Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2460

Chapter 2460

The crowd also looked blank, looking up at the void, at the long bloody river.

"what's the situation?"

Shen Tianyu's eyes were also full of doubts, and his expression was vigilant. Everything here seemed so weird, which gave him a very bad premonition.

Those Yin corpses, that bloody river, and that tombstone.

"It's the Longevity Tomb, and the Longevity Tomb is about to condense."

In the crowd, someone suddenly shouted.

As if in response to these words, the countless meteorites that came quickly seemed to be piled up in a certain order, and a huge stone foundation was slowly formed.

Is it really the Longevity Tomb?

The crowd's eyes were full and they were ready to move.

Especially the undead race, all of them were greedy and full of longing.

Maybe they don't know what is so special about the Longevity Tomb, but this thing is undoubtedly a great treasure, and it can be found everywhere in the legends of the undead.

It seems to be the key to the undead, the source of the undead.

Coming out at this moment, everyone's inner desire can be imagined.

However, Xue Tianchou didn't have the heart to pay attention to these at the moment, because the power to break free from the immortal monument was getting stronger and stronger, as if it would break out of his control at any time.

"Bring me back!"

He only heard him shout, and he stretched out both palms, and the terrifying power was firmly locked on the monument of immortality.

The Immortal Monument, which was trembling violently, seemed to have finally stabilized a bit.

Xue Tianchou couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't know why the Immortal Monument behaved like this, he had a premonition that once the Immortal Monument was out of his control, it would never come back again, so...

However, he hadn't waited for him to put away the monument.

However, the bloody long river completely boiled, and the bright red blood rushed to the sky, and instantly condensed into a huge bloody handprint, covering the sky and the sun.

Terrifying coercion swept across the four directions, and thousands of miles of void were under this palm.

what? !

The crowd all looked shocked and terrified.

Under this palm, they all felt as if they were imprisoned.

In fact, it is not limited to them, Shi Gandang and Shen Tianyu are no exception. Although the vast power does not imprison them completely, it still makes them feel as if they are falling into an abyss, as if the god of death is approaching.

Not to mention Xue Tianqiu, his body seemed to be crushed.

Because the target of the bloody handprint was him.

To be precise, it is the monument of immortality in his hand.

"Immortal Corpse King, that's him!" Fang Yi's pupils also shrank sharply, seeing the bloody handprints again, the feeling of palpitation came again.

Even Mo Lao's eyes became extremely gloomy at this moment, and his face turned slightly pale.

Obviously, this bloody handprint greatly exceeded his expectations.

Let him wonder for a moment whether he should make a move or not.

Or, he was waiting, waiting for the other party to actually show up.

However, Xue Tianqiu was miserable. Under the bloody handprint, he had little power to resist, and the immortal monument broke away from his control and went directly towards the bloody handprint.

"Who are you? The Immortal Monument is my undead sacred object, come back to me!"

How could Xue Tianqiu be reconciled to seeing the monument of immortality break away.

Even though he knew that the person was coming, he still couldn't help but move towards the monument of immortality.

It's a pity that his efforts are doomed to be in vain, and there is still a faint trace of anger on the huge bloody handprint.

The next moment, the bloody handprint was photographed towards him.

Boom! !

The bloody handprint fell, and the world sank, with the blood and heavenly vengeance as the center, everything around it turned into nothingness.

As for Xue Tianqiu, his majestic figure also fell like a meteorite, with blood flowing from his mouth like a spring, splattering in the sky, the majestic generation of Heavenly Soul powerhouse, the patriarch of the undead clan, before the bloody handprint, he was so vulnerable.

The crowd turned pale with fright.

Shi Gandang and Shen Tianyu were no exceptions, perhaps, the shock in their hearts was even greater.

Because only they are more aware of the strength of Xue Tianchou, and also understand the horror of that blood handprint.


The undead race seemed to have finally come to their senses at this moment, and rushed to greet them.

"He...he is..." Xue Tianchou's mouth was full of blood, as if he wanted to say something, but a mouthful of blood gushed out first.

Boom! !

But at this time, the immortal tablet fell into the bloody handprint, and the world was shaken, and the speed of gathering the endless meteorites became faster and faster.

The outline of a huge palace has gradually taken shape.

"Sure enough, it's the Longevity Tomb!"

The crowd had no doubts at this moment, but no one dared to take a step forward. The monument of immortality stood above the void, like a celestial chime, exuding an unparalleled aura.

Good guy!

Just one Immortal Monument is already so impressive, but what would it be like to gather together the Longevity Tomb, Immortal Monument, Wujiang Coffin and Longevity Coffin?

At this moment, Fang Yi felt extremely shocked in his heart.

"Stop him, don't let him condense in the Longevity Tomb! Otherwise, no one will leave alive."

Shi Gandang seemed to have faintly remembered something, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted loudly.

While speaking, a stone hammer appeared out of thin air in his hand, and slammed it towards the gathering palace.

And all the stone people obeyed their orders and went up to welcome them one after another.

"Patriarch Shi, what do you mean by this?" Shen Tianyu asked anxiously because he didn't understand, and the crowd couldn't help but look at it together.

"He is the ancestor of the undead race. Once the Longevity Tomb is condensed, we will all turn into those corpses."

"It's too late, stop him!"

Shi Gandang shouted anxiously.

What?Turn into a corpse?The faces of the crowd all changed drastically.

Some of them were trembling with fright and were about to flee, instead of trying to stop these monsters, fleeing would undoubtedly be a better choice.

It's just a pity that their intentions seemed to be seen through, and the long bloody river suddenly turned into thousands of bloody lights, completely covering the surrounding world in it.

One after another, Yin corpses stepped out of the river of blood and rushed towards the crowd.

"Do not……"

All kinds of desperate and mournful howls came, and a bloody killing was staged again on the scene.

No one expected that things would turn out like this.

Fang Yi didn't even think that he originally wanted to relieve the crisis of the stone-human race, but in the end...

Of course, this matter would have happened regardless of whether he was present or not, but the commotion caused would probably be much smaller.

"What are you waiting for, stop him and destroy the Longevity Tomb!"

Shi Gandang shouted again.

A group of strong men already understood the crisis of the situation at this moment, looked at each other, and greeted them one after another.

The so-called number of people is powerful, not to mention, these are all first-class powerhouses, no matter how strong the Immortal Monument is, it cannot stop so many people.

Whoa! !

But at this moment, the river of blood boiled, as if overflowing with boundless anger.

A huge copper coffin soared into the sky, and inside the copper coffin, a silver coffin appeared in front of everyone at the same time.

One coffin and one outer coffin, just lying in the void like this, coupled with the tombstone, looked extremely strange, as if the world was buried in a funeral.

(End of this chapter)

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