Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2435

Chapter 2435

shhhhhh! !

Several piercing sounds came one after another, and the seven or eight undead disciples were killed on the spot before they had time to react.

Only the leader of the seven-folded body reacted slightly.

But it's a pity that what he faced were the three great Huashen powerhouses, and there was also an earth soul who was imprisoned for four weeks.

Even if he has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible for him to escape with wings.

It was too late even if he sent out a distress signal, and he was cut off by Liu Jing with a single sword, and his soul and soul were all wiped out.

"it is good!"

Liu Jing was overjoyed to deal with a group of undead disciples calmly, his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

Although these undead disciples are not to be feared, they are the first and most important step to successfully enter the abyss of undead.

As long as the undead powerhouses are not disturbed, then half of the success of this trip will be achieved.

The other half is whether you can find what you want.

"Not bad!"

Even the black-robed old man nodded in satisfaction at the moment.

However, he didn't relax. Ten fingers were sealed together, and mysterious runes shot out from his fingertips, sealing the world.

He didn't forget to say: "The seal can last up to three days. After three days, if there is no response here, the undead will definitely find out the abnormality here."

When the crowd heard this, the atmosphere suddenly became a little tense.

"Everyone, don't worry! Three days is enough, but please remember, don't act privately."

A group of people nodded one after another. The matter has come to this point, and no matter how afraid they are, it will not help the matter. What's more, the temptation of the spiritual seeds has already blinded their minds.

"Very good! Everyone keep up and move on!"

The black-robed old man took the lead, followed by Liu Jing, and everyone couldn't wait.

Only Fang Yi was at the back of the team.

Looking at those disorganized undead disciples, an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. With a light tap of his index finger, a majestic life force burst out from his fingertips and submerged into the body of a certain undead disciple. .

Then, he slowly moved away and disappeared from sight.

After that, the undead disciple's eyes trembled slightly, and his pale face gradually turned rosy.


"What's going on? My perception range is getting smaller and smaller? Can divine thoughts be blocked here?"

"Not bad! Me too!"

As they went deeper, everyone soon discovered that just after stepping into the abyss of immortality, their spiritual thoughts were hindered, as if there was an invisible black hole that swallowed their perception.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although he did not have a similar experience, it was different from this time.

Usually, when divine thoughts are blocked, it seems that there is an invisible wall blocking perception, and there is nothing wrong with spiritual thoughts themselves.

But this time, if he rashly probed with his divine sense, his divine sense would be swallowed by that invisible black hole.

Although it seems that the devouring power is not strong at present.

But you must know that this has just entered the abyss of immortality, and as it goes deeper, the power of devouring, I am afraid...

"Don't be nervous, everyone. The reason why the Abyss of Immortality is called the Abyss of Immortality is because it can swallow the spiritual thoughts of warriors, making them feel like falling into an abyss."

"However, as long as everyone doesn't deliberately confront and ignore it, there will be no serious problems!"

Liu Jing quickly explained.

When the crowd heard what he said, they tried several times in a hurry, and they breathed a sigh of relief when it really happened as he said.

Of course, some people have doubts.

"Yi Daoyou, what do you think of this trip?"

A group of people continued to move forward, but Qi Jiang, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, glanced at Fang Yi, and his voice rang out in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Fang Yi's eyes moved slightly, and he said slowly: "What do you think?"

"Brother Yi, didn't you see it? Liu Jing and Elder Na Ling obviously have plans."

Qi Jiang seemed a little depressed by Fang Yi's indifference, and his voice couldn't help raising his voice a little.


Fang Yi still said unhurriedly, "Otherwise? Why did they venture into this abyss of immortality? Don't you have a plan, fellow Daoist Qi?"


Qi Jiang choked obviously, and the corner of his mouth twitched, as if he didn't expect the person opposite him to be so difficult to get along with.

But after a pause, he still said: "It's not the same, the two of them obviously planned it long ago, and there must be something hidden from us."

“How come you see?”

Fang Yi asked.

In fact, Liu Jing and the old man in black were unusual, so how could he not see it.

It's just that he's not interested in caring.

Everyone here has their own purpose, let's not talk about others, just talk about him, the purpose of this trip is not a good thing for this group of people.

Instead, they took advantage of this group of people.

And Liu Jing and the black-robed old man are probably also using them.

Everyone laughs and laughs half a hundred times, there is no need to delve into it.

But Qi Jiang obviously didn't think so, so he continued: "The four of us were enough to deal with the undead before, so why did Liu Jing invite so many fighters from the Composite Realm?"

"These combined conditions are low in strength and can't be used at all. On the contrary, there are many people, which can easily attract the attention of the undead."

"Liu Jing brought them, definitely not out of kindness, he must use them, maybe let them die."

"As for you and me, if one doesn't check, I'm afraid..."

Qi Jiang seemed extremely careful, and his thoughts were quite meticulous. I have to say that what he said was very reasonable.

In fact, Fang Yi had already noticed this.

It's just that he didn't care about it.

Because the life and death of this group of people has nothing to do with him, and he really didn't pay attention to Liu Jing and the black-robed old man, so...

"Then what do you think it should be?"

However, he still asked a casual question.

"Of course it's an alliance. You and I are on the same boat now. If Liu Jing and that old guy really want to make a move, we will definitely not let either of you and me go."

"If he strikes head-on, Qi will not be afraid. Although Qi is invincible, he is confident and has the strength to protect himself. I believe the same is true of Yi Daoyou."

"But, I'm afraid that he will play tricks and divide you and me. At that time..."

Qi Jiangyu revealed worry, this is the abyss of immortality, and they are extremely unfamiliar with everything here.

On the contrary, Liu Jing and others are quite familiar with it.

If the other party really has evil intentions, it will be hard to guard against, but if the two are united and advance and retreat together, it will undoubtedly be a great guarantee.

When Fang Yi heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Qi Jiang slightly.

For him, naturally there is no guarantee or no guarantee, but...

"Yi is a little curious. Since Qi Daoyou knew that this trip is dangerous, why did you take the risk?"

Immediately, Fang Yi asked playfully.


Qi Jiang seemed a little hesitant, thinking that it would be easy to reach an agreement with Fang Yi and stand on the same front.

Because this is a kind of guarantee for both of them.

But Fang Yi's attitude was obviously beyond his expectations. He even suspected that if he didn't answer at this moment, the other party would definitely not say another word. By then...


(End of this chapter)

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