Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2449 Blood Pool

Chapter 2449 Blood Pool

"Don't waste your efforts, these ghosts have no intelligence at all, don't get entangled with them, rush over!"

The old man in black robe couldn't bear it any longer, and said hastily.

No matter what the reason was, he finally got here, and he was eager to know whether it was the Longevity Tomb, so he spoke to remind him.

Moreover, he was wounded at this moment, so if he continued to be entangled like this, it would definitely be more dangerous than good.

and so……

How could Xue Ruhai not understand, it was just a little unwilling.

But at this moment, it was beyond his control.

He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Everyone listen to the order and rush over with all your strength!"

At the same time as the words fell, he had already taken the lead, and the long knife in his hand was like a long rainbow, cutting mountains and mountains all the way, unstoppable.

Although these Yin corpses are powerful, their cultivation is slightly insufficient. Moreover, there are many undead disciples, although they cannot compete with these Yin corpses, they can attract them.

Because for these Yin corpses, that is a great tonic.

There was a shrill howl, and the scene was extremely bloody and tragic.

Rather than saying that the undead race broke through the territory of these corpses, it is better to say that the undead race fed these corpses so that they had no time to take care of them.

Thus, some people successfully broke through.

It's just that more people have become the blood food of these corpses.


Inside the Heavenly Sword Formation, Qi Jiang and Liu Jing's faces were already pale, and cold sweat was breaking out on their foreheads.

Although Liu Jing had a similar plan before, seeing such a bloody and tragic scene, he couldn't help but feel chills down his spine.

Fang Yi also had some palpitations.

However, the behavior of these corpses chilled him even more.

Is this the real undead?so evil?so weird?

It seems that this undead is really not a good thing.

"Finally gone! I... what should we do now?" Seeing the disappearing group of undead and those corpses, Qi Jiang finally breathed a sigh of relief, his whole back was already soaked.

Liu Jing was a little better, but at the moment he lost his mind and looked at Fang Yi anxiously.

"How to do?"

Fang Yi glanced at the two of them lightly, and asked back, "Why? You retreated before you reached your destination?"

"Forget it! It's too late to turn around now."

As he said that, Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to the two of them and prepared to leave.

Strictly speaking, neither of them is a good person, but at least they are not as disadvantaged as Fang Yi for the time being, so Fang Yi has no intention of embarrassing them.

If the two really wanted to leave, he had no intention of stopping them, anyway, someone had already led the way.

But, already here, who can leave willingly?

"Wait! Fellow Daoist Yi, since you and I have said that we will advance and retreat together, how can Liu just leave here." Liu Jing spoke first, with a look of righteousness.

"That's right! The left and right are nothing but death, they've already arrived here, why don't you go in and have a look."

Qi Jiang also agreed.

Although he still looks a little terrified, his heart is full of longing.

Moreover, Liu Jing has already spoken, how could he back down.

"As you please!"

Fang Yi didn't change his face, and with a thought, the Heavenly Sleeping Sword Formation dissipated instantly, and then, as soon as he moved, he shot away like lightning.

Seeing this, the two dared not neglect, and hurriedly chased down.


In this way, a group of three fell behind the undead.

I don't know if it was because of the undead who opened the way, or for other reasons. In short, the three of them didn't encounter any other troubles along the way, and it went smoothly.

This made Qi Jiang, who had been on tenterhooks, finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"If we had known this earlier, we shouldn't have entered first, and let them open the way for us."

Qi Jiang said.

"It's true. This way the crisis is much smaller, but the possibility of obtaining the Longevity Tomb is also greatly reduced, almost impossible." Liu Jing shook his head.

"Yes!" Qi Jiang nodded helplessly.

The crisis is reduced, but there is no chance to get the Longevity Tomb, so what's the point?

The purpose of my group coming here is the Longevity Tomb!

"How far is it?"

Not in the mood to pay attention to the nonsense of the two, Fang Yi asked a question.

Unavoidable to be discovered by the undead, the three of them followed relatively far away, and it was difficult to find out what the situation ahead was, so Fang Yi asked this question.

"It should be soon!" Liu Jing looked a little uncertain. Last time he was only concerned with running for his life, and he was not very clear about the specific route, but...

"It must be right to follow them! It should be around here."

Immediately, he added another sentence.

Fang Yi glanced at him, didn't say anything more, and continued to move forward.

The group of three walked forward cautiously.

Not long after, there seemed to be no movement ahead, only some inaudible conversations.

"It should be here!" Liu Jing's eyes lit up, he looked around, and finally said with certainty: "Yes! This is it, there is a pool of blood not far in front, and those corpses will retreat as soon as they get near here, and the Longevity Tomb is probably there In the pool of blood."


Fang Yi's eyes lit up.

The same is true for Qi Jiang, but he is more worried, "Then how do we get closer? The undead are ahead."

He was asking, but Fang Yi shot away.

"Hey! Fellow Daoist Yi..."

Qi Jiang was speechless.

Liu Jing couldn't help curling his lips, and then said: "It's okay! Spiritual thoughts don't work here, as long as you are careful, they will definitely find it difficult."

Qi Jiang nodded, "I hope so!"

Immediately, the two quickly followed.

As Liu Jing knew, there was indeed a pool of blood not far ahead.

The blood pool wasn't too big, but it exuded a strong bloody smell, which was extremely pungent and disgusting.

The whole pool of blood was faintly shrouded in red light, just like those ghost corpses before, giving people a very evil feeling.

It's just, aren't those Yin corpses afraid of this place?how come……

Except for the blood pool, there is nothing special around. Xue Ruhai is looking at the blood pool at the moment, his eyes are shining, as if he has seen something incredible.

As for the undead disciples, a few showed similar expressions.

As for the others, they are still at a loss.

"Is this what you said, the suspected hiding place of the Longevity Tomb?" Withdrawing his gaze, Xue Ruhai looked at the black-robed old man and asked.

"Not bad!" The old man in black robe nodded.

"It's just a pool of blood, why did you hook up with the Longevity Tomb?" Xue Ruhai asked again.

This sentence was also what Fang Yi wanted to ask.

The Blood Pond and the Longevity Tomb have nothing to do with each other, so how could they be connected?

Involuntarily, Fang Yi looked at Liu Jing beside him.

Liu Jing understood, shook his head helplessly, and pointed to the old man in black robe, feelings, all because of what the old man in black robe said.

"Because the old man once saw the phantom of the Longevity Tomb in this blood pool."

"Moreover, I believe no one knows better than the undead what the Longevity Tomb looks like."

The old man in black obviously meant something.

"What's the meaning?……"

(End of this chapter)

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