Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2452 Blood Sea Reconstruction

Chapter 2452 Blood Sea Reconstruction

jittery! !

However, Xue Ruhai hadn't spoken yet, and a sharp and strange cry came.

what's the situation?

The faces of the crowd all changed drastically, and they looked around in horror, only to see, from all directions, one after another ghost corpses came quickly, carrying a terrifying smell of blood and death.

"So many? What should I do?"

Qi Jiang's expression changed drastically, and his entire face was pale with fright.

Just kidding, just a giant Yin Corpse is no longer invincible to everyone, and now with so many other Yin Corpses, even if everyone has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to escape.

Even with Fang Yi and the other three, naturally the same is true.

Fortunately, Fang Yi was on guard all the time, and he had already noticed that the Sleepy Sky Sword Formation had already enveloped him one step ahead.

Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

ah ah! ! !

There were piercing howls, and the scene was chaotic and bloody.

The undead race was completely reduced to the blood of these corpses. Despair and fear filled the faces of every undead disciple.

Even Blood Like Sea is no exception, at this moment he is forced to retreat by the giant Yin Corpse.

Not to mention other people, a blood feast is being staged.

Looking at this scene, Liu Jing and Qi Jiang couldn't help trembling all over their bodies. Even if they were in the state of transforming gods, it was difficult for them to suppress the terror in their hearts.

Because in the eyes of these corpses, there is not much difference between the God Transformation Realm and ordinary warriors.

The other two undead warriors who had turned into gods had already explained everything. At this moment, the two of them were already scarred and in danger.

Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly startled, such a huge team, unexpectedly...

Boom! !

Seeing that the entire army of the undead was about to be annihilated, at this moment, a muffled thunder sounded from the sky and the earth, and the void trembled.

what happened?

Several people stared blankly at the void, not knowing why.

However, the sound of thunder became more and more loud, and the world was crumbling.

A group of undead disciples wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, but unfortunately, meteorites suddenly shot from all directions.

"Damn it!" Fang Yi couldn't help cursing inwardly, the three of them were hiding in the Heavenly Trapping Sword Formation without anyone noticing.

But this sudden meteorite undoubtedly changed everything.

The burial place of the three people was also revealed.

And those Yin corpses, as if they caught the existence of the three of them at the first time, came quickly.

One by one, like wolves.

"It's over, it's over! What should we do?" Qi Jiang's face turned pale with fright. The previous scene undoubtedly frightened him out of his wits, making him feel terrified when facing these corpses.

Liu Jing is not much better.

Only Fang Yi didn't change much, but his expression was also slightly solemn.

Xue Ruhai obviously also noticed the strangeness here, but at this moment, there is no time to pay attention to the three of them.

A scuffle ensues again.

Although Qi Jiang and Liu Jing were quite frightened, under such circumstances, they had no choice but to bite the bullet, only to be extremely embarrassed.

If this continues, the two of them are afraid...

Fortunately, the situation seemed to be improving, the muffled sound of thunder became more and more loud, the earth shook, and even the corpses howled terribly, like iron scraping on glass, sharp and ear-piercing.

Fang Yi looked blankly at the void, full of puzzlement.

This sudden change gave him an extremely bad premonition.

"Look! What is that?"

At this time, Qi Jiang seemed to have discovered something, pointing to somewhere in the void and shouting.

I saw that it looked like a blood-colored cloud, covering the sky and covering the sun, but when it approached, several people saw it clearly, it was suddenly a sea of ​​blood.

The strong smell of blood was exactly the same as the pool of blood in front of him.

As if sensing something, the pool of blood suddenly boiled at this moment, turning into a beam of blood and melting into the sea of ​​blood.

After that, the sea of ​​blood evolved into a long river, and the rushing blood rushed away.

"The holy river! It's the holy river! The holy river reappears, and the Longevity Tomb is really about to come out!"

Xue Ruhai's eyes were full of light, and he was extremely excited.

And the yin corpses that had been killing all the time unexpectedly stopped at this moment, and then bowed down towards the blood river.

Such a strange scene undoubtedly left everyone present dumbfounded.

It also made everyone tantamount to picking up a life.

Immediately, they fled in all directions, hating their parents for losing two legs.

Qi Jiang seemed to want to escape too, but seeing that Fang Yi hadn't moved, Liu Jing also looked a little reconciled, so he couldn't help but stop.

Asked: "Will you go?"

Fang Yi was naturally not interested in paying attention to him, but stared at the blood river closely, and asked, "You said earlier that there is a blood river surrounding the Longevity Tomb?"

"Yes!" Liu Jing quickly replied, "Could it be the one in front of you?"

"Elder Ling said before that the Longevity Tomb was crushed by Empress Houtu. Judging by the current situation, is it possible that the Longevity Tomb is re-condensing?"

Liu Jing's eyes are shining, and the river of blood is rebuilt, so the Longevity Tomb is also very likely.

Fang Yi also has the same doubts, but, will the blood river rebuild itself?Will the Longevity Tomb condense out of thin air again?

What did the arrival of oneself and others touch?Still, someone behind this is manipulating everything.

If it's the former, that's fine.

But if it's the latter, then the manipulator...

Thinking of this possibility, Fang Yi's heart sank. This was not his random speculation. As early as when he entered this place, he had a faint feeling that there was a pair of eyes staring at this place all the time.

At first, he thought it was the giant corpse in the blood pool.

But now it seems that obviously not.

Although the giant Yin corpse is tyrannical, its strength is at most comparable to that of the peak of the earth soul, and it does not make him afraid.

What's more, the giant Yin Corpse has already bowed to the ground at this moment.

"Perhaps, Blood Ruhai knows?"

Fang Yi murmured, his eyes brightened.

If it is said that he was not interested in the Longevity Tomb before, then at this moment, everything here undoubtedly aroused his curiosity.

However, there is a lot of fog here, and it may not be easy to figure it out.


His eyes moved, and he already had attention in his heart.

call out! !

The next moment, his figure was shot away like lightning, hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

Qi Jiang and Liu Jing obviously haven't reacted yet, they don't know why, until seeing Fang Yi rushing towards the sea of ​​blood, the former trembled and said: "He... what is he going to do?"

Liu Jing also had a look of astonishment on his face, he opened his mouth wide and couldn't speak, and there was no need to say more.

Because, Fang Yi had already made a move, and a huge dragon claw directly broke through the layers of space, and grabbed the blood like a sea.

This palm came extremely fast, and it happened suddenly.

All of Xue Ruhai's attention was on that blood river, although he had already noticed the existence of Fang Yi and the other three.

However, the cultivation bases of the three of them are not in the human soul realm. As an earth soul, how can he see the three of them in his eyes.

It never occurred to Fang Yi that he would dare to attack him, and it was still in such a situation.

The result is predictable.

When he reacted, the claws of the real dragon had already fallen, revealing the might of sweeping everything.

(End of this chapter)

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