Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2534 Soul Realm

Chapter 2534 Soul Realm

"What? The corpse army is moving forward again, heading towards the Emperor Soul Star?"

"What? The Undying Corpse King is here?"

The news spread like the wind, and within a short period of time, it almost spread throughout the entire soul domain, and even more distant places.

The storm seemed to have just arrived.

Countless people's eyes were on Emperor Soul Star.

Of course, there are not a few people who go there. Although the soul clan is powerful, the Emperor Soul Star is the center of the soul clan. Normally, invitations are not allowed, and no one dares to step into it.

But today is different from the past, the prestige of the soul clan has declined.

With the Undying Corpse King in front again, everyone in the world wanted to see what would happen next.

Of course, the more important thing is to get a share of the pie. In case of something, the soul clan loses, then...

Human nature is curious and greedy.

And all of this prompted them to rush to Emperor Soul Star, even though they knew it was full of crises.

Compared with the curiosity and desire of the crowd, at this moment, in the largest hall of the Emperor Soul Star, all the powerful soul clansmen's faces were livid.

"It's unreasonable, these trash, how dare they make mistakes in the past, but now..., it's an unforgivable crime."

"Hmph! A group of earth-shattering dogs. After defeating those monsters, they will pay back a hundred times."

"Yes! Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, my soul clan has never had the turn of these jumping clowns to act wildly on the head, and I am so angry."

The crowd was furious.

No wonder, as usual, which one of them is not superior.

Now it's good, if anyone dares to trample on the majesty of the soul clan, how can they not be angry.

However, facing the army of corpses...


At this time, Jun Jiuyuan, who had been keeping his eyes tightly closed at the top, finally opened his eyes. His deep eyes were like an endless abyss, making people afraid to look at them.

The huge crowd also instantly fell silent.

"Speak! During the period of retreat between the old man and the patriarch, what grievances do you have with the Undying Corpse King?"

This question is not only puzzled by outsiders, but also by the high-ranking soul clan.

Strictly speaking, outsiders still regarded it as rumors about the rift, but the high-ranking soul clan did not understand it at all, and it is still inexplicable until now.

"Idiot! Up to now, I haven't even figured out the opponent's purpose."

Jun Jiuyuan's eyes turned cold, and the temperature of the entire hall instantly dropped to freezing point, like a glacier descending.

Everyone's face turned pale with fright, and they didn't even dare to vent their breath.

Only the Great Elder of the Soul Clan took a step forward carefully, and said: "Calm down your anger, the Supreme Elder, these ghost corpses have no intelligence, and we didn't pay much attention to them at first, but after several investigations, it must be related to that kid." Can't get away with it."

"Yes! It's that bastard, and he's going to be crushed."

Mentioning Fang Yi, everyone in the hall gritted their teeth.

Even Jun Jiuyuan couldn't help but have a strong killing intent in his eyes.

"Hmph! Then why was he able to mobilize the army of Yin corpses? Also, the Immortal Corpse King has already arrived, why is the army of Yin corpses still coming towards the Emperor Soul Star?"

"Could it be that you want to tell the old man that the Undying Corpse King is also under his control?"

Jun Jiuyuan snorted coldly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was speechless.

No, if it is said that the corpse army was controlled before, there is still a possibility.

So what now?The Immortal Corpse King has arrived, is there anyone else who can win the control of the Infernal Corpse Army from the Immortal Corpse King?

Or, to control the Undying Corpse King?

Does this possibility exist?

Everyone is speechless, so what motivates them to move on?

"This! Going back to the Supreme Elder, I don't understand the key point. Could it be that the legend is true? Are they really here for the power of the soul?"

"For the soul realm?"

The Great Elder of the Soul Clan said suspiciously, his face full of uncertainty.

Jun Jiuyuan's face also became more gloomy.

Immediately, he waved his hand, and everyone in the hall retreated one by one.

"Are you sure you can defeat the Undying Corpse King?" After pondering for a moment, he suddenly said to the empty hall, as if talking to himself.

"The undead are different from other races. Their cultivation methods are weird and heavy on the physical body."

"It is said that if you practice to become truly immortal, you will only have a body without a soul, will not enter reincarnation, and will transcend the Three Realms."

In the silent hall, another old voice sounded slowly.

When Jun Jiuyuan heard the words, a look of astonishment and incredulity flashed across his face, and he said, "No soul? What's the difference between walking dead?"

"do not know!"

The voice sounded again, "But it must be different. As one of the most mysterious races in the Three Realms, it may not be that simple."

"It's not that easy to deal with, but as long as you haven't become a legend, it may not be impossible."

The tone is flat, but the confidence revealed is beyond doubt.

"That's good!"

Hearing this, Jun Jiuyuan was obviously relieved.

Immediately, a ruthless look flashed across his eyes, "There are also those old opponents who took the opportunity to add insult to injury. I will leave this account to them and settle it slowly."


"Young Master, the Emperor Soul Star is not far away, what should we do next?"

In the vast void, two figures galloped like lightning.

After the arrival of the Immortal Corpse King, Fang Yi went straight to Emperor Soul Star.

Just kidding, he had waited so long for this opportunity, so he would naturally not miss it, but, for the sake of safety, he naturally only took out the Wujiang coffin from time to time.

Then quickly entered the water temple.

After all, this is not a joke, the person coming is the Immortal Corpse King, if one is not good, he may die.

As for whether the Immortal King would see through his intentions, it was completely out of his consideration.

Whether you see it through or not!

For the Undying Corpse King, it is impossible for him to give up the Boundless Coffin, so... he is not worried at all.

"Find a way to enter the Earth Soul Star!" Fang Yi looked in the direction of the Emperor Soul Star and said, entering the Emperor Soul Star is the key to the plan, otherwise, everything will be in vain.

It's just that Emperor Soul Star is not an ordinary place, how can you enter it just as you say?

It's fine as usual, this kind of extraordinary moment...

"My lord, there is no need to rush this matter. We need to make a long-term plan. If you enter rashly, I'm afraid..." Shi Zhongtian reminded.

"rest assured!"

Fang Yi smiled lightly, he naturally understood the danger, "Let's leave a final impression for the Immortal King here!"

As he spoke, he opened his big hand, and half of the coffin without borders appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the half of the boundless coffin, Shi Zhongtian's eyes became a little complicated, and he was filled with embarrassment. No one would have thought that the reason why the mighty soul clan is today is only because of this half of the boundless coffin.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Find a secluded place first, and wait for the corpse army to arrive."

Putting away the boundless outer coffin, Fang Yi left first, and the two disappeared out of sight again.


(End of this chapter)

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