Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2459 Cohesion

Chapter 2459 Cohesion

The existence of the immortal monument is extremely rare, even among the undead, not many people know about it.

Shi Gandang also had limited knowledge.

It's just that, as the patriarch of the Stone People Clan, the Stone People Clan has similar legends, but the legends are legends after all, and he has never seen the real monument of immortality.

But even so, he recognized the stele immediately.

The aura similar to that of this world, as well as the three big characters "Immortal Sutra" engraved on it, and countless small characters all explain all of this.

It means that this is exactly the tombstone erected in front of the Longevity Tomb according to the legend.

"Shi Gandang, take your life!"

Xue Tianchou didn't give Shi Gandang enough time to observe the stele, but directly suppressed it.

With a wave of his palm, the Monument of Immortality skyrocketed, like a mountain of ten thousand zhang, with the power to suppress the world, it directly crushed Shi Gandang.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The huge stone tablet stood in the sky, surrounded by a circle, and exploded in an instant.

In the world, at this moment, it seems that only this stone tablet is left.

The crowd was all terrified, their bodies retreated violently, and those who failed to react in time were all blown away by that power, and what's more, they were directly torn into pieces and scattered into the void.

not good! !

Shi Gandang's eyes couldn't help but sink, and a touch of paleness flashed across his face.

He has only heard about the Immortal Monument, but has never seen it, and he has no idea of ​​its power.

But at this moment, the terrifying coercion almost made him breathless. As a man in the Heavenly Soul Realm, this was an unprecedented thing, so it can be seen.

"Patriarch be careful!"

All the strong men of the stone people clearly felt the terror of the monument of immortality at this moment.

They all came.

But it's a pity that the monument of immortality has already fallen, and with their strength, even if they come here, it won't help.

Boom! !

Seeing that the monument of immortality is about to be suppressed.

Suddenly, Shi Gandang heard a "click" sound all over his body, and his whole body was petrifying at a speed visible to the naked eye, starting from his legs and spreading upwards quickly.

In just a moment, he had turned into a stone man.

Moreover, the body has also swelled a lot, like a giant stone sculpture.

boom! !

The next moment, the giant stone sculpture punched away, the fist was as heavy as a mountain, shaking the Nine Heavens, and went straight to the monument of immortality.

The sky and the earth trembled violently and were about to collapse.

With one punch and one monument, before the blows were fought, the thousand li void has collapsed inch by inch, like a huge black hole, wantonly swallowing everything in the world.

Boom! !

The loud noises continued, and the whole world seemed to be doomsday.


"That's right! The stone people have some tricks."

Somewhere in the void, some regular thin lines invisible to the naked eye are surrounded, and inside these thin lines, Mo Lao is nodding slightly, and his eyes have been fixed on the monument of immortality.

His expression was slightly dignified.

The same is true for Fang Yi, the appearance of the immortal monument is somewhat beyond his expectation.

However, right now he has no intention of caring about these things, because there are more important things than this, and that is the Undying Corpse King.

Walking out of the Water God Temple, he worried that the Undying Corpse King was still nearby.

As a result, the coffin disappeared.

But he believed that the Immortal Corpse King must not have gone far, and must still be nearby, and the reason why there has been no movement is likely to be related to the condensed longevity tomb.

Therefore, he must be on guard at all times.

"Boy! Where are you talking about the undead? Why didn't the old man see it? It's that tombstone..."

Elder Mo asked casually, looking at the monument of immortality as if lost in some kind of contemplation.

"No hurry! He must still be nearby."

Fang Yi said affirmatively, and looked at the field again. At this moment, the field has already seen the outcome. Shi Gandang was knocked into the air, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

As for Xue Tianchou, his face was also slightly pale, and he was also not relaxed.

But relying on the monument of immortality, it is firmly on top.

If things go on like this, it will only be a matter of time before Shi Gandang loses.

"It's a pity! He probably won't be able to fully display the power of that tombstone, otherwise, the juniors of the stone-human race might not be able to take a single blow."

Old Mo shook his head slightly, and said with a little regret.

The Monument of Immortality is so amazing?

When Fang Yi heard this, he couldn't help but a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes. As Mo Lao was a strong Taoist, his words could not be false.

This monument of immortality seems extremely simple.

Right!Which one is easier, Wujiang Coffin or Longevity Coffin?

In the hands of Shikui and Hua Tianji, even though he was extraordinary, he didn't completely collapse when he was bombarded head-on by Tiandao Leiyun, but was chopped off in half.

wait!The half that was split off is now in his storage ring.

After the Undying Corpse King escaped, he took away the half and threw it in the storage ring and ignored it.

Now, the cohesion of the Longevity Tomb is obviously related to the Undying Corpse King.

From the looks of it, he should be gathering these things again, the Longevity Tomb, the Immortal Monument, the Borderless Coffin, and the Longevity Coffin.

Then... If I guessed right, the Undying Corpse King would never let go of the half in his hand.

Being constantly thought about by such an opponent, Fang Yi's scalp tingles when he thinks about it.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, and there seems to be no room for relaxation.


This is obviously impossible, this is not Fang Yi's style, and even if he agrees, the Immortal Corpse King may not agree, there is a lot of grievances between the two.

That's it!

I can only walk and watch.

Since it was unavoidable, Fang Yi went all out instead.

"Old Mo, you and Shitou have known each other for a while. His people are about to lose, so why don't you help?" Fang Yi couldn't help but ask when he pulled back his thoughts.

"Why do you want to help? A cultivator should be alone and alone."

"Furthermore, he didn't even make a move himself."

Old Mo didn't think so.

However, what he said misunderstood Shi Zhongtian. The reason why Shi Zhongtian didn't make a move was not because he didn't want to, but because of Fang Yi's order.

Fang Yi had already sensed his existence long before.

Now that the crisis of the Stone People has been lifted, there is no need to take action again. If he takes action at this time, it will undoubtedly show that he attaches great importance to the Stone People.

If that is the case, it will bring troubles to the stone people.

Shi Zhongtian obviously understood this truth, so he restrained himself from making a move.

However, Fang Yi could clearly sense his eagerness, so he wanted to trick Mr. Mo into making a move. Who would have thought that Mr. Mo would have no intention of knowing it.

That's it!

Mo is always a hole card, against the Undying Corpse King's hole card, it may not be a good thing to make a move too early.

Fang Yi secretly wondered if there was a better way.

Boom! !

But at this moment, the surrounding space shook again, and the blood-colored river was also boiling rapidly.

Countless meteorites trembled around, as if they were being pulled by some kind, and went straight towards the blood river.

Also, the tombstone was shaking violently.

"what happened?"

Xue Tianchou's pupils changed drastically, because he sensed that the Monument of Immortality was breaking free from his control.

(End of this chapter)

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