Fortune Shrine

2508 The Underworld

2508 The Underworld

There was no imaginary questioning, and after a while, Fang Yi calmed down instead.

Because the answer is already there.

On the contrary, the Taoist Lord of Bliss, a little uncomfortable, glanced at Fang Yi unexpectedly, and asked, "Why don't you ask? I don't want to know how I saw you through?"

From being aggressive at the beginning to being extremely calm at this moment, Fang Yi's transformation undoubtedly exceeded her expectations.

It also made her curious.

"No, because I already know, you can do it yourself!"

With that said, Fang Yi made a gesture to leave.

He naturally guessed who it was.

Because in the entire Tianshan Mountains, apart from him, there is only one person who knows about this matter.

And that person, although he was quite different from before, he was sure that the other party would never do him any harm.

So, what else does he have to worry about?

The most important thing is that he knows that that person will not be so bored as to tell others about himself, unless this person has a very close relationship with her, or there may be other reasons.

It is impossible for the dignified bliss Taoist to be so boring as to make fun of himself.

There must be something to invite.

That being the case, he was naturally too lazy to mess around with the other party and retreated to advance.


Fang Yi was about to leave, and the Master of Bliss was obviously in a hurry, "Hey! Why are you so quick to leave without even saying a word, don't you want to know where she went?"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi couldn't help but pause.

Master Ji Le Daoist obviously noticed this strangeness, and smiled slyly, "Hmph! He also said that it has nothing to do with you. I think you two have a very close relationship."

These words seem to be said by Fang Yi, but also seem to be said to another person, which is a bit inexplicable.

But Fang Yi understood, and he became more sure of his guess.

"It's just that you turned your head white for other women, it seems..."

Immediately, Master Bliss murmured another sentence, and the gaze he looked at Fang Yi became a little weird, as if he wanted to see through Fang Yi.

"Stop playing charades! What on earth are you looking for me for?"

"Also, where is she?"

She, of course, refers to Fengshen Meng.

Although Fang Yi didn't know the relationship between the person in front of him and Fengshenmeng, in the entire Tianshan Mountains, only Fengshenmeng knew the reason for his gray hair.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the other party learned about it from Fengshen Meng.

Fang Yi has never seen Fengshenmeng since Qianjiexing and Fengshenmeng separated, although Fengshenmeng has changed drastically.

However, Fang Yi naturally would not ignore it.

"Do you care about her?"

The Lord of Bliss did not answer in a hurry, but looked at Fang Yi playfully, and then said: "Don't worry, maybe you will see her soon, because she went to the soul clan."


Feng Shenmeng went to the Soul Clan?

Fang Yi's face couldn't help changing, the soul clan was looking for her all over the world, she was so happy, unexpectedly...

In fact, he himself is not.

"Thank you!"

Fang Yi said something casually, turned around and was about to leave.

However, the Lord of Bliss naturally refused, and said coquettishly, "I'm leaving now? I kindly told you her whereabouts. Shouldn't you thank me well?"

The eyes of Master Bliss moved slightly, and he seemed to be a little affectionate.

Unfortunately, Fang Yi naturally ignored it.

"I've already thanked you!"

Fang Yi said.

"You..." Daoist Bliss suddenly choked, even though the veil was behind her, she could still feel her clenched teeth.

"Is her whereabouts only worth a thank you?"

Fang Yi's footsteps stopped again, perhaps because he also felt that the other party's words made sense, and the whereabouts of Fengshenmeng could not be dismissed with just a thank you.

"Tell me! If you want anything from me, as long as it's not too difficult, I can promise you."

The other party took great pains to find him, but naturally it was not to exchange pleasantries with him, it must have another purpose.

Fang Yi understood it a long time ago, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense and asked directly.

"You're so boring. No wonder Sister Shenmeng stays far away from you. A woman is meant to be coaxed."

Seeing that Fang Yi was relieved, a playful expression appeared in the bright eyes of the Taoist Lord of Bliss again, and there was also a hint of ridicule in his tone.

"Last chance, if you don't say it again, don't say it."

A look of impatience appeared on Fang Yi's face.

If it wasn't about Fengshenmeng, he would have left long ago, so why would he be talking nonsense with the other party here.

"Boring!" Taoist Bliss seems very upset, and he has nothing to do with Fang Yi, who told Fang Yi not to eat oil and salt, like a hard and smelly stone.

He could only say: "I want to ask you to do me a favor, to fetch something from Emperor Soul Star for me."

Emperor Soul Star?take something?

Steal it?

"Don't you think highly of me? You don't know where the Emperor Soul Star is, do you?"

Fang Yi sneered.

Although he is going to attack the soul race, he has not yet considered whether to enter the emperor soul star, and everything depends on whether the immortal king will come in person.

If the Undying King came, he might as well take the risk.

Otherwise, forget it!

Although he is very unhappy with the soul race, he is not in a hurry. With his cultivation base progressing, there will be opportunities in the future, so there is no need to take such a big risk, so...

"What? You don't dare? Sister Shenmeng said, if someone can get what I want from the Emperor Soul Star, you will be the only one in the entire Tianshan Mountains, so you won't give up?"

The Lord of Ultimate Bliss seems to be an aggressive method, but his words don't seem to be false.

It was as if these words really came from Fengshenmeng.

"So what? I don't need to take such a big risk for you, I want to get it myself."

Fang Yi refused immediately.

He was not a middle school boy, because he took such a big risk with just one sentence, not to mention, he and the other party had never known each other before.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he realized something, and his sharp eyes swept directly to Master Bliss, and asked, "You don't want Shenmeng to help you, do you?"

The voice is a little cold, like the frost in the twelfth lunar month.

However, Daoist Bliss didn't realize it, and instead laughed and said, "Sister Shenmeng did promise to help me, but she's not sure, and besides, the purpose of her trip is the underworld."

Underworld?What's the meaning?

Fang Yi was stunned, and looked at Daoist Bliss in puzzlement.

"What? Was it a surprise? Didn't you fabricate rumors that there is a connection between the soul race and the underworld?"

"Tell you, you are right. The soul clan and the underworld are indeed related. Emperor Soul Star has a passage to enter the underworld, but it is far from easy to open."

The subject of Blissful Dao spoke so amazingly that Fang Yi's expression couldn't help but change.

Is there really a channel between the soul clan and the underworld?


"Why are you so sure? Also, why did Shenmeng go to the underworld?"

Immediately, Fang Yi asked anxiously.

Seeming to see Fang Yi's nervousness, Daoist Bliss stopped instead, and said disapprovingly, "Why should I tell you, and you won't help me?"


(End of this chapter)

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