Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2501 Planning

Chapter 2501 Planning

Shi Zhongtian was only one step away from the Heavenly Soul Realm.

The cultivation base of the peak of the earth soul, coupled with tens of thousands of years of combat experience, and it appeared suddenly, the result can be imagined.

Killing Arhat was caught off guard and retreated steadily.

He did not forget to scold angrily: "You despicable villain, there are rumors about how great you are, but it turns out that you are just a sneaky person who only dares to hide behind other people's backs."


Shi Zhongtian was furious, and his attacks became more and more fierce.

As for Fang Yi, he naturally didn't care about these words, because he didn't come to compete with the opponent.

Let alone anger.

However, he had no intention to continue entanglement, and the terrifying claws of the real dragon swept across directly, dragging all the monks into the Cyanwood Pagoda.

Seeing this, the killing Arhat rose up to resist.

Unfortunately, facing Shi Zhongtian and Fang Yi, all his efforts were in vain.

In the end, it was impossible to avoid the fate of being trapped in the Qingmu Tower.

The battle ended quickly, and the surroundings returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Countless sword shadows also dispersed, revealing the figures of the two.

"My lord, it will be okay to trap them like this? I heard that the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is no small matter. Will our actions be noticed? If we are discovered, I'm afraid..."

"It's better to do one thing and keep doing two things."

Shi Zhongtian showed a fierce expression.

In fact, most people would have the same choice as him, not to mention what happens after things are revealed.

After the matter is successful, are these people really going to be released?

Once these people are released, they will definitely not be reconciled, and I am afraid that Wanfo Temple will not allow the disciples in the temple to be detained by others and ignore them.

The biggest possibility is that Fang Yi will offend one more force, Wanfo Temple.

So, instead of that, it's better to just come straight to it.

Maybe without anyone noticing.

Fang Yi didn't understand this truth, but after all, he was not a bloodthirsty person, especially these people had no grievances or enmities with him.

It's really hard for him to kill these people for no reason.

As for the future, let's talk about it!

He has already offended the Soul Clan and the Fairy Clan, and even had feuds with the Ancient Demon Clan and the Ancient God Clan, so he doesn't care about having another Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

"That's it! After all, it has nothing to do with them."

Fang Yi said lightly.

Seeing this, Shi Zhongtian stopped persuading him.

Some things, as long as you mention them, no matter what Fang Yi decides, he will support them.

Even though he hoped that Fang Yi would be more ruthless, he felt extremely comforted by this decision in his heart. This was a very complicated emotion, and even he himself didn't understand it.

"Where are you? How far is it from the Soul Race?"

At this time, Fang Yi asked a question.

"Master Hui, hurry up! The front is the realm of the past life, and beyond, it is the domain of the soul clan. I'm afraid that Mo Lao has already entered the realm of the past life."

Shi Zhongtian said truthfully, and there seemed to be something more to say between his brows.

However, it did not continue in the end.

"Speak up if you have something to say!" Fang Yi glanced at him and smiled lightly.

Seeing this, Shi Zhongtian didn't hesitate anymore, and finally said: "My lord, you let Mo Lao lead the way in front with half of Wujiang's coffin, but you patrol behind here by yourself, it's too dangerous."

"Why don't we rush to join Mo Lao as soon as possible?"

It turned out that the three had already split up.

Mo Lao led the way to the Soul Clan with half of the Wujiang coffin, while Fang Yi and Shi Zhongtian deliberately pushed back.

First, it was to prevent forces like Wanfo Temple from sabotaging the operation.

Secondly, Fang Yi also wanted to see how many Yin corpses followed, and at the same time confirm whether the undead really colluded with the immortal king.

Facts have proved that his decision is undoubtedly wise.

Otherwise, this operation is likely to be greatly discounted because of killing Arhat and others.

At the same time, the collusion between the undead and the undying corpse king was also confirmed, and the blood revenge was even accidentally discovered.

Of course, there is actually another reason, that is, his identity is too ostentatious, once discovered, it will definitely attract the attention of the soul clan.

On the contrary, it was Old Mo, who was so well cultivated that ordinary people could not find him at all.

Even if you find it, you probably don't know it.

Enough to deceive people.

Naturally, Shi Zhongtian also understood this truth, but during this period of time, they kept shuttling among the blood-devouring corpses, and were even almost discovered by Xue Tianchou and others once.

That's why I was a little worried.

"It's okay! With the strength of the two of us, as long as we are careful, nothing will happen."

"It's the same with Mo Lao. With his cultivation, he won't have any problems going to heaven or earth. If we join him, it will make him unable to let go and have some scruples."

Fang Yi replied.

Shi Zhongtian couldn't help but nodded, and then asked: "My lord, with the three of us and these ghost corpses alone, can things really be done?"

He seemed a little worried.

He wasn't worried about his own safety, but whether he could get things done.

In fact, Fang Yi is not too sure. Judging from his inspection of the corpses that followed in the past few days, his strength should not be underestimated, and he should be able to inflict heavy damage on the soul clan.

It's just that these ghost corpses didn't obey him after all, so what will happen then, only God knows.

The most important thing is that if you want to deal a fatal blow to the soul race, you still need the undying corpse king to come in person.

Otherwise, even if it can hurt the soul race, it may not have much effect, and this is completely out of his control.

Whether the Undying Corpse King will come or not, no one knows.

"I'm asking you, what forces does the Soul Clan fight against?"

After thinking about it, Fang Yi asked.

"My lord means..." Shi Zhongtian's eyes lit up, and he vaguely understood what Fang Yi meant, but then he shook his head, "My lord, there are quite a few forces that are at odds with the Soul Clan. It’s all fighting between the two.”

"But, that's all. If you want to use their power, it will be very difficult."

Shi Zhongtian's words are undoubtedly correct. Although there are struggles between the major forces, but because the forces are too large, one pull will affect the whole body, and there will be no large-scale conflicts.

At most, it's just some small fights.

The possibility of using their power to deal heavy blows to the soul race is extremely slim.

Fang Yi naturally understood, so he was not disappointed. Instead, he said thoughtfully: "It is impossible for them to attack with all their strength, but it is not necessary for us to say that it will be easier if they have some benefits."

Added insult to injury?benefit?

Shi Zhongtian nodded consciously. Indeed, if the Soul Clan were to suffer serious injuries, those forces would definitely not mind adding insult to injury.

As for the benefits...

"I ask you, what is the soul clan most famous for?" Fang Yi asked as if pointing.


Shi Zhongtian couldn't help frowning, shook his head for a while, and said: "The Soul Clan doesn't seem to have any special treasures. The biggest advantage is that the soul is extremely powerful, and the spiritual world is much better than those of the same level."

"There are even legends that their ancestors came from the underworld and were able to communicate with the underworld, so their souls are so powerful."


(End of this chapter)

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