Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2436 Longevity Tomb

Chapter 2436 Longevity Tomb

"To tell you the truth, Fellow Daoist Yi, Qi's trip actually doesn't have any purpose, but he's just curious about the secrets of the undead race."

Qi Jiang watched his words and expressions, and watched Fang Yi's changes while talking.

Seeing that Fang Yi was obviously a little impatient, he said again: "If there is any purpose, it is the legend about that battle."


Fang Yi was surprised and motioned for the other party to continue talking.

Originally, he had no interest in this undead abyss, it was purely to divert everyone's goals, so as to relieve the pressure on the stone people.

However, hearing the legend about the meteorite belt made him more or less interested.

In particular, the possibility that the undead were related to the Undying Corpse King made him even more curious. After all, he was lucky enough to witness the undying Corpse King's dominance.

Being able to escape under the thunderclouds of heaven, his strength can be seen.

"Brother Yi, I know a lot about that battle, but according to the legend of the undead, the ancestor of the undead fell into a deep sleep during that battle, and his body was floating in this area. In nothingness."

"The reason why the undead have imprisoned this piece of nothingness is because of this."

"Because the treasure of the undead belongs to the ancestor of the undead."

Undead treasure?

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move. He had heard similar sayings from Liu Jing before.

It's just that he didn't ask at the beginning. Whether the two mentioned the same item is still unknown, but...

"What is that?" Immediately, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.


Qi Jiang paused, and then said word by word.

Longevity Tomb?

Fang Yi looked blank. Of course, he had never heard of this, but just hearing the name...

"As Daoist Yi thought, yes! The Longevity Tomb is a tomb. According to rumors, it looks like a palace. The outside of the tomb is surrounded by rivers of blood, like a moat."

"Therefore, among the undead, it is also called the Palace of Longevity."

Qi Jiang explained.

"Oh? Interesting!" Fang Yi was surprised.

"Not only that, it is rumored that this thing is extremely amazing, it is an extraordinary magic weapon, it may even be a legendary fairy weapon, and the secret of the undead is all because of this!"


Fang Yi couldn't help but a flash of disdain flashed in his heart, even the fairy world didn't exist, so where did the fairy artifact come from.

The so-called Immortal Realm is just a realm of rules, and the so-called Immortal Artifact is probably the name given to some powerful Magical Artifacts by those who do good things.

Among other things, the three great temples in his body alone may not be weaker than the so-called Longevity Tomb.

and many more! !

Suddenly, Fang Yi thought of a possibility.

The fairy world is a realm of rules, so is the so-called fairy weapon also a magic weapon that contains the power of rules?

If that is the case, it must be extremely amazing, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a fairy weapon.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi had a slight impulse towards the so-called fairy artifact.

It is a pity that Fang Yi has not noticed the power of rules since the three major temples. Could it be that the level of the three major temples is not enough?

Or is it that his cultivation is too low to fully control the three temples?

Or maybe, the three major temples were formed by the differentiation of the Good Fortune Shrine, and their power has been weakened?so……

"What do fellow Daoists think?"

Seeing that Fang Yi did not respond for a long time, Qi Jiang asked again.

Fang Yi smiled lightly, glanced at him, and immediately said: "Yi is a little curious, why does Fellow Daoist Qi know so much about the undead and stone people."

"Even the secrets of the Longevity Tomb are known."

There was a bit of playfulness in Fang Yi's tone.

When Qi Jiang heard the words, a strangeness flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then he pretended to be calm and said: "You Daoist Yi is joking, Qi has been living in this nearby star field for a long time, and he has some understanding of the two races."

"Besides, there are people who know better than Qi."

As Qi Jiang spoke, he looked at Liu Jing and the old man in black in front of him, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Fang Yi smiled knowingly, why didn't he understand.

Liu Jing and the old man in black robe obviously came on purpose.

Associating the strength of the two of them, this abyss of immortality, except for the so-called Longevity Tomb, there is probably nothing that could allow them to venture into it.

And they seem to have a clear goal, maybe they already know the whereabouts of the Longevity Tomb.

In that case...

"Good talk!"

Fang Yi nodded immediately.

"Yi Daoyou agreed?" Hearing this, Qi Jiang was overjoyed, his eyes full of excitement.

With Fang Yi's alliance, it is undoubtedly a huge guarantee for him, although the black-robed old man and Liu Jing are powerful.

However, once he and Fang Yi stood on the same front, they would not be afraid of them.

Enough to deal with any unexpected situation, how can he not like it?

"Naturally! This is also a good thing for Yi, but..." Fang Yi said with a smile, since the other party sincerely invited him, there is no point in rejecting him thousands of miles away.

"But what?"

Qi Jiang was a little nervous, and hurriedly asked, as if he was afraid that Fang Yi would change his mind.

"It's nothing! Now that you're here, what Yi wants is not just to guard against those two, but Yi has never seen a fairy weapon before, so he really wants to see it."

Fang Yi murmured, with a bright light in his eyes.

Qi Jiang's expression couldn't help shaking, his eyes revealed a strange light.


"What? There is a great glow in the abyss of immortality, and it seems that a peerless treasure has been unearthed?"

"The treasure is a huge palace? Suspected to be the Good Fortune Palace?"

At the same time, Fang Yi's back trick has begun to spread slowly.

Regardless of whether the crowd believed it or not, once the Good Fortune Shrine was involved, things were beyond Fang Yi's imagination, and the crowd was all eager to discuss this matter.

"Are you kidding me? How could the Good Fortune Shrine be in the Abyss of Immortality?"

"Why is it impossible? The Good Fortune Shrine is so wonderful that no one has ever known its whereabouts. Even if it really appeared in the undead abyss, what is impossible?"

"Hmph! If we were in the abyss of undead, the undead would have already taken the lead, then it would be our turn."

"That's not necessarily the case. Are there still few undead disciples who died in the undead abyss? Do you really think they can hold the sky with one hand in the undead abyss?"

All kinds of discussions are flooding the surrounding star field.

But, unfortunately, most people are skeptical.

Although some people are eager to move, but in view of the undead abyss and the great reputation of the undead, no one really dares to go there.

Of course, the main reason is that this legend is groundless.

There is no strong proof.

Everyone is not a fool, and will not risk their lives for a groundless rumor, but it is inevitable to pay extra attention.

And so, things took a turn for the better.

"The latest news, the undead have dispatched a large number of strong men, and they are rushing to the undead abyss."

This news immediately caused a great commotion. If it was usual, no one would care about it, but this time point is obviously different.

This made the unfounded rumors somewhat credible.

(End of this chapter)

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