Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2488 Green Snake Demon Base Camp

Chapter 2488 Green Snake Demon Base Camp


The thunderous sound exploded, revealing boundless anger.

That palm also became more and more majestic, falling like the sky collapsed. During the funeral of countless green snake demons, there were no bones left.

Jun Jiuhuan's figure also fell immediately, but it's a pity that the Qingjiao King has long since disappeared, and the countless green snake monsters also dispersed, leaving only a bloody scene.

"Find! Dig three feet into the ground and let me find him."

Jun Jiu couldn't rest in his rage, his teeth were gnashing loudly.

On the other hand, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas had a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.


"My lord, the Soul Clan has already arrived one step ahead of us, and they are searching all over the world for that girl. With the help of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas, I'm afraid that girl won't be able to hide for long."

Somewhere in the void, Li Mo was listening to the report of his subordinates.

His face also gradually sank.

"My lord, if that girl falls into the hands of the soul clan, it will be difficult!"

Behind Li Mo, there are several strong demons. Hearing this, they all couldn't help showing worry.

The strength of the soul race and the demon race is equal.

Both, no matter who takes the first step, the other will be extremely passive.

"That girl doesn't matter at all. The key is that kid. As long as you find that kid and get the Shimo Heavenly Book, that girl is nothing to mention."

"That's a good word! But the boy's whereabouts are unknown, and the girl is the key."

There was a lot of discussion.

As for Li Mo, his eyes couldn't help but flicker, and he said coldly: "My demon clan is acting, why should I look at other people's faces, no matter whether the girl knows the boy's whereabouts or not, it can only fall into the hands of my demon clan."

Li Mo spoke domineeringly, and fierce lights shot out from his eyes.

"This seat will take a step first, you..."

As he said that, he glanced over the crowd, and inadvertently saw the blood demon ancestor, paused, and said: "You! Leave with me, and the others will arrive later."

"Yes!" Everyone dared not neglect.

The blood demon patriarch was no exception, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.


"Miss Leng, this way please!"

After escaping from birth, Fairy Leng Yue followed a green snake demon into the sea of ​​misery.

The green snake demon turned into a human-like woman at this moment, with a blue light all over her body, extremely alluring.

"Why help me?"

Fairy Leng Yue's eyes were alert, and there was questioning in her cold tone.

The actions of the Green Snake Demon Clan really filled her with doubts, but there is no better place to go right now, and this is the territory of the Green Snake Demon, so no one is more familiar with them.

If you want to avoid the hunt of the soul clan, following them is a good way.

So... Although full of doubts, she didn't refuse.

"I'm going to ask Master Jiao King about that, I'm also following orders." The coquettish woman replied.

Seeing this, Fairy Leng Yue didn't ask any more questions.

They come, the security.

If the Green Snake Demon Clan really wants to deal with her, it seems that there is no need to be so troublesome. However, although the Green Snake Demon Clan has a large territory, it may not be able to hide it from the eyes and ears of the Soul Clan.

Among other things, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas alone has an extraordinary understanding of the Green Snake Demon Clan.

I am afraid……

The facts are undoubtedly as she guessed.

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas was waiting for today, how could he easily miss it.

"Lord Jiu Huan, we are just ahead. This is the stronghold of the Green Serpent King and the headquarters of the Green Snake Monster Clan."

True Ancestor of the Four Seas said flatteringly, with a cold smile in his eyes.

He had long wanted to eradicate the Green Snake Demon Clan, and with such a good opportunity right now, he didn't try his best to summon all his subordinates, together with the Soul Clan, it was enough to suppress the Green Serpent King.

As long as the Green Serpent King dies, the other Green Snake Monsters will still be at his mercy.

"very good!"

Jun Jiuhuan nodded in satisfaction, "I owe you a favor. If this matter is over, I, the Soul Race, will never treat you badly."

"Where!" Hearing this, the smile in the eyes of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas became even bigger.

The base camp of the Green Snake Demon Clan is a huge mountain peak. The peaks on the seabed are different from those on the land. All kinds of strange corals, algae, and more unknown substances emit colorful light.

It makes the whole mountain look gorgeous.

On the top of the mountain, there are densely covered caves, which look like a hornet's nest from a distance.

And these 'hornet's nests' are naturally the residences of the Green Snake Demon Clan.

"Hmph! A beast is a beast, and such a place can also become a base camp."

Looking at everything in front of him, Jun Jiuhuan couldn't help but sarcastically.

"If you dare to be your enemy, I will destroy your base camp today." As he said that, Jun Jiuhuan's eyes sank, and a terrifying aura surged all over his body.

"Yes! Kill all these evil animals!"

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas echoed, and at the same time gave an order, causing a group of subordinates to surround Jufeng.

Whoa! !

However, at this moment, the surrounding sea water began to violently surge, and countless green snake demons came quickly from all directions, with murderous intent.

Apparently, these green snake monsters were already prepared.

On the huge mountain peak, in countless caves, green snake demons came out one after another.

The amount is so large that it makes one's scalp tingle.

The sea of ​​bitterness is extremely vast, and the number of each ethnic group is extremely terrifying. Of course, there are not many truly powerful ones, but this number is enough to make up for it.

This is not difficult to see from the ashen faces of everyone at the moment.

Only Jun Jiuhuan and the True Ancestor of the Four Seas have not changed much.

"King Qingjiao, hurry up and get out, don't you think you can stop us with these wastes? It's crazy."

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas let out a loud roar, and the thunderous sound exploded on the giant peak.

However, more and more green snake monsters responded to him.

Those green snake demons felt the threat posed to them by these people in front of them, and rushed forward one after another, launching an attack.

"I don't know how to live or die, kill!!"

True Ancestor of the Four Seas' eyes turned cold, and at the same time as he spoke, he had already attacked first, like a fierce tiger out of its cage, wherever it passed, countless green snake monsters were killed on the spot, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

kill kill kill! !

All the powerhouses of the Soul Clan also went up to meet them at the same time, and a scuffle ensued.

These green snake demons are not strong, strictly speaking, they are very weak, and most of them have not even developed their spiritual intelligence, but the advantage is that they are extremely numerous and densely packed.

Moreover, there are powerful green snake demons mixed in from time to time, pretending to be during the period.

Those above the God Transformation Realm are fine, but below the God Transformation Realm, the Soul Clan has already lost a lot of people.

Of course, more green snake demons died.

However, it is still not worth mentioning to the huge group of green snake demons.

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas also turned a little ugly at the moment, he never expected that the Qing Jiao King would use such a tactic, not to show himself, and let these little ones go to waste.

The Green Snake Demon clan is numerous and can afford it, but his subordinates are far behind, so how can it be consumed?

If this goes on like this, all the people under his hands will die, so what's the use of killing the Green Snake Demon Clan.

"King Qingjiao, get out of this seat, do you really think that this seat can do nothing to you!"

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas was furious, and while speaking, his whole body burst out with breath, and a giant palm of fear instantly condensed, and slammed towards the mountain peak.

(End of this chapter)

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