Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2529 Victory! ! !

Chapter 2529 Victory! ! !

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and the two strong Daoist patterns stood proudly in the sky.

Everything around has become extremely silent.

The crowd watching from a distance didn't even dare to vent their breath. One by one, they looked at the two of them nervously. Maybe they didn't know their origins.

However, they have seen the methods of the two before.

How dare you make even the slightest sound?

"It's you?"

The first one to speak was not the strong Dao Rune of the Soul Clan, nor Mo Lao, but Fang Yi.

good!It was Fang Yi, because he suddenly recognized the person who came, the legendary Supreme Elder of the Soul Clan, the Daowen strongman, he knew him, and he even died under his sword.

Jun Jiuyuan! !

Once in the Shenjing space, it was the last battle between him and Fang Yi.

It's just that he was just a seven-layer combined powerhouse at the beginning, but now it seems that he is just a clone of the other party.

Perhaps, it doesn't even count as a doppelganger.

Maybe it's just a divine thought.

"This old man should have killed you a long time ago!" Jun Jiuyuan slowly turned his head and looked at Fang Yi. His icy eyes fell into a bottomless abyss when he stared at him.

"In fact, you died under my sword!"

Fang Yi didn't flinch, and spoke sarcastically.

Even now, he couldn't help but back down, he and the soul clan were already immortal.


Jun Jiuyuan's eyes turned cold, and suddenly, the space sneered, and an invisible force of rules struck instantly.

At that moment, an extremely dangerous atmosphere rose from Fang Yi's heart. Fortunately, at the next moment, another force of law intertwined with it, causing the space several feet away in front of Fang Yi to collapse inch by inch.

Until the end, completely turned into nothingness.

And to create such a shocking scene, the two powerful Dao pattern masters never moved a single finger from the beginning to the end.

It was as if the entire space had exploded by itself.

The people in the distance were all terrified when they saw this scene. Many people had already fled, as if they were afraid of being affected.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, only felt that his back was soaked.

With just one look, the opponent could almost crush him. If it wasn't for Mo Lao, he might have no other choice but to escape into the three great temples.

so powerful...

At this moment, even Fang Yi truly realized the power of the Dao Rune powerhouse.

All this time, Mo Lao had never attacked him, so he was not very clear about the strength of the Daowen expert.

Besides Mo Lao, the only Dao Rune powerhouse he had contacted was the Immortal Corpse King.

However, the power of the Undying Corpse King lies in his physical body. As for the power of rules, it doesn't seem to be very good. In fact, this is completely Fang Yi's illusion.

The reason why he has such an illusion is entirely because the power to protect the stone man and the power to protect the stone man is enough to explode the relatively simple power of rules.

And the power of rules that can be comprehended by the Heavenly Soul Realm are all superficial after all.

Therefore, he will have such an illusion.

"Fellow Daoist is very rude! I don't know why you want to be an enemy of my soul clan? Could it be that you really think that my soul clan is easy to bully?"

Jun Jiuyuan's sharp eyes swept towards Mo Lao again.

However, he was not in a hurry to make a move.

In fact, when their strength reached their level, they would not make a move rashly, because once they did, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this level, it is almost impossible for anyone to kill someone completely.

It is also because of this that once the two sides form a deep hatred, then they may be fine, but their respective forces...

Just imagine, if the soul clan completely offended Mo Lao, Mo Lao would retaliate crazily.

Then, with the exception of Jun Jiuyou and Jun Jiuyuan, the huge soul clan will probably live in fear.

Therefore, no force would dare to easily offend such a strong person.

Especially those of unknown origin, because they have no ties behind them, so they naturally have no scruples when they make a move.

As for Mo Lao, in Jun Jiuyuan's eyes at this moment, he was undoubtedly in this category.

However, this is the soul clan after all, and being bullied, he naturally couldn't be polite to Mo Lao, let alone, he thought he was better than Mo Lao.

"An enemy of the soul clan? I have no interest in this old man? But, for a heaven and earth dao pattern, this old man has no choice but to do so."

Elder Mo didn't shy away.

Only the strong Dao Rune understands the preciousness of the Dao Rune of Heaven and Earth, so this reason is enough.

"Okay! Very good! I haven't made a move for a long time. Since you are so upbeat, I will accompany you to the end." Jun Jiuyuan said, his face darkened instantly.

The surrounding space was in turmoil, with the two of them at the center, the world seemed to be stripped away.

It was as if the two of them were in a different space.

Everything in the world has become extremely strange, with countless regular thin threads invisible to the naked eye intertwined with each other.

At the same time, Elder Mo's voice sounded in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Stinky boy, quick battle, the old man may not be able to stop him."

Accompanied by this sound, the figures of the two strong Dao pattern disappeared.

Just kidding, if the two powerhouses with the Dao pattern attack with all their strength, no one present may be spared.

And this is obviously not what the two of them are happy to see, not to mention Jun Jiuyuan, this is the soul clan after all, if they are really implicated, the loss of the soul clan will undoubtedly be even greater.

Moreover, almost [-]% of the soul clan's powerhouses gathered here, if they were all wiped out, it would undoubtedly be a disaster for the soul clan.

Therefore, the two shifted the battlefield in an extremely tacit understanding.

However, for Fang Yi, this is undoubtedly an opportunity, a chance to defeat the soul clan.

Taking advantage of the time that Mo Lao held Jun Jiuyuan, kill as many as possible, the more the better, and completely defeat the soul clan.


Immediately, he snarled, and the three-color sword shadow in his hand had already been chopped off.

Under the guidance of Ruo Shui, the army of Yin corpses flocked to the soul clan like crazy.

Suddenly, a bloody killing was staged again.

The Soul Clan was in trouble at first, and it was because of this that Jun Jiuyuan showed up. Now, without Jun Jiuyuan, their disadvantages are expanding infinitely.

In just a moment, there were already countless casualties.

The scene also became extremely tragic, a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

The crowd watching from a distance were all terrified when they saw this scene.

In contrast, the battlefield that Li Mo and others are more concerned about is undoubtedly between the two strong Dao pattern, because that is the key to the final decision.

However, looking at the battlefield at this moment, that battle may have become unimportant.

Because, the soul race may not be able to sustain it.

If you really want to persevere, the price you have to pay is undoubtedly unbearable for the soul clan.


really!Looking at a soul disciple who died tragically, the red-robed old man finally shouted, but his eyes were full of unwillingness, and he looked at Fang Yi as if he wanted to kill someone.

"Son, wait until my soul race grand elder defeats your opponent, it will be your end!"


(End of this chapter)

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