Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2546

Chapter 2546

"Are you sure this is really okay?"

Di Jianyi looked at Fang Yi with some doubts.

Seemingly recalling the previous scene, he paused and asked, "What is that?"

"I don't know!" Fang Yi didn't bother to explain, and it wasn't necessary, as long as the goal was achieved, nothing else mattered.

Speaking of which, if the Wujiang Coffin was really taken away by the Immortal Corpse King and the Longevity Tomb was completely condensed, I don't know what would happen, but right now I can't care about so much.

It can only be cheaper for the Undying Corpse King.

I hope the Undying Corpse King doesn't let himself down.

jittery! !

While the two were talking, suddenly, a sharp and mournful howl came.

Di Jianyi's expression couldn't help changing, and he exchanged a glance with Fang Yi. Afterwards, the two quickly hid themselves and completely disappeared into the mist.

"Immortal Corpse King, you are looking for death! The old man promised to let you enter this place to find your things, but you actually..."

Jun Jiuyou was furious at this moment.

The soul realm is the foundation for the soul clan to stand on the top of Tianshan Mountain, and no one can tolerate it.

If it was not a last resort, he would never allow the Immortal Corpse King to enter this place. He thought that with their strength, they could easily take down those two juniors.

At that time, everything will be solved naturally.

Unexpectedly, those two juniors are so cunning, they only have the cultivation base of the earth soul, but their strength...

jittery! !

The Immortal Corpse King naturally turned a deaf ear to Jun Jiuyou's words.

In his eyes, there is only the half of the boundless coffin, and at this moment, the half of the boundless coffin is not far ahead, how can he give up?

It struck like a galloping thunder all the way, extremely fast.

In an instant, the figures of the two appeared in sight.

Of course, at this moment, the bodies of the two are no longer what they were before. Jun Jiuyou's whole body is glowing with a faint golden light, which seems extremely sacred, like an immortal.

"It is rumored that Jun Jiuyou's three souls are already close to consummation, as expected!"

"This seems to have surpassed perfection."

Di Jianyi exclaimed, his eyes full of horror.

"So strong?"

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, but he had to say that Jun Jiuyou's Tianying gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, as if it was a completely different existence from the two of them.

"More than that! The three souls have reached such a state, and their comprehension of the rules, it stands to reason that he should have become a legend long ago."

There was suspicion in Di Jian's eyes, as if he was a little puzzled.

"What about the Undying Corpse King?"

Not to mention Fang Yi, but now is obviously not the time to study these things.

There are ten thousand reasons why a legend cannot be achieved. The so-called legend, if it is really such a good achievement, it is not a legend, there is no one in a million.

"The Immortal King?"

Seeing the question, Di Jianyi frowned, and finally shook his head, "I can't see it either."

Although the Immortal Corpse King at this moment is no longer the same as before, he is still blood-red and glowing with blood. His Tianying is like a ball of blood.

The extremely strong smell of blood makes people sick.

"However, he should not be the opponent!" Di Jianyi added after pondering for a while.

However, these words were obviously too subjective, Jun Jiuyou's tyranny, and his ignorance of the Immortal Corpse King made him have such an idea.

But Fang Yi didn't think so.

The soul of the Immortal Corpse King is extremely strange. He clearly remembers that last time in the Abyss of Immortality, he used the destructive power of the underworld dragon to sneak attack on the opponent.

But now, there is no clue.

You must know that the meaning of destruction of the underworld dragon is not a general supernatural power. So far, the only one who can resist it is the Immortal Corpse King.

In this way, it is enough to prove his extraordinary.

Boom boom boom! !

The two peak powerhouses attacked all the way, fought fiercely all the way, and went straight towards the thick fog.

not good!

Jun Jiuyou seemed to be aware of something, a hint of fear flashed in his pale golden eyes, and the Immortal Corpse King also noticed something, but, to him, nothing was more important than the Longevity Tomb.

Still plunged into the thick fog.

Whoa! !

At this moment, the dense fog suddenly boiled up, and the majestic soul power turned into huge faces.

The faces were grotesque, including human beings, beasts, and even a huge flower petal.

But there is no surprise, sensing the arrival of the two, they are full of anger.

"What a pure soul power, it's mine!"

At the same time, a greedy voice also sounded.

Those huge faces all showed greed, as if they wanted to devour the two of them.

Just kidding, the Immortal Corpse King naturally refused to agree, and immediately fought with those faces.

But Jun Jiuyou, at this moment, stopped at the periphery, watching the battle in the thick fog with extremely complicated eyes, and he did not continue to go deeper.

And those faces seemed to have no intention of leaving the dense fog space.

"What are you doing? Is this guy not fooled?"

Fang Yi was extremely depressed.

But it's no wonder that it is the Immortal Corpse King who wants the Wujiang coffin, not Jun Jiuyou. In the situation before him, someone has already dealt with the Immortal Corpse King, so he doesn't need to take action at all.

But in this way, the plan of Fang Yi and the two of them is undoubtedly in vain.

The power of the Undying Corpse King alone might not be enough to fight against those huge faces.

And even if it was possible, with Jun Jiuyou at the side, the two would not dare to show up!

"What should we do now?"

Di Jianyi couldn't help frowning and asked.

"How about rushing in and trying?" After a pause, he said again.

If they force their way in, it's not like there's no chance at all. Once the two of them force their way in, maybe Jun Jiuyou will chase after them.

And once this is the case, maybe you can find the entrance and enter the underworld while taking advantage of the chaos.

Of course, although this possibility exists, it is extremely small.

It is more likely that the two of them either died in the hands of Jun Jiuyou, or died in the belly of those faces.

"Wait! Look at him, Jun Jiuyou seems to be about to make a move!"

At this time, Fang Yi noticed something strange.

Although Jun Jiuyou didn't make a move, he seemed to be very concerned about the battle inside, and his eyes stayed somewhere in the dense fog.

"Could it be that he also discovered that this is the entrance to the underworld, and he also wants to enter the underworld?"

Fang Yi asked thoughtfully.

"This!" Emperor Jian paused, then nodded immediately, "It is very likely that according to his strength and Tianying, he should have become a legend long ago."

"But he didn't, which means that his three souls are not perfect."

"In this way, it is very possible that he wants to enter the underworld to find an opportunity for the three souls to consummate."

The underworld, also known as the soul world, is the world of the soul. It is undoubtedly the best place to find the way to complete the three souls.

Di Jianyi's conjecture is undoubtedly very possible.

The facts seem to prove all this.

Jun Jiuyou finally moved, like a thunderbolt, as if tearing apart the dense fog, faintly, there seemed to be a black hole in the depths of the dense fog.

(End of this chapter)

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