Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2476

Chapter 2476

Facing the power demon, the ancestor of the blood demon did not dare to be too arrogant, paused, and said: "My lord, although I have nothing to do with that kid, I have heard a little about his character."

"If that kid is really in the Wood God Sect, the Wood God Sect has already become the center of the storm. With his personality, he definitely won't ignore it, and he must have already appeared."

"Just like the battle of Chixiao Palace, Chixiao Palace has nothing to do with him, and he still showed up on his own initiative..."

The blood demon patriarch said.

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe he showed up for the Scarlet Firmament Sword? Now that we, the Ancient Demon Clan, are here, he knows he is no match, so he hides in the dark."

"That's right! He must have been scared and turned into a coward. As long as he wiped out Mu Shenzong, he might not be able to find out his whereabouts."

Everyone shouted.

However, the ancestor of the Gorefiend sneered, saying: "A person who is busy running for his life would throw himself into the trap for the Chixiao Sword? Do you think it is possible?"

"As for the shrinking turtle..."

"Don't forget that in the battle of Scarlet Heaven Palace, there were not a few strong people from the Soul Clan and the Fairy Spirit Clan. If you add other people, they will not be much weaker than this time, right?"

"He dared to show up last time, how could he shrink back this time?"

"Take a ten thousand step back, if he really shrinks, then even if we take down the Wood God Sect, he won't show up."


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help frowning.

There is undoubtedly some truth in the words of the blood demon patriarch. Without knowing Fang Yi's whereabouts, it would be futile to blindly take down the Wood God Sect.

But, it's better than doing nothing.

"Then kill all the members of the Wood God Sect. As long as he doesn't show up for a day, kill a Wood God Sect disciple. I'm not afraid that he won't show up." Someone shouted.

Several other people also echoed, and they all seemed to agree.

In their view, Mu Shenzong is just fish on the chopping board, slaughtered at will.

The mouth of the blood demon patriarch couldn't help twitching, but he still said: "Although the words are good, the premise is that the kid is related to the Wood God Sect. Right now, everything is speculation and has not been confirmed yet."

"What if that kid has nothing to do with Mu Shenzong?"

These words undoubtedly startled everyone.

But no, everything has not been confirmed yet.

If it's really related, that's all. If the two have nothing to do with each other, wouldn't it be killing innocent people in vain?

Although they don't care about innocence or not, they do care about their own face. If this matter gets out, won't they be laughed out of hand?

The ancient demons can't afford to lose this person.

"Then what do you think we should do? Could it be that Mu Shenzong and his party are giving up? It is better to kill the wrong than to let it go."

someone called.

"Of course it's not doing nothing. Isn't there news about the girl right now? Whether that kid is related to the Wood God Sect remains to be verified, but there is no doubt that he is related to the girl."

"So, instead of attacking Mu Shenzong, it's better to attack that girl."

"Not to mention that girl is pregnant with the Kunlun Eight Realms, if that kid knows the girl's situation, he will definitely go to rescue her. Don't forget the Thousand Tribulation Star, that kid is a sentimental species. He even dared to break into it for Mengxian , then..."

These words undoubtedly won the approval of many people, who nodded their heads one after another.

Compared with whether Fang Yi is in the Wood God Sect or not, there is no doubt about the appearance of Fairy Leng Yue and the fact that she is pregnant with the Eighth Realm of Kunlun.

It is obviously impossible to say that they have no idea at all.

And the words of the blood demon patriarch are not unreasonable.

Of course, the final decision is still in the hands of Li Mo, and everyone can't help but look at him at this moment.

The blood demon patriarch was no exception, and he was also a little nervous. The reason why he said such words was naturally for the good of Mu Shenzong, but he had no idea whether he would succeed.

"You said that kid is not in the Wood God Sect, so where is he?"

Li Mo's eyes were deep, staring at the blood demon ancestor.

"Returning to my lord, I don't know about it, but there will definitely be no results in the Wood God Sect. Everything can only be known from the girl."

"The girl is in danger, if the boy finds out, he will definitely rush away."

The blood demon patriarch remained calm and replied.

"What if he didn't go?" Limo asked again.

"Then... the biggest possibility is that the kid is hiding somewhere in retreat. If that's the case, capturing the girl is also a bargaining chip." The blood demon ancestor said.

"That's right!" Everyone seemed to think it made sense, and nodded.

However, Li Mo did not express anything, instead his eyes became sharper, and he said: "There is another possibility, that is, all this was planned by Mu Shenzong and that girl in order to shift the battlefield so that the Wood Shenzong survived, do you think so?"

Li Mo stared at the blood demon patriarch, questioning.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

The blood demon patriarch couldn't help but sink in his heart, he also thought of this possibility, and it was precisely because of this that he tried his best to persuade everyone to go to the sea of ​​suffering.

Seeing the question at this moment, he paused for a moment, then calmly said: "That's right! My lord has the insight, there is indeed such a possibility."

"It is also because of this that this old man is sure that the boy is not in the Wood God Sect. If he is really there, with his character, such a risky thing will definitely not be the girl, but himself."

Li Mo nodded, seeming to quite agree with this statement.

"You're right! That kid is probably not in the Wood God Sect, but the Wood God Sect can't let him go either."

"Nine Swords Demon Lord, take some of you and continue to the Wood God Sect, and the others, follow me to the sea of ​​bitterness!"

Lich Molly finally ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

"My lord, don't worry, there is only a Wood God Sect, I will definitely take them down." Nine Sword Demon Lord is a man with extremely fierce aura, his eyes are like knives, and he carries nine long swords on his back, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

"Okay! Then get ready and hit the road immediately!"

Li Mo shouted loudly, and everyone left one after another.


At the same time, similar conversations were filled among the major forces.

In fact, apart from the Soul Clan and the Ancient Demon Clan, other forces don't care about Fang Yi at all, they care about the Kunlun Eighth Realm.

So, no surprise, the vast majority of people rushed to the sea of ​​bitterness.

Especially seeing that the Soul Clan and Ancient Demon Clan had all gone, the crowd couldn't wait even more.

The plight of Mu Shenzong was also easily resolved.

Knowing this, Gu Changqing was really relieved, because the effect of the plan far exceeded expectations, but also because of this, the situation of Fairy Leng Yue is self-evident.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, it's useless for him to worry, not to mention that the crisis of Mu Shenzong has not been completely resolved.

Even if it is lifted, with his strength, and even the strength of Mu Shenzong, nothing can be changed.

Perhaps the only thing he can do is to pray, to pray that Fang Yi will return soon.

Otherwise, even if Fairy Leng Yue diverts her gaze, Wood God Sect won't be able to last long, until then...

As if he had sensed his prayer, Fang Yi, who was originally like a statue in the Water God Temple, slowly opened his eyes at this moment, and the three-color divine light also burst out.

(End of this chapter)

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