Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2527 Control

Chapter 2527 Control

At the same time, the red-robed old man's pupils also shrank.

As the head of the clan, Xue Tianchou is also an existence in the Heavenly Soul Realm, so the world's understanding of him is naturally impossible.

In particular, the old man in red is the Great Elder of the Soul Clan, and the patriarch of the Soul Clan hardly cares about mundane matters. He takes care of all these things, so naturally he will not be ignorant.

More importantly, he had heard about the terrifying claws of the real dragon several times from the strong men in the clan.

"It's you!"

"Good! Very good."

The red-robed old man gritted his teeth, and sparks seemed to burst out from his eyes.

The terrifying giant palm also instantly greeted the real dragon's claw.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the world was shaken, and the two giant palms collided, just like two planets colliding violently, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

A terrifying shock wave swept through everything.

Fang Yi's figure also flew upside down.

Obviously, compared to the red-robed old man, Fang Yi's strength is obviously slightly inferior.

No wonder, after all, he has just entered the Earth Soul Realm, no matter how strong he is, how can he compare to the red-robed old man who is already at the peak of Heaven Soul, let alone the latter is still the best among them.

Being able to become the great elder of the soul clan shows his strength.

I'm afraid it's not far away from comprehending the power of rules.

"So strong!"

At this moment, Fang Yi only felt that his internal organs had been displaced, and a mouthful of fishy sweetness came from his throat, and the blood gushed out uncontrollably.

Since the comprehensive transformation of his physical body, he has rarely been injured.

Now, the other party actually hurt him again.

This strength...

"Boy, I should have killed you a long time ago, but now, you have come to my door, and I will definitely kill you."

The red-robed old man was furious.

Thinking of Fang Yi's loss to the soul clan, especially this time, he wished to tear Fang Yi into pieces, and he became even more domineering, like a berserk beast.

"It's up to you? It's still far away!"

Fang Yi also sneered, and went forward without flinching.

Although his strength is not enough to defeat the opponent, but it is enough to maneuver.

In a short time, it was almost impossible for the red-robed old man to take him down.

"What's going on? What does the elder of the soul clan mean? It's not blood and heaven? Who is that?"

The crowd was obviously puzzled.

However, right now it doesn't matter who it is. What matters is who can win the final victory. All eyes are on the two of them, nervous and urgent.

As for the group of undead disciples, their expressions became a little complicated at the moment.

The words of the red-robed old man undoubtedly aroused their suspicion.

But, now that things have come to an end, they can no longer back down, even if they wanted to, the Soul Clan would not agree.

That being the case, it can only fight hard.

Only in this way, there is a glimmer of hope

In fact, the hope is not small. Since the second elder of the soul clan failed to leave the inner world, the situation on the field has undergone great changes.

The weak water has been replenished, and the Jiuwei Zhenhuo is no longer to be feared.

Those blood-eating corpses once again showed terrifying strength, tearing the soul clan to pieces.

"Don't worry about those ghost corpses, kill this kid with all your strength!"

The old man in red yelled angrily. The situation in front of him couldn't be more obvious. It is almost impossible to solve the army of Yin corpses without killing Fang Yi first.

If this continues, the Soul Clan will undoubtedly be defeated.

and so……

Shuo Shuo! !

Immediately, majestic figures galloped towards Fang Yi from all directions, completely surrounding Fang Yi.

not good!

Fang Yi's complexion also sank. Just an old man in red robes alone is no longer something he can contend with. If other strong men are added, then...

I have to find a way quickly, but unfortunately, the inner world is unusable.

Even if it is cast, these people will not enter.

But other than that, what else can I do against these people?

Fang Yi felt extremely distressed. There are many strong people in the Qingmu Pagoda, but it's a pity that they would rather be trapped than controlled by themselves.

And those corpses cannot be called.

and many more!

Suddenly, Fang Yi remembered that these Yin corpses were crazy about Ruo Shui, maybe he could try it.

"Boy, I see you flee there today! Take your life!"

The eyes of the red-robed old man were like hooks. At the same time as he spoke, a terrifying energy erupted from his palm, exuding an endless breath of destruction.

At the same time, all the powerhouses of the Soul Clan also attacked one after another, and a series of majestic attacks completely blocked all Fang Yi's escape routes.

With Fang Yi as the center, the surrounding void was completely shrouded in terrifying energy.

The world is collapsing inch by inch.

The crowd watched this scene with extremely tense expressions, not even daring to breathe.

What's more, he already showed a regretful expression. Obviously, no matter how strong Fang Yi is, facing so many strong people, he will not escape death after all.

Even Fang Yi's blood demon patriarch, who was full of confidence, became extremely nervous and turned pale at the moment.

Boom! !

Seeing that under this terrifying energy, Fang Yi was about to be crushed into slag.

At this moment, the sound of a big wave came again, and the weak water that had been covering the blood-devouring Yin Corpse rushed straight to Fang Yi, followed by that Yin Corpse.

I don't know if it's out of fear of Jiuwei Zhenhuo, or the weak water has brought them great benefits.

In short, these ghosts came towards Fang Yi quickly.

The expressions of those strong soul clans who were besieging Fang Yi suddenly changed drastically.

Just kidding, they have already experienced the horror of these ghosts, and they have almost no other weaknesses except that the Jiuwei Zhenhuo can completely incinerate them.

How can you not panic when it comes at this moment?

The encirclement circle that was originally formed will not be broken by itself.

"Sure enough!"

Fang Yi's heart was beating wildly at the moment, each of these blood-devouring corpses was extremely powerful.

The only regret is that they are fighting independently, and they are like a mess. If they can be integrated a little bit, then the power will be even more astonishing.

Unfortunately, no one can control them, maybe Undying can.

However, Fang Yi is obviously not the Immortal Corpse King.

But it's different now, with the help of these weak waters, he can achieve a little integration.

Let these ghost corpses no longer look like a mess of loose sand.

At the very least, it can protect him all over his body. In this way, it will undoubtedly be difficult for the soul clan to attack him again.

The crowd was also dumbfounded. No one expected that things would turn out like this. Those blood-devouring corpses who had no intelligence at this moment seemed to obey Fang Yi's orders and manipulated them arbitrarily.

The soul clan's plan to kill Fang Yi also fell through.

In this way, the results are predictable.

The red-robed old man's complexion has become extremely ugly at this moment, turning livid.

And the crowd watching from a distance also showed horror in their eyes. The army of Yin corpses was originally extremely powerful, but at this moment, with Fang Yi's control, its power is even more powerful than before.

So what will be waiting for the soul clan?

(End of this chapter)

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