Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2535 Soul Clan's Counterattack

Chapter 2535 Soul Clan's Counterattack

"When will the Yin corpse army arrive? Tsk tsk, unexpectedly, the soul clan will have today."

"Hey, whoever said no, let them get used to being domineering as usual, and the retribution is coming!"

On an uninhabited star not far from the Emperor Soul Star, countless warriors with different interests gathered on it at this moment. They had different expressions and talked a lot.

But without exception, they are all full of expectations for the upcoming good show.

The Soul Clan used to be powerful, but now that they have fallen into this situation, there are naturally not a few people who gloat over others' misfortune.

"What do you think will happen to the outcome of this battle?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

"From my point of view, the Soul Clan has suffered enough this time. Not to mention the loss of morale, the other major forces will definitely not miss this opportunity. I'm afraid... hehe!"

"That's right! I heard that they made those treasure house distribution maps, and they have already made a move."

"Isn't the soul clan going to die completely? I heard that the undying corpse king is in the undead abyss..."


"Heh! Do you really treat the Soul Race like a persimmon?"

All kinds of discussions came, and the master of blissful Taoism couldn't help but sneered.

Although she is happy to see the current situation of the Soul Clan, she is not as optimistic as the crowd. If the Soul Clan is really so easy to deal with, how can they stand on Tianshan Mountain for tens of thousands of years without falling down.

"Miss, we really shouldn't have come."

Granny Meng's old face was still full of worry.

Originally, under his dissuasion, the Taoist master had given up rushing to Emperor Soul Star.

But as the news of the Yin Corpse army and the Immortal Corpse King spread, and countless warriors flocked to the Emperor Soul Star, her dissuasion was undoubtedly in vain, so...

"It's already here, mother-in-law doesn't have to worry."

"Don't you want to see what other tricks he can play?"

Taoist Bliss said playfully, with a hint of expectation.

Granny Meng shook her head, "Miss, this is the Emperor Soul Star, not any other place, and the army of Yin corpses is not in his hands, but in the hands of the Immortal Corpse King. It is almost impossible for him to do anything."

There is no doubt that this statement is very reasonable.

Although Fang Yi is powerful, he is not in the Earth Soul Realm after all. He may be able to ignore any Heavenly Soul powerhouse, but he is still not worth mentioning in front of Dao Rune powerhouses.

What's more, this is the base camp of the soul clan, Emperor Soul Star.

There are countless strong men here, two fists are hard to beat four hands, even if Fang Yi has the ability to reach the sky, so what?

"You're right!"

Daoist Bliss nodded without denying it, but then, the conversation changed.

"However, there is one thing you overlooked. Since he attracted the army of ghosts, he must have expected this situation long ago. In fact, after the appearance of the immortal corpse king, he still came towards the emperor soul star."

"Doesn't all of this explain the problem? It means that he can still control the army of corpses."

This! !

Granny Meng's old eyes lit up slightly, and she nodded subconsciously.

But then, he shook his head again, and said: "Others may not know, but Miss should know that Jun Jiuyou is not so easy to provoke, and the soul clan is not so easy to provoke."

"The army of Yin Corpse dares to invade the Emperor Soul Star, I'm afraid..."

"Not to mention them, just the crowd here, the Soul Clan will never allow it..."

Boom! !

As if in response to her words, a muffled thunder sounded in the surrounding space.

The surrounding space is turbulent.

"What's going on?" The crowd turned pale with shock, and couldn't help but look at the source of the sound together, only to see a terrifying energy sweeping from that direction, like a rushing ocean wave.

"Sure enough! They made a move, the soul clan is still the same soul clan, overbearing!!"

Granny Meng's eyes sank, and a murderous intent emerged.

The eyes of Lord Bliss also became a little deep, and a little dignified.

"The important place of the soul clan, any idlers and others retreat immediately, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!!"

The next moment, a loud voice resounded through the void.

"He's from the Soul Clan!"

The crowd seemed to be a little surprised. Perhaps in their view, the Soul Race was in a time of internal and external troubles, and there was no time to pay attention to them, but the fact...

"Heh! It's ridiculous. If you are so leisurely, you don't deal with the army of ghost corpses, but show off your power in front of us."

"That's right, hahaha..."

Perhaps it was the successive defeats of the Soul Clan that made the crowd feel contemptuous, and they spoke without any scruples.

However, those two simple sentences killed them.

"court death!!"

The previous voice was thunderous and furious, and at the same time, two bright sword shadows also fell from the sky.

Boom! !

The sword shadow was like two thunderbolts, tearing apart the sky and smashing the two of them, leaving nothing but the blood mist that filled the sky to witness what happened just now.

hiss! !

There was a sound of gasping, and the huge crowd was terrified.

At the same time, a powerful soul clan also appeared, each of them was full of murderous intent and arrogance.

"Three breaths, after three breaths, there are still people in place, kill without mercy!!"

Without any unnecessary nonsense, the person in the lead issued a warning directly, and judging from his appearance, it seemed that he was not even willing to issue a warning, because the moment the voice fell, he had already made a move.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, one after another majestic attacks followed.

Most people didn't even have time to react, they were already surrounded by that terrifying energy.


At the same time, similar incidents happened on all the uninhabited planets around the Emperor Soul Star. Any warrior who approached the Emperor Soul Star and tried to watch the excitement of the Soul Race would not be spared.

Among them, most of them were wiped out, and only a few people could escape.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as Fang Yi's whereabouts.

After approaching the Emperor Soul Star, he was not in a hurry to enter the Emperor Soul Star. Just kidding, it is not that easy to enter the Emperor Soul Star.

Especially at this very moment.

Therefore, he also randomly found an unmanned planet to settle down, planning to wait for the opportunity to move.

Coincidentally, they were attacked by the soul clan.

"Hmph! A bunch of trash, just because you want to see jokes about my soul clan, you just don't know what it means, kill them all, and leave no one behind."

While speaking, a group of powerful soul clansmen had already surrounded and killed them.

Suddenly, there was a bloody storm.

"Young master?" Shi Zhongtian was eager to move, but he couldn't hold it back, but without Fang Yi's instructions, he was not in a hurry to make a move.


what! !

There was a mournful howl from the crowd.

The soul clansmen had long been suffocated because of the previous two battles, so it is conceivable that the attack is vicious at this moment.

One by one, like killing gods from hell.

As for the crowd, although their strength is good, they are obviously much worse than them.

Undoubtedly, if there are no accidents, this is destined to be a one-sided massacre, and the tyranny of the Soul Clan is also truly displayed in front of the world.

Fang Yi couldn't help but shook his head, just as he was about to make a move, at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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