Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2461

Chapter 2461

One coffin, one outer coffin, one tombstone!

The three things seem to be one, and the breath has skyrocketed so many times, pressing on people's hearts, making the surroundings seem to have turned into an endless hell.

Death has become the only synonym for this moment.

"Break it for me!"

But Shi Gandang didn't believe in evil, his eyes turned hard, and he slammed down with the giant hammer in his hand.

Like a flying fire meteor.

This hammer is enough to shake the mountain, but it cannot shake the coffin, inner coffin and tombstone.

On the contrary, Shi Gandang's huge figure was directly blown away, as if he had hit a copper wall and an iron wall, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out.

However, everything was far from over, and the Immortal Monument suppressed it, as if it wanted to kill it completely.

"Protect the patriarch!"

Fortunately, a group of stone-human powerhouses rushed in and stopped the monument of immortality.

However, the stone people suffered heavy losses.

At the same time, the coffin and coffin were also pressed against the crowd, and there were countless ghost corpses, fighting constantly on the spot, full of despair and death.

"No! Help me..."

There are countless calls for help like this.

"What an immortal corpse king, I want to see if you are an undead!"

Mo Lao couldn't bear it anymore.

Of course, he is not because of the life and death of these people, it doesn't matter to him at all, he is more interested in the Undying Corpse King himself.

The power of the Undying Corpse King, as well as his identity.

"Boy, be careful yourself!"

Throwing down a word, Mo Lao disappeared out of nowhere, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the not yet fully condensed longevity tomb.

With his appearance, the cohesion of the Longevity Tomb seemed to have slowed down.

The Dao Rune powerhouse is really amazing!

Fang Yi secretly marveled, Shi Gandang and others worked so hard, it is better for Mo Lao to show up alone, the gap between the two can be imagined.

"Come out for the old man!"

Elder Mo scolded, raised his big hand, and a huge palm directly pressed towards the Longevity Tomb.

That palm didn't seem to have much movement, but it seemed to be able to shake the general trend of the world and contain the power of rules.

"Strong Dao Rune!!"

Shen Tianyu blurted out, eyes full of horror.

Shi Gandang and others were no exception, their eyes showed hope.

Kaka! !

The Longevity Tomb, which has not yet been condensed, is almost about to burst under the huge pressure.

But the next moment, a huge bloody handprint seemed to appear out of thin air, directly blocking under that palm.


Immediately, the earth shook, and the two giant palms collided. It was not the earth-shattering scene as imagined, but only the entanglement of the power of rules.

The surrounding space was empty, and pieces fell, but wherever it was affected, the crowd would be directly decomposed and turned into countless fragments.

This is not a tear in strength, but a decomposition of space.

Anything placed in the space also decomposes together without any resistance.

Didn't even understand what was going on.

This can be seen from the astonishment and fear on the faces of everyone at the moment.

Only a few people understand.

Fang Yi also knew a little bit, this is the power of space rules, but knowing it is knowing, and the real insight still surprised him.

Although he was within the Thousand Tribulation Dao Stage, he had already seen the dominance of the power of rules.

But that was just imprisonment, not lethal.

But at this moment, it's completely different. It's more like cutting space, cutting a piece of space into countless fragments, and the things in the space are also split into countless fragments without any warning.

This is the power of rules, which is fundamentally different from the power of origin.

Fang Yi also seemed extremely eager in his heart.

However, right now is obviously not the time to think about these things, and immediately, he quickly looked at the shattered space.

I saw that Mo Lao's figure had retreated tens of thousands of meters away without knowing when.

And his face was slightly pale, and he didn't seem to be feeling well.


Mo Lao is not an opponent either.

Fang Yi's heart sank. Although he had expected it, he was still somewhat disappointed. In this way, who else can stop the Immortal Corpse King?

Once the Undying Corpse King succeeds, there is no surprise, the next person he is looking for is himself.

"Very good!"

Old Mo's eyes darkened, obviously still a little unconvinced, he stepped on his feet, and headed towards the Longevity Tomb again.

Shi Gandang and the others obviously saw something at this moment, and their faces turned pale.

"Let's go together!"

Immediately, countless strong men flocked again.


However, between the heaven and the earth, a heavy muffled sound suddenly came, as if a mountain was pressed down, and the surrounding space trembled.


The voices continued one after another, one over the other.

The next moment, a figure like an iron tower slowly stepped out from the unfinished Longevity Tomb.

The figure was not wearing any clothes, and the muscles and bones all over his body seemed to be made of iron, and they had not cooled down yet. The whole body was blood red, full of strength.

The facial features are well-defined, like sculptures, but they are indescribably evil.

A pair of pupils were even more frighteningly radiant, as if they were the god of death from the abyss of hell.

Undying Corpse King?

Is this the Undying Corpse King?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking. Although he had seen each other before, it was the first time he had actually seen him.

In the spirit world, because of the suppression of heaven, the Immortal Corpse King has been hiding in the coffin.

Now that he arrived at Tianshan Mountain, he naturally no longer had such scruples, and it was the first time he appeared in front of people.

jittery! !

Following his appearance, the group of ghosts suddenly screamed strangely, and the sharp screams made people feel horrified and chilled all over their bodies.

"Undead? Are you an undead?"

Mo Lao's eyes were full of light, and there was a deep sense of disbelief.

While speaking, without waiting for the other party to answer, the giant palm slapped down again.

The Immortal Corpse King didn't seem to have any intention of answering. With his deep eyes, he first glanced in Fang Yi's direction, and then turned to Mo Lao, revealing a hint of contempt.

not good!

This guy really set his sights on him.

With just one glance, Fang Yi already understood that the Immortal Corpse King had already noticed him.

And the reason why he didn't make a move was probably because of the cohesion of the Longevity Tomb, which made him have no time to deal with himself.

Once the Longevity Tomb is condensed, then...


Even if he escaped at this moment, it would definitely be a terrible thing to be remembered by such an opponent all the time.

But besides escaping?What else can I do?Is it possible to completely solve the other party?

Just rely on your own strength?Plus Mo Lao?and these people?

Never mind, always give it a try.

Since it was unavoidable, Fang Yi simply put his mind to it, whether it will work or not, we'll have to try it out.

Right now, the Longevity Tomb is about to condense, which is the best opportunity. Once the Longevity Tomb is condensed, the strength of the Immortal Corpse King will inevitably increase.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be no chance to try.

After making up his mind, Fang Yi's eyes moved, and the aura in his body rose accordingly, and the sound of dragon chant faintly came from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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