Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2458

Chapter 2458

not good!

Fang Yi's complexion changed drastically. This aura made him feel as if he had fallen into an abyss, and he couldn't even produce the slightest bit of resistance. This was clearly caused by the huge difference in strength.

Today, there is almost no one who can make Fang Yi feel this way.

Even facing Mo Lao, Fang Yi had never felt this way before.

But now, he has not seen anyone coming, but this breath makes Fang Yi feel this way, it is conceivable.


At this moment, Fang Yi only had one thought in his mind, the farther the better, otherwise...

However, under this extremely dangerous atmosphere, it has almost become a luxury to escape, and the surroundings are ordered to be imprisoned.

Fortunately, Fang Yi still has three major temples. If he were replaced by ordinary warriors of the same rank, he would probably have to wait to die.

Whoa! !

The blood boiled, and a bloody handprint was formed almost instantly, grabbing Fang Yi directly.

All this seemed to be slow, but in fact, everything happened between lightning and flint. Just as Fang Yi saw the coffin, the dangerous breath and the bloody handprint appeared at the same time.

It is also due to Fang Yi's high vigilance and suspicion.

Otherwise, even if there are three major temples, it may not be in time.

As for now, the moment the bloody handprint fell, Fang Yi's figure had already disappeared one step at a time.


Inside the silent coffin, a hoarse, sawtooth-like voice sounded, full of disbelief and anger.

The bloody handprint faded away, and the blood returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Only that coffin seems to be undergoing some kind of change.


"so close!"

Inside the Water God Temple, Fang Yi was panting heavily, his face was pale, and his whole body seemed to be soaked through. He still had lingering fears when he recalled what happened just now.

The tyranny of the Undying Corpse King was far beyond his imagination.

Even though he already had an extremely high opinion of the other party, he didn't want to, and still underestimated him.

Or maybe, if the strength has not reached that level, it will never be possible to guess, Daowen strong?Maybe!But Mo Lao didn't give him such a feeling.

higher?What would it be?

At this moment, Fang Yi didn't want to think about these anymore, he just wanted to take a good breath.

It wasn't until he calmed down that he began to think about these questions, perhaps Mo Lao knew.

After thinking about it, his eyes moved, and his figure disappeared in place.

"Boy, you won't be in trouble so soon!"

In the inner world, Mo Lao was originally sitting cross-legged in a mess of regular thin threads, with his eyes closed.

But then, sensing Fang Yi's arrival, he couldn't help frowning, and slowly opened his closed eyes, looking at Fang Yi speechlessly.

That expression was obviously full of complaints.

Fang Yi didn't bother to answer, he smiled and said: "If you don't have trouble, you can't come in and take a look! This is my inner world."

Mr. Mo was speechless. After getting along with him during this period of time, he already knew Fang Yi's nature very well.

Therefore, he simply didn't say anything and waited for Fang Yi to speak.

Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips, and then asked: "How is it? Can you gain anything from comprehending this Dao pattern of heaven and earth?"

"Hmph! Kid, what is your authentic Dao pattern that day? How can it be so easy to comprehend."

Elder Mo glared at Fang Yi angrily.

If he hadn't asked for something and had a handle in the other party's hands, he really wanted to slap the other party away.


Fang Yi was not conscious at all, he smiled and said, "In this case, I have a question for you to ask, do you know about the undead?"


Elder Mo was startled for a moment, then laughed contemptuously, and said, "What undead, they're just some..."

What Elder Mo said was similar to what Shi Gandang said.

Fang Yi hadn't heard this saying before, but now he heard it, he couldn't help but suddenly realized.

Immediately, he quickly said about those ghosts.

Out of expectation, Elder Mo still sneered. According to him, those corpses are not undead either, but just some mutated groups that died here and were infected by the blood of the undead.

The longer the time, the stronger the strength.

Of course, although they are not truly undead, they have the characteristics of near-undead.

"Boy, the undead are far from being as simple as you imagine."

"Among the Three Realms, there are many legends about the undead. It is said that the undead were conceived by heaven and earth, and the number is extremely rare. Most of the undead you know are false."

Elder Mo finally said, and gave Fang Yi a contemptuous look.

Afterwards, he had to close his eyes again, obviously not intending to discuss these issues with Fang Yi.

However, Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded and murmured: "So that's how it is!"

So, what about Undying?

Is he a real undead?

"Old Mo, if there is an undead outside, do you believe it?" Immediately, Fang Yi's eyes moved, and there was a hint of temptation in his tone.

"Huh? Boy, are you still determined?" Mo Lao looked contemptuous.

"The strength is far stronger than yours, and he is still intact under the bombardment of Tiandao Leiyun. Do you think he is an undead?"

Fang Yi didn't answer directly, but said as if he was thinking about himself.


Old Mo's expression couldn't help changing, "Boy, are you serious?"

The reputation of the undead race in the Three Realms is extremely resounding, even Mo Lao couldn't help being a little curious, but the undead races in the past were all fake, which couldn't arouse his interest.

But, if it is true what Fang Yi said, maybe...

Moreover, as a Daowen strongman, Fang Yi threatened that someone was far better than him, which somewhat made him feel uncomfortable.

Taking a ten thousand step back, there really is such a person, and he wants to meet him, so...

"It's more real than real gold!..."

Seeing Mo Laolai's interest, Fang Yi immediately said briefly about the Immortal Corpse King.

The Immortal Corpse King is too tyrannical, and there is no strong person around him, which makes Fang Yi feel insecure, even going out is a little timid, but if Mo Lao is by his side, it will be different.

Although it may not be an opponent, there is always time to escape.

This is also the reason why Fang Yi entered the inner world.

"It really is!"

After listening to Fang Yi's words, Mo Lao's expression became a little dignified, and a little ready to move.

"Go! Go and have a look!" Immediately, he took the initiative to speak.

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but smile.


The outside world is already full of blood and rain at this moment.

The undead, the stone-human race, a group of corpses, and all kinds of strong men were completely caught in a chaotic fight.

Among them, the casualties of the undead were the most tragic, with countless casualties.

Because they have almost become the target of public criticism.

"Shi Gandang, I will completely wipe you and the stone people today." Xue Tianchou was dripping with blood at the moment, and the eyes of the whole one-blood man were also red.

While speaking, he stretched out his giant palm, and a huge stone tablet appeared out of thin air, simple and vigorous, as if it had fallen from the nine heavens, suppressing everything.

"Immortal Monument!"

(End of this chapter)

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