Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2457 Copper Coffin and Silver Coffin

Chapter 2457 Copper Coffin and Silver Coffin

"What's going on? Where's the Good Fortune Shrine? Or the Longevity Tomb? What's going on here?"

The crowd that came one after another looked at the scene in front of them, all of them were shocked from ear to ear.

This is undoubtedly very different from what they imagined.

The Good Fortune Shrine did not appear, and there was no mention of the Longevity Tomb. There was only a bloody storm and a group of blood-devouring demons.

"Blood revenge, what exactly is this?"

Shen Tianyu's face was gloomy, looking at the crowd of ghost corpses, his face could not help turning slightly pale.

It is suspected that the God of Good Fortune came out, and the undead retreated, so he naturally would not let it go, and he also came after him, and like him, he was still a strong man from all walks of life.

However, what he never expected was that there was such a scene in front of him.

The crowd couldn't help looking at Xue Tianchou at this moment, and there was still a faint strangeness.

Just because these ghost corpses are similar to the undead.

For example, skills, and the quality of immortality.

In addition, this was originally the holy land of the undead, the undead abyss, making it easy to connect the two.


Xue Tianqiu has a hard time to say, and he doesn't know how to talk about it.

However, at this moment, another voice suddenly sounded, "Let me tell you! These ghosts are the real undead."

"And the undead people you know are just some human beings who obtained their skills by chance."

Hearing the sound, everyone couldn't help but look back.

I saw a group of burly men coming quickly, all of them with majestic breath, especially the leader.

"Shi Gandang!"

Xue Tianchou's eyes darkened, and he blurted out.

good!The person who came was the patriarch of the Shiren clan, Shi Gandang.

"Patriarch Shi, why did you say that? These corpses are the real undead?" Shen Tianyu had no intention of embarrassing the Stone Clan at this moment, not to mention that it was not the right time.

On the contrary, it was these ghost corpses that made him extremely afraid.

"Not bad!"

Shi Gandang also had no intention of tearing his face apart, the only enemies of the Shiren clan are the undead.

"These are the real undead. In ancient times, they set off a bloody storm in the Tianshan Mountains. Fortunately, I, the God Queen of the Stone Human Race, defeated them and smashed them together with the Longevity Tomb."

"But later, the Immortal Tablet fell into the hands of the ancestors of the undead race. The undead people's skills, the undead scriptures, are engraved on the stele."

"Practice this scripture, and then match it with the water of the blood river, and you will be the undead people today."

Shi Gandang's words were astonishing.

Everyone couldn't help showing surprise, and the eyes they looked at the undead group became a little different.

Just kidding, the undead have such a relationship with these corpses, who can guarantee that they will not become the same as those corpses.

"Bastard! Shi Gandang, stop talking nonsense."

Xue Tianchou was furious, as if sparks were about to burst out from his eyes.

"Hmph! What nonsense, why are you so nervous?" Shi Gandang sneered, and continued: "I think you are afraid that the undead will become like this and be cast aside by the world!"

"Tell you, the so-called undead royal family is close to this, and they may become these blood-devouring demons one day."

Shi Gandang punished his heart with every word.

The following words are naturally his guesses, which are groundless.

In fact, for countless tens of thousands of years, the undead have not turned into such demons.

However, the crowd did not think about these facts at all, and only believed what they saw before them, that is, there was a great relationship between the undead and these corpses.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are of the same origin.

Then, these ghost corpses devour blood so much, will the undead go crazy?

Involuntarily, they retreated one after another, far away from the undead, and their eyes became extremely weird, as if they were looking at those ghosts.

Perhaps in their hearts, the undead and those corpses have already been equated.

"Shi Gandang, you are courting death!!"

Xue Tianchou was so angry that his whole body trembled, his teeth chattered, and he was like a mad beast, attacking Shi Gandang with all his might.

However, he never expected that his current appearance was more and more similar to those ghost corpses.

"Good job! Blood and Heaven, you undead have today!"

Shi Gandang sneered, his eyes filled with the smile of a successful plot.

It turned out that this trip, he just had the intention of taking one step at a time, and if he could consume the strength of the undead as much as possible, it would be considered a worthwhile trip.

But who would have thought that those ghost corpses that only existed in legends would appear.

How could he miss such an excellent opportunity, and make good use of it once.

After this time, no matter what the result is, I believe that the powerful from all walks of life will definitely not associate with the undead again, and the crisis faced by the stone people has undoubtedly been reduced by half.

Even, this is an opportunity to eradicate the undead.

"Everyone be careful, these undead may turn into blood-devouring demons at any time."

Thinking of this point, Shi Gandang did not forget to drink a word.

"Son of a bitch!"

Xue Tianqiu was completely crazy, and the anger in his heart was transpiring like a flame, but unfortunately, Shi Gandang's words had already played a role, and the crowd had already regarded the undead as monsters.

How can the undead disciples bear it?

Immediately, a scuffle started, some were really scared, and some were fishing in troubled waters, it was so chaotic.

All kinds of shrill screams can be heard endlessly.

I'm afraid Fang Yi didn't expect that he originally just wanted to relieve the crisis of the stone-human race. At this moment, the crisis of the stone-human race was not only resolved, but brought a great crisis to the undead.

Of course, he had no intention of caring about the safety of the undead.

At this moment, he was already in the depths of the blood river, slowly exploring forward.

The bloody water here is not like the surface, it is much calmer. Being in it, you can hardly notice any movement from the outside world.

And within this river of blood, there was no sound at all, it was dead silent.

"Strange? Is there nothing here?"

Fang Yi was a little disappointed, thinking that the river of blood would be rebuilt, and he could find clues from it, but he never thought that there was nothing here, it seemed to be just the shelter of those ghosts.

That's it!

Fang Yi shook his head secretly, since there was nothing, he had no choice but to turn back.

However, just as he was about to float out of the river of blood, suddenly, the feeling of being watched became more and more intense, as if it was not far ahead.

"It's weird!"

Fang Yi's heart was a little hairy, but he still rushed forward quickly.

I saw, not far ahead, at the bottom of the blood river, a huge copper coffin appeared in sight.

For some reason, the copper coffin was missing a piece, exposing the silver coffin inside.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yi's heart sank, because it was not the first time he had seen the copper coffin and silver coffin, they were the Wujiang coffin and the longevity coffin.

Immortal King!It really was the Undying Corpse King, everything was as guessed.

Without any hesitation, Fang Yi turned around and wanted to leave.

He still vividly remembers the performance of the Immortal Corpse King in the face of the bombardment by the Dao of Heaven. It is definitely not something he can compete with, so...

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late.

The next moment, an extremely dangerous breath enveloped him instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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