeing this, the crowd undoubtedly cheered up.

Originally, they had already given up any hope, but the sudden change at this moment undoubtedly made them see hope again.

As a result, it is conceivable that countless people flocked away.

No matter how strong or weak they are, they all seem to want a piece of the action. After all, there are not only the Thousand Tribulation Dao Steps here, but also countless other treasures.

Suddenly, the whole scene fell into chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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