Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2502 Bliss Sect

Chapter 2502 Bliss Sect

Communicate with the underworld?

Fang Yi was thoughtful, this seemed like a good idea, maybe...

"Other than that?" Fang Yi asked again.

Shi Zhongtian shook his head, obviously not very clear, the most outstanding feature of the soul clan is the power of the soul and the spiritual world, as for the others, I have never heard of it.

"Forget it! Let's watch as we go!"

Fang Yi was not disappointed either, thinking secretly whether he could make a fuss about communicating with the underworld.

"Young master, do you have an idea?"

Seeing this, Shi Zhongtian couldn't help asking.

"It's not that simple." Fang Yi shook his head and smiled, "Tell me again, which forces the Soul Clan has disputes with and why."

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is the only way to be safe in a hundred battles.

The more you know about the Soul Clan, the greater the possibility of success in this trip, so...


Shi Zhongtian didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly said.

The two of them were like this, and while they were on their way, they counted the past of the soul clan, which should be called a crime.

It turns out that the growth of the soul clan is a bloody history of blood and tears.

In this regard, Fang Yi was not surprised. Any force wants to grow, it is a blend of blood and tears, let alone a top force like the Soul Clan that has stood on the Tianshan Mountains for countless years.

"Young Master Hui, if you want to say that among these forces, the ones who have the deepest grievances with the Soul Clan are probably the only ones with the Ancient God Clan."

"If you can find their help, maybe you can get things done."

At the end, Shi Zhongtian did not forget to add a sentence.

Ancient Protoss?

Subconsciously, Fang Yi couldn't help remembering that when the Thousand Tribulation Star and the Thousand Tribulation Dao Step came out, the first Heavenly Soul expert to arrive was Shen Canghai.

At that time, Shen Canghai fought a battle with the strong soul clan.

If not, he would not be able to easily break through the blockade of the soul clan.

Shen Canghai can appear so quickly, presumably, the eyes of the ancient gods are always staring at the souls, if there is any trouble...

Needless to say, you can really use them.

It's just that the relationship between myself and them is very ordinary, and there are even holidays, I'm afraid...

That's it!

Fang Yi shook his head helplessly in the end. Even if these things are excluded, the ancient gods are not fools, and they cannot be easily used unless there are tangible benefits.

And there are almost no benefits that can make a huge ancient god clan fall in love with it.


"Patriarch, their speed is too fast. If this continues, they will soon reach the territory of the soul clan. At that time, it will be even more difficult to intercept them."

In another void, Xue Tianchou was sullen, extremely ugly.

This way of pursuit, originally thought that the opponent could be taken down before reaching the soul clan.

But who knows, the other party galloped all the way as if they knew there would be pursuers, without stopping at all.

Let all his plans come to naught.

Now, seeing that he is about to enter the realm of the soul clan, why is he not in a hurry?If he had no other choice, he really didn't want to confront the Soul Clan head-on. Those Yin corpses didn't live or die, so they didn't have to be afraid.

However, although his undead clan claims to be immortal, they are not really immortal.

"Ahead is the world of rebirth, right?"

Xue Tianchou looked up into the distance, as if he had already made up his mind.

"Yes patriarch, the front is the domain of the Bliss Sect, the Rebirth Realm, and after that, you will arrive at the Soul Clan."

A disciple replied.

"Looking at their route, the final destination should be the largest main star at the junction of the soul clan and the world of the dead, the soul-gathering star, let the corpses rushing from all over go directly, and stop them before they arrive."


A group of undead disciples took orders, and then left quickly.

"Soul Race!" Xue Tianchou murmured, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.


The Realm of Rebirth, at the junction with the Soul Clan, is under the rule of the Bliss Sect.

Speaking of the Bliss Sect, it used to be a great sect, the suzerain was known as the Lord of Bliss Dao, and his strength was extremely powerful.

Just kidding, being able to live and thrive on the fringes of the Soul Clan's domain is naturally extraordinary.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Soul Clan's territory is too large and they have no intention of expanding it.

However, Bliss Sect still proves that he is no small matter, because he is the most powerful among the many forces at the border with the soul clan, and he is the only one who dares not to buy the account of the soul clan.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

When Fang Yi heard this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Did the Soul Clan just let it go? Didn't take action against the Bliss Sect?" Fang Yi asked curiously.

When they came to the world of the past life, the two of them did not rush on their way, but stopped at the biggest star in the world of the past life, the Bliss star where the Bliss School is located.

Because Fang Yi still has some things to do.

Knowing all this from Shi Zhongtian's mouth at this moment, he couldn't help being a little curious.

"My lord doesn't know something!"

Shi Zhongtian said slowly: "This Bliss Sect is extraordinary. Its cultivation emphasizes the harmony of yin and yang, and both men and women cultivate. The disciples in the sect are all in pairs."

"Also, it is said that every disciple can only double cultivate with stable people, and once confirmed, it cannot be changed."

"Otherwise, at the least, you will go mad, and at the worst, you will die."

Is there such a thing?Such a weird cultivation method?

Fang Yi was surprised.

He has heard a lot of Shuangxiu sects, but most of them are quite confusing, so he was a little disdainful when he heard that the Bliss Sect was also such a sect.

But hearing these words again, the feelings are naturally different.

"More than that! Their cultivation techniques are not only weird, but also extremely good. It is said that in the past dynasties of the Bliss Sect, many people have both stepped into the legendary realm and ascended to the fairy world."

"Let's not talk about it, let's just say that before his subordinates were imprisoned, the former Lord of Bliss was only one step away from breaking through to the legendary realm."

"There are countless existences in the entire Tianshan Mountains."

Shi Zhongtian said again, when he mentioned the Bliss School, his words were full of respect.

Fang Yi was also slightly surprised, apparently he did not expect that this little-known sect would be so great.

Of course, whether it is not well-known is another matter. The more reason is that Fang Yi is too ignorant. All along, he is either practicing or busy with other things. He has no time to understand the history of Tianshan.

"It's just that for some reason, this Bliss Sect has become a small sect, which is really surprising. Something must have happened to the Bliss Sect during the years when the subordinates were trapped."

"I'm afraid it has a great relationship with the Soul Race."

Shi Zhongtian finally guessed, with a look of confusion between his brows.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"Also, didn't you say that the Soul Race let them go and didn't force them to take action?"

Fang Yi was a little puzzled when Shi Zhongtian mentioned it.

"The subordinates are not sure about the specifics, but there is one thing that I am afraid the young master does not know. The Taoist Lord of Ultimate Bliss is all women, and her dual cultivation partner is rumored to be a certain superpower from the Soul Race."

Shi Zhongtian's astonishing words made Fang Yi startled.

Is the Lord of Ultimate Bliss a woman?

Moreover, her dual cultivator is also a super strong soul clan, so the relationship between the Bliss Sect and the soul clan...

(End of this chapter)

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