Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2507 Fang Yi's Shock

Chapter 2507 Fang Yi's Shock

"Master of Ultimate Bliss?"

Fang Yi was a little unbelievable and a little unsure.

At this time, the Taoist Lord of Bliss had turned around slowly, and his pair of eyes seemed to be able to speak, staring at Fang Yi closely, showing strong interest and a hint of playfulness.

"How did you find out about me?"

Fang Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he asked directly.

"Want to know? It's not impossible, let me see your true face first."

The voice turned out to be a little playful.

This undoubtedly surprised Fang Yi. Although the Bliss Sect is not well-known, as the head of a sect, the minimum majesty is still required!

A martial artist cultivates, although his appearance shows his age, his character will always grow.

But at this moment, the person known as the Taoist Lord of Ultimate Bliss gave him the feeling that he was just a girl.

There is no majesty of the master of a sect.

"So you know me!"

In addition to his behavior being inconsistent with the head of the sect, Fang Yi frowned at the other party's words.

This is equivalent to saying that the other party doesn't know what his true face is at all, so it is even more impossible to know himself, but in fact, the other party has seen through himself.

Could it be that the other party admitted the wrong person?It just so happens that that person is also surnamed Fang?

This possibility...

"Who said I don't know you, your name is Fang Yi, and you still want to do something to the soul race, right?"

The only trace of fantasy left in Fang Yi's heart was shattered.

If he still had the slightest suspicion before, then at this moment, there was only killing intent left, and his complexion instantly sank, his eyes were like knives, and there was an incomparably sharp light.

"What do you want to do? Kill people and silence them?"

However, facing Fang Yi, the Lord of Bliss did not show the slightest fear. Instead, he said in a very playful tone, "Actually, you don't need to worry. There are too many people who want to attack the soul clan. Who cares?"

Daoist Bliss didn't take it seriously, looking at her, she didn't look like she was just pretending.

However, Fang Yi no longer wanted to listen.

"I'll give you another chance, tell me! How do you know this?" Fang Yi's sharp aura locked on the Taoist Lord of Bliss.

Undoubtedly, if the Lord of Ultimate Bliss doesn't explain the reason, I'm afraid...

However, Daoist Bliss did not have such awareness at all, instead he smiled slyly and said, "Want to know? First defeat me and then talk about it."

Saying that, her figure disappeared in place out of thin air.


Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a flash of inconceivableness flashed across it. This was by no means a concealment technique. There was no elemental force fluctuation, and it was more like the force of rules.

However, the opponent's cultivation base seems to be no more than the soul state just now, how could it be...

Even though I have comprehended some power of rules for some reason, it is only limited to the inner world.

But the other party is directly displayed to the outside world, which is really unbelievable.

brush! !

Just as Fang Yi was shocked, several sharp auras struck again.

Compared with before, the aura became more domineering and weirder. The Lord of Blissful Dao appeared and disappeared, and the whole space seemed to be under her control.

Even Fang Yi felt extremely passive.

It was completely different from the previous battles.

If it is said that Fang Yi still had some doubts about the other party's identity before, whether he was the Lord of Ultimate Bliss or not.

So at this moment, through this battle, it has been confirmed that the opponent must be the Lord of Ultimate Bliss, otherwise, it would definitely not be so amazing.

I'm afraid Shi Zhongtian is inferior to the other party.

"Since the girl doesn't say anything, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Fang Yi has no intention of entanglement anymore. Although the Lord of Bliss is powerful, he is obviously still a lot worse than him.

What's more, what the other party is really good at is the weird body technique, which seems to be the power of rules, but it doesn't seem to be completely. Even Fang Yi feels a little baffled.

However, this does not prevent him from defeating the opponent.

Even if it is the power of rules, it is extremely superficial, and it cannot break through the Heavenly Trapped Sword Formation at all.

And this is the key to Fang Yi defeating the opponent.

At this moment, the entire hall has been shrouded by the Trapped Heaven Sword Array, and it is shrinking a little bit, and the scope of the opponent's activities will also become smaller and smaller.

No matter how weird his body skills are, there is nothing he can do.

The Taoist Lord of Bliss obviously also noticed this, his eyes were full of surprise, but he didn't show any slack in his strikes, instead, he became more and more fierce, like a runaway tigress.

Unfortunately, she was facing Fang Yi.

"Stop fighting! You won!!"

Unexpectedly, seeing that he was defeated, the Daoist of Bliss unexpectedly surrendered generously.

Even though she was wearing a veil, it was still visible that she was full of anger, as if she was very unwilling.

But it only lasted for a moment, her jewel-like eyes looked at Fang Yi again, and she was extremely surprised.

Fang Yi was full of anger, and he didn't know how to vent it for a while, because he found that the bliss Taoist in front of him was really like a girl's film, and if he got angry, was he bullying the small with the big?

"Now you can talk!"

Trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart, Fang Yi spoke again.

"Okay! Let me see your real face first." The topic seemed to come back again.

Fang Yi was completely speechless, he wanted to explode, but the expression of the person in front of him made him unable to explode.

And the other party doesn't take oil and salt, it seems...

"If you want to see my true face, shouldn't you also show your true face?" Immediately, Fang Yi couldn't help sarcasm, he naturally didn't really want to see what the other party looked like.

But just a prevarication.

However, Taoist Bliss didn't seem to think so, instead his eyes lit up and he said, "Are you sure?"

"According to the rules of the Bliss School, a man who has seen my true face wants to double cultivate with me."

There was playfulness in the voice, and a hint of ambiguity.

That expression also became a little indescribable, as if she was really looking forward to it.

She even made a gesture to undo the veil.

Got it!

Fang Yi quickly stopped, "I'm not interested, you can watch it if you want, if you don't tell the truth after you read it, don't blame me for being ruthless."

As he spoke, Fang Yi's long hair slowly turned white, and his appearance returned to its original appearance.

The reason why he disguised himself was to deceive others.

The people in front of him have already seen through his identity, so there is no need to pretend or not, so there is no point for him to persist.

However, when Master Bliss saw Fang Yi's true face clearly, his eyes became brighter.

He even murmured, "You are much more handsome than before, why are you pretending?"

"Also, you have long hair. I heard that you became like this because of a woman, right? Who is that woman?"

If it is said that Fang Yi was already extremely puzzled by the fact that the Lord of Blissful Bliss had discovered his identity before, then at this moment, he has become shocked.

Because not to mention Tianshan, even in the former spirit world and Kyushu, there are very few people who know about it.

But the bliss Taoist in front of him actually said this out loud, how could he not be surprised?

How did the other party know all this?


(End of this chapter)

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