Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2475

Chapter 2475

"Elder, then we..."

Several people in the hall looked at each other, and Mu Hai finally looked at Gu Changqing.

"Since Miss Leng has made up her mind, let's cooperate with her with all my strength!" Gu Changqing said helplessly, his brows filled with sorrow.

Let Fairy Leng Yue come forward to attract more people's attention, so as to stay away from Mu Shenzong, this is undoubtedly the best way to reduce the burden on Mu Shenzong at the moment.

But, who are those people, although Fairy Leng Yue has broken through to the state of transforming gods.

But facing such a group of people, it is undoubtedly extremely dangerous.

If one is not good, it may be beyond redemption.

However, things have come to this point, and several people have no choice.


"Have you heard! Fairy Leng Yue appeared in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. It turned out that she hadn't left the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. I heard that the Eighth Realm of Kunlun was in her hands."

"Fairy Leng Yue? Which Fairy Leng Yue?"

"You are stupid! It is the woman who appeared with Fang Yi back then, and she has always controlled the Eighth Realm of Kunlun."


"This is still false. It is said that Fang Yi deliberately placed him in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, but he left, in order to divert the attention of the world. However, Fang Yi disappeared at the battle of the Thousand Tribulation Star, and Fairy Leng Yue probably I couldn't wait any longer, so I went out to search, but was discovered by the subordinates of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas."

"Yes! I've also heard that she used the Kunlun Eighth Realm to kill many subordinates of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas. Now she is trapped in that area and cannot escape."

"There is such a thing? Then let's go and see together."

Under the guidance of caring people, discussions like this spread throughout the nearby star field almost overnight.

There are even some photo symbols to testify.

In the photo talisman, Fairy Leng Yue held her sword in the air, wantonly slaughtering the subordinates of the besieging True Ancestor of the Four Seas, and even at the last moment, she seemed to take out a bronze mirror, and with the help of the bronze mirror, she killed all the besieging people and escaped. and go.

The picture is not too blurry, at least Fairy Leng Yue is clearly recognizable.

But it's not too clear, and the bronze mirror can't tell the real from the fake.

However, the world does not need to distinguish, seeing these images, they are already extremely convinced.

Of course, there are also some skeptics.


"Has the news been confirmed?"

Somewhere in the main hall, a group of strong soul clan gathered together, the leader was a man in white robe, his eyes were like torches, and his breath was like an abyss. His name was Jun Jiuhuan. .

After the battle of Qianjiexing, he was ordered to search for Fang Yi's whereabouts.

And this time their target is Jupiter.

But before she came, the news of Fairy Leng Yue came again.

"My lord, this subordinate has already confirmed it to the True Ancestor of the Four Seas, but he has denied the news."

Someone replied.

"It's not surprising. It would be strange if he didn't deny it. Let me ask, if that woman is really gathering starfish and pregnant with the Kunlun Eighth Realm, how can she admit it?"

"That's right! His words are not to be believed."

Everyone nodded.

"That's right! The subordinates also felt that his words were not credible, so they inquired from various sources. Finally, someone confirmed that the woman had indeed appeared in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness."

"Moreover, there is another discovery that those blood-devouring corpses also frequently appear in that area."


Everyone was startled when they heard the words.

The appearance of the blood-devouring Yin Corpse, not to mention those small forces, even those as powerful as the soul clan will feel extremely headache.

Those yin corpses have an immortal body, and they can only be effective if they hurt their souls. However, they are like a bunch of walking dead, without any souls at all.

The best way is to turn them into ashes.

But ordinary flames can't hurt them at all, which is really a headache.

It's just that these ghost corpses are scattered in every corner of the Tianshan Mountains, as if they are looking for something, most of them act alone, how could...

Could it be that what they were looking for was also in that area?It couldn't be such a coincidence, what they were looking for was the Eight Realms of Kunlun, right?

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

"Tell me what you think!"

After a while, Jun Jiuhuan said, frowning slightly.

"My lord, since the woman did appear, the news must be unmistakable, and there is no delay in going to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness."

"If this is the case, don't you want to give up the Wood God Sect? What about that kid? If you don't smash that kid into thousands of pieces, how can we, the soul clan, have any face?"

"That kid is naturally going to be killed, it's just a matter of priority, not to mention, no one is sure if that kid is in the Wood God Sect."

"Otherwise, we will divide into two groups?"

"It's absolutely impossible. This time is no small matter. The ancient demons have dispatched many strong men. Once we divide our forces, we may end up with nothing at both ends."

"Yes! I really think that the Wood God Sect will keep an ancient demon clan. We will go to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. If we act like that kid, if we know that the girl is in danger, we will definitely rescue him. At that time..."

Everyone in the hall was discussing.

However, a cold smile gradually appeared on Jun Jiuhuan's face, and he said immediately, "Go to the sea of ​​bitterness! That kid is not in the Wood God Sect."

Not in Wood God Sect?

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but look at Jun Jiuhuan together, their faces were full of puzzlement.

But Jun Jiuhuan had already drifted away.


"You said that kid is not in the Wood God Sect?"

At the same time, a group of experts from the Ancient Demon Race were also discussing.

The leader was a man with a burly figure like an iron tower, his muscles were bulging high, and his body was much taller than ordinary people. The whole man was full of explosive power.

It is one of the seven great demon gods of the ancient demon clan, known as the power demon.

Not only is he powerful, but he also has a diamond demon body, and his cultivation has reached the Heavenly Soul Realm, so there are few opponents.

But at this moment, his pair of tiger eyes were only staring at the blood demon ancestor.

The other people also had different expressions, most of them with suspicion.

"Blood Demon, both you and that kid are from the outside world. Could it be that you want to cover him up? You must know that the Shimo Heavenly Book is very important to our demon clan, and no one can possess it."

"That's right! The clan has already given you the opportunity to persuade that kid to hand over the Shimo Heavenly Book. As long as he is willing to hand it over, he will be my eternal friend of the Ancient Demon Clan. As a result..."

A series of sharp gazes came.

The blood demon patriarch did not change his face.

A word that requires people to hand over the Shimo Heavenly Book?joke.

Moreover, he knew Fang Yi's temperament very well, so he didn't even bother to mention it. Of course, he never saw Fang Yi again.

"I really want to, but I have no friendship with him, so why should I let him hand it over?"

The blood demon patriarch asked back, "As for the fact that I said that he is not in the Wood God Sect, there is a basis for that, cover up? I still want to get the Shimo Heavenly Book?"

Even in the face of a group of strong demons, the ancestor of the blood demon did not show the slightest timidity.

Instead, he sneered.

Today, he is already the pinnacle of the human soul, even in the entire ancient demon clan, he is an existence that cannot be underestimated.

And as a member of the demon clan, everyone was a little dissatisfied with his failure to persuade Fang Yi, but they didn't have much doubt. It's just that his words at the moment made everyone a little puzzled.

"Gorefiend, tell me! Why are you so sure?"

At this moment, Li Mo spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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