Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2533 Chaos

Chapter 2533 Chaos

Broken Soul Star, once an extremely prosperous planet, is now in ruins.

That war had a huge impact on this place.

The Soul Clan almost gave up here.

And originally, the station that belonged to the soul clan has been divided up by countless warriors who poured in at this moment, and everything that was of some use has been swept away.

Like locusts passing through.

Fortunately, those ordinary people have not been greatly affected, and they still live the same ordinary life as before.

Of course, discussions about that battle were naturally indispensable after dinner.

Especially those warriors who poured in, their conversations were almost always about where is the secret treasure house of the soul clan, what kind of treasures are there, and so on.

However, once they confirm that the news is correct, they will swarm away.

It can be said that the soul clan of today is no longer inviolable in the hearts of the world.


"Unexpectedly, he actually has such ability!"

Taoist Bliss picked up the teacup in his hand, and took a sip of tea, his big eyes were full of strange light, and there was a look of anticipation.

"It's really incredible!"

Granny Meng also nodded in agreement, her old eyes filled with astonishment.

Fang Yi is only in the mere Soul Realm. Such strength, although she thinks it is good, but if he wants to have any thoughts about the Soul Race, it is tantamount to nonsense.

But the fact...

Maybe to deal with the soul race, you don't need too much strength, you just need to have enough brains.

The current situation is the best illustration.

"Is there any whereabouts of him?" The Taoist Lord of Bliss pondered for a moment, then asked.

The "he" in her mouth naturally refers to Fang Yi.

Since the Soul Breaking Star Wars, Fang Yi has disappeared, and the corpse army has also disappeared. In the past few days, she has been looking for Fang Yi's whereabouts, but there is still no news.

"Miss Hui, not yet."

Granny Meng replied, "I'm afraid, he knew that the battle had too much impact on the soul clan, and Jun Jiuyou would not let him go, so he hid."

"Or maybe, have already retreated?"

Granny Meng was a little unsure, with a trace of doubt on her face.

In fact, if this is the case, she can breathe a sigh of relief. Outsiders may not know how powerful Jun Jiuyou is.

However, the Bliss Sect and the Soul Clan used to have a close relationship, and she knew more about Jun Jiuyou's horror than ordinary people.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, the other party was already one of the peak figures in the entire Tianshan Mountains. If not for some reasons, the other party would have already ascended to the ascension.

It's just... good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the other party is destined to never be able to ascend.

"no, I can not!"

Master Ji Le shook his head affirmatively, "He won't retreat, Jun Jiuyou can't scare him, if he is really afraid, he won't attack the soul race."

Granny Meng was noncommittal, because it was true.

"I think, he must be holding something bad again, could it be? Has he secretly gone to Emperor Soul Star?"

The Master of Blissful Bliss said, his eyes could not help but light up slightly.

It seems that this possibility is very high.

However, Granny Meng's expression was startled, not because of Fang Yi, but because of the Taoist bliss, and the expression of the blissful Taoist already explained everything.

"Miss, no! That's the Emperor Soul Star, far from being comparable to the Soul Gathering Star and the Soul Breaking Star."

"Once there is any trouble, then..."

Granny Meng looked anxious.

"Don't be nervous, Miss Ben is just making a random guess, and she didn't say she's going." The Taoist Master of Bliss froze, looking very bored.

Of course, she also understands how dangerous the Emperor Soul Star is, but...

"That's right! Have our people made a move?"

It was too much entanglement on this issue, and the master tried his best to change the topic directly.

Now, the soul clan is in chaos, and all forces want to take advantage of it, and the Bliss Sect is no exception. Although these are not what she wants, she doesn't mind adding fire.

"Miss, don't worry, we've already made a move. After this time, the Soul Clan's vitality will definitely be seriously injured."

Granny Meng replied.

The Daoist of Bliss couldn't help but nodded. There is no doubt that the vitality of the soul clan has been seriously injured. In fact, the vitality of the soul clan has been severely injured at this moment.

However, everything is not over yet, and the major forces have just exerted their strength.


With Jun Jiuyou and Jun Jiuyuan, the two strong Taoists, no matter how much the soul clan lost, it would not be enough to shake its foundation.

As long as these two are fine, it won't be long before the soul clan will still be the same soul clan.

It's a pity, if his strength can be stronger, maybe...

"Big news, the army of ghost corpses has appeared again, and they are heading in the direction of Emperor Soul Star."

Just as Master Bliss was contemplating, suddenly, a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"What? Going to the soul star of the emperor? You really have the courage, is it possible that you really want to destroy the soul clan?"

"Who says no! These ghost corpse army is too terrifying. I heard that the leader of the ghost corpse army is Fang Yi. He has a big feud with the soul clan. I didn't expect it to be because of this..."

"Yeah! I've heard that too, but I didn't expect him to be so amazing."

"No! I'm afraid you made a mistake this time. The reason why the army of ghouls continue to move forward is because of the arrival of the undying corpse king."

"What? The Undying Corpse King is here too?"


This news instantly detonated the crowd.

No one in the world understands the relationship between Fang Yi and the Immortal Corpse King, even the Lord of Bliss.

Although she had guessed from the beginning that Fang Yi had attracted those ghosts and how they had attracted them, she didn't know anything.

Afterwards, the other party inexplicably became a blood feud.

It made her even more confused.

However, it was precisely because of this that she was full of expectations for Fang Yi.

Now, with one more Undying Corpse King, how will things evolve?

Can Fang Yi still control those corpses?

Or maybe, the Immortal Corpse King was also deliberately attracted by Fang Yi?

Thinking of this possibility, Master Blissful Daoist's eyes suddenly brightened, filled with anticipation.

"Why don't we go and see?"

There are proposals in the crowd.

"No need! The Emperor Soul Star is no small matter, it is the headquarters of the Soul Clan. If one is not good, it will probably stay there forever."

"Heh! Is it that scary? If so, the Soul Clan wouldn't be where they are today."

"That's right! There are the Undying Corpse King and the Infernal Corpse Army, we just watch from a distance, it's not possible!"

"That's right! Those army of corpses don't even have the slightest interest in treasures, when the time comes..."

The crowd is ready to move.

It has to be said that after two defeats, the prestige of the soul clan has fallen to the bottom, coupled with the temptation of treasures, most people can no longer bear it.

The soul-gathering star and the soul-breaking star, after the army of corpses captured, took nothing away, and they were all cheap to the crowd.

Now thinking of the treasures on the Emperor Soul Star, one can imagine the longing in these people's hearts.


Someone took the lead, and immediately, many people left one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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