Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2487

Chapter 2487

Boom! !

The two giant palms collided, like two meteorites colliding together, shocking the sky.

The roaring power swept away, wantonly destroying everything around, even the water of the sea of ​​bitterness was no exception, forming a huge vacuum.

Some warriors who were unable to react in time were thrown away one after another.

"King Qing Jiao!"

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas gritted his teeth, as if there were two raging flames steaming in his eyes.


As if in response to his words, in the endless sea of ​​suffering, a huge monster slowly appeared in everyone's sight, it was the king of the green snake monster clan, the green dragon king.

Fairy Leng Yue is no stranger to King Qing Jiao.

At the exit of the Abyss of Nine Deaths, there was a battle between King Qingjiao and Fang Yi, and she witnessed it with her own eyes.

Of course, she didn't know that Qingjiao King was subdued by Fang Yi in that battle.

All I know is that in the end, the two of them worked together to trick the True Ancestor of the Four Seas, and even with that, she almost died.

"True Ancestor of the Four Seas, have you forgotten our agreement? This is the territory of my Green Snake Demon Clan, withdraw immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for killing me."

King Qingjiao spouted words, and his huge body gave people a great sense of oppression.

All the people present, except for a few, even had difficulty breathing.

This breath, compared to before, I don't know how many times stronger.

Rao is the true ancestor of the world, his pupils can't help shrinking sharply, and a touch of inconceivability flashes across.

The two have been fighting for countless years, so it can be said that they know the bottom line. He naturally knows exactly how capable the Qing Jiao King is.

But this is the past.

In the past hundred years, King Qingjiao has become extremely unusual. Every time he confronts, he has made great progress, which shocked him unceasingly.

At the same time, the pressure increased dramatically.

Because even he is not sure whether he can suppress his opponent in the next confrontation.

"What a big tone! King Qingjiao, this girl is wanted by the Soul Clan, how dare you stop her?"

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas sneered again and again, a hint of insidiousness flashed in his eyes.

This time, the reason why he readily agreed to Jun Jiuhuan was because of King Qingjiao.

The existence of King Qingjiao, especially his growth over the past hundred years, has given him great pressure, so he can't wait to get rid of him.

But with his strength, it is absolutely impossible.

However, the soul clan is different, Jun Jiuhuan is enough to suppress each other, so...

"Soul Race!"

A look of fear flashed in the eyes of the Qing Jiao King. Although he was in the sea of ​​suffering, he was naturally no stranger to the Soul Clan.

However, it is obviously impossible for him to submit like this.

"Hmph! This king didn't scare you, so what about the soul race? This is the sea of ​​bitterness, not the Tianshan Mountain!"

The Qingjiao King roared, and the faint sound of dragon chant came from his mouth.

While speaking, one of his giant claws directly slapped the True Ancestor of the Four Seas, sweeping everything with monstrous power.

"you wanna die!"

True Ancestor of the Four Seas was furious, but there was a deep smile in his eyes, he was really afraid that the other party would retreat in a hurry because of the prestige of the soul clan, in that case, he would be wasting his life in vain.

Fortunately, everything is as expected.

"Green Flood King, your time of death has arrived!"

True Ancestor of the Four Seas grinned ferociously, and at the same time rushed forward quickly.

A scuffle ensues again.

Although the Qing Jiao King has not yet broken through to the Earth Soul Realm, his strength is many times stronger than before, and bursts of dragon chant can be heard in his body.

It seems that his body has undergone some kind of transformation in the past hundred years.

All of this, of course, must be attributed to Fang Yi.

When Fang Yi subdued him, he promised to make him a real green dragon. For this reason, he also gave him a drop of real dragon blood.

It was precisely because of this drop of true dragon blood that his body slowly transformed. Although his cultivation had not improved much, his strength was no longer the same.

Moreover, all this transformation has not yet been completed.

During the holidays, even becoming a real Azure Dragon may not be impossible.

Thanks to this, facing the true ancestor of the world at this moment, he did not fall behind.

On the other side, Fairy Leng Yue and the others also fought together.

However, with such an excellent opportunity, she naturally had no intention of fighting, so she found the right direction and wanted to escape.

Whoa! !

But at this moment, the surrounding sea boiled again, and green snake monsters gathered from all directions, densely packed, and the huge battlefield was suddenly surrounded by water.

not good!

The faces of all the people present changed drastically.

Fairy Leng Yue is no exception, because for her, no matter whose hands it falls into, the result will be the same.

However, just when she was having difficulty making a choice, the voice of King Qingjiao suddenly sounded in her sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hurry up, the strong man of the soul clan will arrive soon."

This sudden voice undoubtedly startled Fairy Leng Yue.

First, the Moonless Sage Monk, and now, even the Qing Jiao King's behavior is so weird, it seems that he came to help her specially, and for a while, she couldn't believe it.

However, she couldn't care less about this situation.

The long sword in his hand slashed directly at the man in black robe, and then rushed towards the periphery with his strength.

"You don't want to die?"

Seeing this, the Moonless Monk was filled with disbelief.

The surrounding area is densely packed with green snake monsters, once caught in it, it is impossible to escape.

The black-robed man also looked astonished, looking at the densely packed green snake demon, not knowing what to do.

But an unexpected scene appeared, instead of attacking Fairy Leng Yue, those green snake monsters made way for her, and then they closed up again and charged towards the battlefield.

As for Fairy Leng Yue, just like that, she was submerged in the group of green snake monsters and disappeared.

"What a green dragon king, it's fine if you don't take this seat seriously. Could it be that you don't even pay attention to the soul clan? This seat sees that you intend to be an enemy of the soul clan."

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas sneered again and again, and the joy at the corner of his mouth became more intense.

The development of things is undoubtedly better than he expected.

In this way, the end of King Qingjiao will come, how can he be unhappy.

"Stop talking nonsense, this king acts, why should I explain to you?"

King Qingjiao said coldly.

"Really? You are so courageous!" Suddenly, another thunderous voice exploded in the world, rolling in, shaking everyone's eardrums numb, and their hearts agitated.

not good!

The light in King Qingjiao's eyes changed greatly, just hearing this voice, he already knew who it was.

On the contrary, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas was overjoyed secretly, and his eyes were full of viciousness.


At this moment, even King Qingjiao didn't dare to trust him. Although his strength is not weak, his cultivation is only in the human soul realm, and the person who came was a strong heavenly soul. How could he dare to stay.

Immediately, with a movement of the figure, the huge body sank into the abyss like a ghost.

"Where to go!"

However, although his speed was fast, the other terrifying giant palm was faster than his speed and fell almost at the same time.

Seeing that this palm was about to catch him, at this moment, countless green snake demons had already killed them in all directions, flocking towards that palm like crazy.

Suddenly, bloody.

However, King Qing Jiao escaped into the abyss smoothly and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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