Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2450 Undead Scripture and Holy River

Chapter 2450 Undead Scripture and Holy River

Xue Ruhai's eyes were deep and deep, staring at the black-robed old man closely, with a hint of questioning.

"What do you mean?"

The black-robed old man chuckled, and said, "I know the reason. According to legend, the Longevity Tomb is shaped like a palace, and the palace is surrounded by a river of blood."

"There are rumors among the stone people that the Tomb of Eternal Life was crushed by Empress Houtu, and the pool of blood in front of me..."

Speaking of this, the old man in black robe did not continue talking.

But the crowd seemed to understand something vaguely, and their eyes brightened.

Qi Jiang did the same, and couldn't help muttering: "Is this pool of blood the same as the river of blood surrounding the Longevity Tomb? After being defeated, it was scattered here?"

"Nine times out of ten!"

Liu Jing also nodded.

"You know quite a lot!" Xue Ruhai looked gloomy, looked at the black-robed old man coldly, and immediately said: "But, this alone is still not enough to prove anything."

Indeed, these two points alone are not enough to prove that the Longevity Tomb is among them.

However, this is undoubtedly a doubtful point.

Although Xue Ruhai disapproved on his lips, in fact, he was already ready to move in his heart.

Moreover, even if the Longevity Tomb is excluded, this pool of blood alone is enough.

"Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. Now, you go down and check to see if the Longevity Tomb is among them. I will give you a way out."

Xue Ruhai's eyes flickered, and he continued.

"grown ups……"

Among the undead clan, a few people seemed to have something to say, but Xue Ruhai didn't give them a chance.

He reached out and interrupted their words.

"'re simply deceiving people too much!" The black-robed old man couldn't rest in anger, trembling with anger, he was a majestic earth soul strongman, and now he was reduced to helping others to open the way, how could he be reconciled.

However, now that his life is in the hands of the other party, it is simply...

"Blood like a sea, don't forget your oath. You promised this old man that as long as this old man brings you here, everything will be canceled. Now you..."

The old man in black robe was anxious, if not for that, how could he be obedient.

Who would have thought that Xue Ruhai would turn back what he said.

"I didn't forget it, but you misremembered it. What I said is that as long as you take me to find Chang-sheng-zuka."

For the words Longevity Tomb, Xue Ruhai deliberately emphasized the tone.

"You..." The black-robed old man's teeth itched with anger, but, under such circumstances, he had no other choice.


Xue Ruhai didn't give him another chance, he shouted loudly, and slapped his giant palm away at the same time, the terrifying power directly rolled up the black-robed old man and fell into the pool of blood.

The calm pool of blood was instantly blasted, and the black-robed old man disappeared into it.

"My lord, this is the water of the holy river. Wouldn't it be a waste for this old man?"

At this time, the two undead strongmen quickly stepped forward, and there seemed to be some reluctance between their brows.

"No problem!" Xue Ruhai's eyes were deep, "The water in these holy rivers is a little weird, I'm afraid it's not that simple, let him explore first."

"Besides, without the Undead Scripture, the water of the holy river has no effect on this old thing."


Undead?The water of the holy river?

Fang Yi in the dark couldn't help frowning when he heard these words.

Qi Jiang was no exception. He looked at the two of them suspiciously and asked, "The water of the holy river? What is the water of the holy river? Could it be the river of blood surrounding the Longevity Tomb that they said?"


Liu Jing also nodded, "Just, what does the water of this holy river have to do with the Undying Scripture?"

"Do you know the Sutra of Immortality?" Fang Yi turned around and asked.

"I've heard some of them. It is said that it is the cultivation method of the undead. It has been passed down for a long time. There are even legends that the secret of the undead's immortality lies in the undead scripture."

"However, I heard that someone once coveted the Book of Immortality and got it, but after practicing, they found nothing."

"So there is no way to know whether it is true or not."

Liu Jing said truthfully.

"There is such a thing?" Qi Jiang was a little surprised, "Could it be related to the water of the so-called holy river? The two should complement each other?"

Reminiscent of the words of blood like a sea before, I have to say that this is very possible.


"Why hasn't there been any movement? Is there anything unusual under this blood pool?"

Time passed slowly, and everyone became a little impatient.

Especially the undead people, this is the water of the holy river, and there are so many, once absorbed by them, their strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

But now, let them watch like this, how can they bear it.

"That's right! Under this pool of blood, there won't be a hole in the sky! Don't be run away by that old bastard, it's not a big deal if he escapes, and the Longevity Tomb is lost, then..."

Someone said carefully.

As soon as these words came out, Rao, who had always been calm like a sea of ​​blood, couldn't help but change his face.

He really didn't think of this one.

This pool of blood floats in the void, and one can see through it at a glance, but no one can tell what is going on inside.

"You guys go down and have a look!"

Immediately, he quickly ordered.

"Yes!" Those people were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they looked like they couldn't wait.

"Remember, investigate the situation first, and report back immediately if something goes wrong!" Seeing this, Xue Ruhai quickly added.

Several people responded one after another, and then got into the pool of blood together.

"What should we do? Just do it and watch?"

Liu Jing seemed to be a little moved, but in the current situation, he had to turn to Fang Yi for help.

Why not Qi Jiang? Strictly speaking, the strength of the three of them is not bad. Although the undead are numerous and powerful, what really makes them afraid is blood like a sea.

In addition, there are two other people who have also reached the state of transforming gods, but they are not to be feared.

At least it will not be life-threatening to the three of them.

If Liu Jing and Qi Jiang have such an idea, what about Fang Yi?Not to mention naturally.

However, he was not in a hurry to express his opinion, because he didn't think it was necessary, why not do it if someone finds the way for him.

If the Longevity Tomb came out, he had absolute confidence just based on these people in front of him.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to make a move.

Of course, the more important reason is that this meteorite belt and this pool of blood gave him an extremely bad feeling.

It was as if there was a pair of eyes behind them, watching them.

Therefore, he did not dare to act rashly.

Whoa! ! !

"Look! There is movement." At this moment, there was a strange noise in the blood pool, and the originally calm blood water seemed to be boiling, and big bubbles appeared one after another.

"what happened?"

All the undead races are ready to fight, because the situation in front of them is extremely abnormal.

It's a pity that the divine sense is blocked here, and nothing is known about what happened in the blood pool.

"Look! What is that?"

At this time, in the center of the blood pool, the movement became louder and louder, and the blood boiled, as if something rose from the blood water.

But, looking at the movement, the rising thing is not small, I'm afraid...

"That is??"

In the boiling blood, a rather smooth thing the size of a washbasin first emerged from the water.

(End of this chapter)

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