Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2477 The Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas

Chapter 2477 The Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas

"My lord, I haven't found the whereabouts of the woman yet, I believe she has escaped into the sea of ​​suffering!"

Gathering starfish, somewhere in the main hall, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas is gloomy at the moment.

Last time, Fang Yi's escape made him extremely angry. He never thought that Fairy Leng Yue dared to break into his territory this time, which made him feel extremely humiliated.

"Look! We must find her, I need her body to be broken into pieces."

There was a strong killing intent in the cold voice.

"Yes! Your lord!"

The person below replied, "It's just... the news has spread, and countless powerful people are coming. The sea of ​​suffering is so big, I'm afraid it will be..."

It's okay not to say this, but when he said it, the face of the true ancestor of the four seas became more and more ugly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Who is it? Have you found out who is doing the trick?"

Immediately, he shouted.

The news that the so-called Fairy Leng Yue appeared in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness and fought against his subordinates is completely unfounded, and the so-called photo-taking talisman is also completely false.

It is clear that someone deliberately drew the attention of the world to Ju Haixing.

Let Gathering Starfish become the heart of the storm.

"This..." The person below paused for a moment, and replied uncertainly: "My lord, once this happened, the people who were planning to go to the Wood God Sect all came to Gather Starfish."

"Inferred from this, most likely it has something to do with Mu Shenzong."

Wood God Sect?

Two cold lights shot out from the eyes of True Ancestor of the Four Seas, revealing a strong killing intent.

"I should have thought earlier that people from the Wood God Sect had appeared in the past. With the Qingdi Wood Emperor Fist that that kid used, it is impossible for the Wood God Sect to miss that kid."

"Damn it, that kid actually used Chixiao Palace as a cover."

In fact, he misunderstood Fang Yi.

Fang Yi didn't think of using the Scarlet Heaven Palace as a cover, it was just an accident, he happened to meet someone from the Scarlet Heaven Palace.

But because of this, considering the strength of Chixiao Palace, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas had no choice but to give up. If he had known early on that it was the Wood God Sect, the result would have been very different.

"Look! Let the people below go out with all their might, and find her before the Soul Clan and Ancient Demon Clan arrive."

True Ancestor of the Four Seas hated his teeth itching.


The people below took orders and were waiting to leave.

"Report!" At this moment, another figure hurried in from outside the hall.

"My lord, many blood-devouring corpses have been found in the southeastern region of the Sea of ​​Bitterness. A large number of warriors have been attacked, and many of us have also been killed."

The visitor looked in a hurry, and when he talked about the Blood-devouring Yin Corpse, his face turned pale involuntarily.

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas also had a headache on his face.

I don't know when these blood-eating corpses started to appear frequently near Ju Haixing, making people panic.

There have been several times when he personally took action, but in the end, although he was firmly on top, it was difficult to completely eliminate it.

"What's going on over there now?"

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas asked.

"Returning to my lord, the crowd suffered heavy losses and a large number of warriors were swallowed up. However, after several Buddhas arrived, they were restrained."

"At this moment, those Buddhas are still fighting those ghost corpses."

The visitor replied.


True Ancestor of the Four Seas couldn't help frowning, there were not many Buddhist disciples, and even fewer were born.

It is no small matter that several people appear at once, and they can still compete with those blood-devouring corpses.

"Do you know their origins?"

"This!" The visitor paused, thought for a while, and said, "I have heard someone mention it in the crowd, and it is likely to be an eminent monk from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple."

What?Wanfo Temple?

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas' eyes lit up, and a hint of disbelief flashed across.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple has nothing to do with the world, and most of the monks in it practice behind closed doors and do not participate in external disputes.

It is also unknown in the entire Tianshan Mountains.

However, that is only in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of a strong man like the True Ancestor of the Four Seas, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is not a simple place, and the strong people inside are like clouds, unfathomable.

No one dared to underestimate them in any strength, even first-class forces like the Soul Clan and Ancient Demon Clan were no exception.

But now, Wanfo Temple has also come to Juhaixing, together with the Blood-devouring Yin Corpse and Fairy Leng Yue, for a while, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas had a bad premonition.

In the dark, it seems that there is a giant net caged towards him.

"Let's leave it to those monks! Find the girl first."

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas made up his mind.

This time, Juhaixing was turbulent, which made him a little secretly afraid, so he had to avoid it for the time being.

It's just that before that, the girl must be found, as well as the Eighth Realm of Kunlun.


jittery! !

In the pitch-black sea of ​​suffering, a series of sharp and strange screams filled the surroundings, making the crowd feel horrified.

Fortunately, those Buddhas radiated golden light all over their bodies, and the Buddha's light shone everywhere, suppressing the evil figures one after another.

Let the crowd finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"These blood-eating corpses are simply too hateful. Fortunately, there are these Buddhas, otherwise..."

"Yes! Completely destroy them."

The crowd around shouted one after another, but no one dared to take a step forward. Instead, they showed fear and were always ready to escape.

The evil of the Blood-devouring Yin Corpse has obviously frightened them out of their wits.

And those Buddhas, with no fear on their faces, fought hard against those Yin corpses, and the bright Buddha light seemed to have a certain suppressive effect on the Yin corpses.

However, it is not so easy to completely eliminate it.

Especially when the quantity is not dominant.

Seeing that the two sides were inseparable, the crowd not only showed no intention of helping each other, but retreated unconsciously, as if they wanted to escape as soon as possible.


Suddenly, there was a cold drink, full of contempt.

In the surrounding space, the Buddha's light was also flourishing. Facing the Buddha's light, a white-robed monk came slowly.

Killing intent is awe-inspiring!

It is completely different from the other Buddhas, giving people a sense of evil spirit.

Suddenly, it was the Moonless Saint Monk who was once ranked second on the demigod list.

However, now he has left the list of demigods, because he has already broken through to the realm of transforming gods, reaching the peak of human soul, even better than Fairy Leng Yue.

Of course, his cultivation level was far superior to Fairy Leng Yue's at the beginning, and after comprehending the six-character Buddhist mantra, he has made great progress.

When it comes at this moment, it will be like a real Buddha, suppressing all evil spirits.

The several blood-devouring corpses seemed to sense his threat, showing strange expressions.

"It's the holy monk without moon! Unexpectedly, he has already broken through to the realm of transforming gods!"

The crowd recognized the Moonless Saint Monk at a glance, and at the same time sensed his gaze, and couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

Of course, it's only a little bit, and it's not worth mentioning compared to life.

"Beast, die!"

The Moonless Saint Monk only glanced at the crowd, and then swept his cold eyes towards the corpses, revealing a strong killing intent, and the Buddha's light around him also flourished.

Then it turned into a golden Buddha's palm and pressed down directly.

jittery! !

Feeling the palm, the group of corpses also let out sharp and strange screams.

(End of this chapter)

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