Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2528 Dao Rune Powerhouse

Chapter 2528 Dao Rune Powerhouse

There is no doubt that it will be an extremely tragic ending.

The army of Yin corpses was originally extremely powerful, and now, even though it is just a simple cooperation, the power is no longer something that ordinary people can compete with, even the soul race.

Because this is a group of out-and-out monsters, without life and death, without consciousness.

Only heartless killing.

And the key to all of this, or perhaps the weakness, lies in Fang Yi, but it is a pity that he is currently surrounded by the army of corpses, so everything is irreversible.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Ahh! !

There were loud noises and screams, and the whole world was like a hell on earth.

The crowd stared blankly at this scene, one by one, astonished like stone sculptures.

Perhaps no one thought that this battle would turn out like this, as tyrannical as the soul clan, and they could not stop the army of Yin corpses.

"It's unbelievable that he was able to control the army of Yin corpses."

At this moment, Li Mo's eyes also had an incredible light.

Naturally, he would be happy to see the vitality of the Soul Clan seriously injured, but Fang Yi's strength and being able to control the army of Yin corpses were not a good thing for him, or even the entire Ancient Demon Clan.

Because that means that the Shimo Heavenly Book is likely to have nothing to do with them.

Therefore, at this moment, he appears extremely complicated.

Longing for the fate of the soul race to be more miserable, and hoping...

"Is the Soul Clan going to lose?" Compared to his entanglement, the eyes of the Blood Demon Patriarch were full of anticipation, shining brightly.

On the field, the Soul Clan suffered heavy losses, and the number of casualties was unknown. On the contrary, although the Yin Corpse army also suffered a lot of damage, it was nothing compared to the Soul Clan.

If this goes on, the ending is already obvious.

However, the crowd watching from a distance didn't seem to relax in the slightest.

Because they all know that this battle is not over yet, and the real powerhouse of the soul clan has not yet appeared.

The battle has gone to such a point, I'm afraid...

Boom! ! !

Sure enough, when the crowd was guessing, a muffled sound of thunder rolled from the void, accompanied by an incomparably vast energy, like a huge wave.

not good!

Sensing this energy, Fang Yi's expression changed drastically.

But before he could react, the whole space seemed to be shrouded in a strange energy, together with him, it seemed to be sealed.

The power of rules!

As expected, he was a strong Taoist, and Fang Yi's eyes were full of horror. His control over the space seemed to be stronger than Mo Lao.

However, this journey is just the beginning, and the more incredible is yet to come.

I saw the countless blood-eating corpses all around, as if they had been cut, torn apart, very strange, as if an invisible sharp blade was cutting them.

Moreover, it is impossible for them to condense again, because all parts of their bodies no longer belong to the same space.

Space cut? ?

During the period when Mr. Mo comprehended the pattern of heaven, earth, and dao, Fang Yi had a little understanding of the rules of space.

The so-called space cutting is to split the original space. In this way, the things belonging to the space will undoubtedly be divided, just like the blood-devouring corpse in front of you.

However, being able to cut space in such a large range, one can imagine its control over the rules.

Fang Yi's entire face also instantly turned pale.

But the crowd watching from a distance was a little puzzled. In his eyes, everything was fine and nothing happened.

However, when the muffled thunder came, everything changed.

It turned out that Haohaoyin was an army, and it was disintegrated inexplicably like this.

what on earth is it?

Based on their knowledge, it is naturally incomprehensible, and what makes them even more incomprehensible is that the army of ghost corpses has already been dismembered before the visitor shows up. What kind of magical power is this?

What kind of shocking person is this?

The huge crowd seemed to be petrified at this moment, without any sound.

There are only those terrified faces.

Even the power demon is no exception, not to mention the ancestor of the blood demon. Although he has long known the existence of the Dao Run strongman, it is the first time he has really seen it.

However, just this time, it has completely overturned his cognition.

How can this be a mortal method?This is clearly the supernatural power of an immortal, a strong Taoist, and he is worthy of being called an earth immortal.

Facing such a strong person, the result may be...

At this moment, the blood demon patriarch became extremely anxious, and Fang Yi's original confidence had disappeared at this moment.

It's not that Fang Yi is weak, but that his opponent is too strong, beyond his perception.

At least that's how it seemed to him.

In fact, in Fang Yi's eyes, there is not much difference. It can be said that the Daowen strongman has absolute suppression on other warriors. If this is not the case, Fang Yi would not be able to kill the second elder of the soul clan and others in the inner world. do.

It is because of this absolute oppression that there is an essential difference between the two.

No matter how strong Fang Yi is, he can't use the power of rules in the outside world. Facing someone who comes, he can only die.

Or escape!

Fortunately, the presence of Mr. Mo gave him some confidence.

However, in the eyes of the red-robed old man and others, this is undoubtedly ridiculous. Looking at Fang Yi is like looking at a dead person.

Seeing this scene, all the experts of the Soul Clan were very excited.

It seems that the victory is already in hand.

It's no wonder that all Dao Rune powerhouses have shown their faces, so is there any suspense about everything?

It has to be said that they were too naive, or maybe, the soul clan's arrogance made them think that other than themselves, other forces were like ants.

Seeing those Yin corpses disintegrate one by one, if this continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before the army of Yin corpses will completely disintegrate.

However, at this moment, an unexpected scene happened.

The disintegration seems to be spreading, not only towards the corpse army, but also towards the soul clan.

Ahh! !

Immediately, there were shrill howls, and a strong man named Soul Race was torn apart as if cut by an invisible sharp blade in the void.

"This...what's the matter?"

The crowd was stunned, one by one, as if they had seen a ghost.

Obviously, with their cognition, they don't know what happened.

Only Li Mo and other top forces understood, and their eyes became brighter.

"Behind this kid, there is indeed a Dao Rune expert!"

Li Mo exclaimed, and his face became a little pale.

"Fellow Daoist He Fang, you insist on making trouble with my soul clan. Could it be that it is easy to bully me when I am a soul clan?" At this moment, above the void, a loud voice sounded, revealing boundless anger.

At the same time, an old man with white hair and beard slowly condensed.

The old man's breath is ethereal and elusive, as if he has completely integrated with this space.

A pair of eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the void, revealing a frightening light.

Where the light came, a large piece of space fell off, revealing another figure, whoever it was.

(End of this chapter)

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