Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2451 Giant Infernal Corpse

Chapter 2451 Giant Infernal Corpse

" does it look like a human head!"

That thing does look a bit like a human head, but it's the size of a washbasin, how big does it have to be?

as predicted!

The thing continued to rise, it was really a human head, the facial features were clearly visible, but it was several times larger than a normal human head, like a giant.

At this moment, the head and eyes were closed tightly, seemingly lifeless.

However, those deep eye sockets seemed to be staring at everyone, making people feel chills down their backs.

"Who is this?"

Everyone was a little shocked.

But the human head continued to rise, and the huge torso also emerged from the water. The whole giant was in front of it, and everyone looked like a three-year-old child.

The strong smell of blood also spread.

"This... how does this look a bit like those ghost corpses!"

Qi Jiang opened his mouth wide, looked at the giant corpse in disbelief, and said.

"Not bad! Could it be..."

There was a trace of horror on Liu Jing's face, and the two couldn't help but look at each other.

Naturally, Fang Yi had already noticed it, because the moment the corpse appeared, it gave him an extremely dangerous aura.

Xue Ruhai seemed to have a similar feeling, and his expression was extremely dignified.

But the undead disciple behind him was already impatient, and shouted: "What the hell, pretending to be a ghost, die!"

While speaking, a long knife was also cut out.

The bright blade glow exudes an extremely fierce aura, extremely sharp.

Although the cultivation base of the person who made the attack has not reached the state of transforming gods, it can be seen from just this one strike that he is also an outstanding person in the state of integration.

With flesh and blood, it is almost impossible to block this knife.

However, the corpse did not react at all, as if it was really a corpse, allowing the knife to chop down.

The knife light slashed across, but the corpse did not move at all, only a faint mark was left on the bright red flesh soaked in blood.

That knife suddenly didn't cause any damage to the corpse.

"how is this possible?"

Everyone was stunned, their eyeballs seemed to fall out.

No one could have imagined that the body that suddenly appeared was so tough, it was simply unbelievable.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

As far as the physical body is concerned, he is more confident than any warrior of the same level. Just kidding, his physical body can't help but be transformed by the essence and blood of the real dragon, and tempered by the real fire of the sun.

In the whole world, there are definitely not too many people who can compare with it in terms of physical body.

But the corpse in front of him was undoubtedly one.

Is it because of the blood?

"How could this happen? Impossible, I'll be stabbed again!" The person who made the attack obviously couldn't accept this fact, kicked his legs, and got up and stabbed again.

This knife is more domineering and sharper than before.

No effort was spared, obviously to get this place back.

Seeing that the sword light was about to fall again, suddenly, the deep eye sockets of the corpse opened suddenly, and two strange red lights shot out.

The sword light that was slashing down suddenly seemed to be frozen, stagnating.


hiss! !

In the crowd, there was a sound of gasping, and the huge crowd seemed to be frozen.

What did they see?

That incomparably fierce long knife was held in the hands of that corpse at this moment. When the long knife fell, it was directly picked up by flesh and blood. This is simply...

Everyone was shocked beyond words.

And the owner of the long knife seemed to be sluggish, his eyes were full of fear, and his whole body was trembling.

Fang Yi's eyes were also full of shock, blocking the knife with his flesh and blood, even he would not dare to try like this, of course, there is no need for that.

As for Qi Jiang and Liu Jing, they were already jaw-dropping in horror.

Boo! !

There was another sharp and strange cry, and the huge Yin Corpse slammed out the giant palm holding the long knife tightly, and directly grabbed the owner of the long knife.

"Help me!" The owner of the long knife was terrified, his eyes full of despair.

It's a pity that before the crowd could react, the giant infernal corpse's bloody mouth had already bit the man's neck.

Click! !

There was a sound of bone shattering, and hot blood spurted out.

The giant ghost sucked greedily, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and the man was sucked up during his breath, and then he was thrown aside at will.

Instead, its greedy eyes looked at the crowd again.

"This! What the hell is this!!"

At this moment, the crowd only felt cold all over their bodies, and they retreated unconsciously under their feet.

However, the giant corpse obviously hadn't eaten enough, and its huge body rushed straight towards the crowd.

"Be careful!" Seeing this, Xue Ruhai moved and rushed towards the giant Yin corpse. However, he seemed a little unwilling, trying to communicate with the giant Yin corpse while entangled.

However, the giant Yin Corpse is like a real corpse, without any intelligence.

No response at all.

Yes, just the desire for blood food, extremely greedy.

In just a moment, several undead disciples were sucked up by him.

Moreover, there is no sign of saturation at all, like a bottomless pit.

The scene was bloody and tragic.

Qi Jiang and Liu Jing couldn't help feeling chills all over their bodies, and they didn't even dare to breathe out, as if they were afraid of disturbing the giant corpse.

Just kidding, the giant yin corpse in front of me is not comparable to the previous yin corpses.

The two are completely incompatible.

Even if it is blood like a sea, it can only parry in front of it, and there is no power to fight back.

Not to mention the others, they were completely delivering food to the giant Yin corpse and letting it knead.

"My lord, this monster is too strong, get out! If this continues, our entire army may be wiped out." Someone from the undead clan shouted.

A group of undead disciples had already been scared out of their wits.

However, Xue Ruhai did not speak for a long time, his eyes flickered, and he seemed a little unwilling.

"Good guy! Let's withdraw first! Otherwise, if the undead withdraw, we will be miserable!"

Qi Jiang said quickly, his face turned pale.

"No! Blood Like Sea won't withdraw. If he wanted to withdraw, he would have done so. I'm afraid he wants to feed this giant corpse." Liu Jing was confident, as if he had seen through Blood Like Sea.

Hearing this, Qi Jiang couldn't help but froze.

Liu Jing's words are undoubtedly very reasonable, Xueruhai probably has such thoughts.

Since he said that these corpses are the real undead, how could he give up easily, not to mention, they might be related to the Longevity Tomb.

It's just that this method is too cruel.

Fang Yi also sighed in his heart, but naturally he would not have any sympathy for these undead.

The fighting continued.

Regrettably, Blood Ruhai's plan did not succeed, the giant Yin corpse's belly was like a bottomless pit, seeing the undead disciples die tragically one by one, the giant Yin corpse showed no sign of slowing down.

"Run away!"

Finally, someone couldn't help shouting, Blood Ru Hai's plan obviously cannot be hidden from anyone.

Originally, everyone just hoped that they were not the ones who died, but this giant corpse couldn't be fed no matter what, so how dare everyone stay here.

Immediately, the crowd scattered and fled like a bereaved dog.

(End of this chapter)

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