Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2547 Entering the Underworld

Chapter 2547 Entering the Underworld


Fang Yi and the two couldn't help but looked at each other, and they both saw longing in each other's eyes.

"How? Action?"

At this moment, even Fang Yi couldn't bear it anymore.

In the dense fog, the Immortal Corpse King and Jun Jiuyou had already fought with those huge faces, and now was the best time.

"Don't worry, let's condense the soul body first."

As soon as Emperor Jian spoke, he didn't talk nonsense, a light flashed in his hand, and the seal of the Lord of the Mountain appeared out of thin air again.

"The seal of the mountain lord is the seal of the mountain lord of Tianshan Mountain. It contains a trace of the energy of the mountain lords of the past generations. It is infinitely powerful. Although I can't fully display it, it can help the two of us gather our souls and bodies."

"However, this is not a real soul body, and its duration is extremely limited, so be careful."

Di Jianyi explained while pinching the hand formula.

The next moment, the mountain lord's seal shone brightly.

Immediately, endless soul power began to gather, centered on the two of them, and attached to them.

What a powerful feeling! !

Fang Yi could clearly sense that his soul was growing little by little.

However, this kind of growth is more like armament, not from himself. Slowly, his body became more and more solid, and finally, it seemed to be transformed into a solid body.

"Is this the soul body?"

Fang Yi looked at himself in amazement. The so-called soul body made him look as if he had recovered his physical body at this moment, which was extremely strange.

Not only is it much stronger, but Tianying has also been greatly protected.

"All right!"

As soon as Emperor Jian put away the seal of the master of the mountain, he also sized himself up, and then looked into the thick fog.

His eyes were hot and eager to move.

Um! !

The two immediately looked at each other, nodded, and rushed towards the thick fog at the same time.

Boom boom boom! ! !

In the dense fog, loud noises continued at this moment, and several powerful men clashed with each other, with an incomparable momentum, which stirred up the entire dense fog space like an overwhelming river.

The appearance of Fang Yi and Di Jianyi obviously couldn't hide the feelings of these people.

However, the soul power of the two is relatively weak.

They just want to borrow the contempt of these people, so as to break through the blockade in one fell swoop and enter the underworld.

If it was before, they didn't have much confidence, but just now, Jun Jiuyou tore through the dense fog space, and they clearly saw the entrance to the underworld.

Therefore, they approached slowly, but not quickly.

However, the moment they approached the dense fog space, their speed suddenly exploded, like galloping lightning.

With the original strength of the two of them alone, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a speed, but after condensing their soul bodies, their strength also skyrocketed in a short period of time.

In terms of the strength of the soul alone, I am afraid that it is not weaker than the general Dao Rune powerhouse.

At this moment, it is fully activated, it is conceivable...

"Two babies, are you finally willing to show up?"

However, at this moment, Jun Jiuyou's scolding voice suddenly sounded.

Obviously, he has been waiting for the two of them. Perhaps, the reason why he entered the dense fog space is very likely to attract the two of them to show up.

The expressions of the two of them changed, but they didn't panic too much. All this was also within their expectation.

What's more, Jun Jiuyou was entangled by two huge faces, and the two of them were not afraid of this situation at all.

Even, Fang Yi still has the urge to compete with the other party.

But the current situation is obviously not the time.

He casually hit out the Soul Slayer Nail to seal Jun Jiuyou's attack, and at the same time, with the help of this rebounding force, he shot towards the hole.

what? ?

Jun Jiuyou's complexion couldn't help changing, although the appearance of the two of them did not exceed his expectations.

However, the strength of their souls was far beyond his imagination.

"Impossible! Why is your soul power so powerful? It's absolutely impossible to condense your soul body."

His pupils were wide open, filled with disbelief.

Like him, there are undoubtedly those huge faces.

However, compared to humans, the reactions of these faces seem to be a bit slower, or maybe, the two of them were not worth mentioning in their perception before, and the sudden change caught them off guard.

In short, before they could react, Fang Yi and Di Jianyi had already approached the entrance of the cave.

jittery! !

Perhaps it was because of the appearance of the two that attracted the attention of those faces.

The Immortal Corpse King suddenly howled sharply at this moment, however, at some point, he had already found the half of the boundless coffin.

not good!

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but change his face.

But in such a situation, he obviously can't do anything. Just kidding, if he really turns around, let alone enter the underworld, he may even have to confess his own life.

Therefore, he could only watch helplessly as the undying corpse king got the half of the boundless coffin.

At the same time, the Longevity Tomb has also appeared out of thin air.

The half of the boundless outer coffin was immediately submerged in it.

Boom! ! !

At the same time, above the nine heavens, thunder clouds billowed, and endless terrifying energy gathered from all directions.

The whole world is like the end of the world, extremely terrifying.

Fang Yi had witnessed this astonishing sight once in the Abyss of Immortality, but that time, it ended with the thundercloud dissipating, but this time, it was obviously impossible.

Moreover, the thunderclouds accumulated more and more, and became more and more turbulent, as if the whole world was about to collapse.

"A fairy?"

Di Jian couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and blurted out.

Not to mention Jun Jiuyou, his entire face instantly became extremely pale, not to mention whether it is immortal or not, as far as this terrifying scene is concerned, once the thundercloud condenses, the entire soul realm will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

At that time, the foundation of the soul race will completely disappear.

Such a result is obviously unacceptable to Jun Jiuyou, so he has already made a move.

"Immortal King, Hugh's nonsense!"

Hearing a shout from him, the giant palm directly grabbed the Longevity Tomb.

jittery! !

The Immortal Corpse King naturally refused to agree, and greeted him directly like a bolt of blood-colored lightning, and those huge faces were also looking at the thunderclouds all over the sky at this moment, trembling.

In the end, they escaped in a swarm.

This! !

Fang Yi and the two couldn't help being dumbfounded. Originally, it was still a little difficult for them to enter the cave, but at this moment, all obstacles were cleared away.

The entrance of the cave is close at hand.

For a while, the two didn't rush in.

However, at this moment, the thunderclouds all over the sky seemed to be suppressed in an instant, and it was extremely shocking.

Jun Jiuyou's face also became extremely ugly, and he suddenly looked towards the hole, and then rolled towards the Immortal Corpse King.

"Not good! Let's go!! He wants to drag the Immortal King into the Underworld together."

Di Jianyi obviously saw Jun Jiuyou's intention, and shouted anxiously.

At this moment, dragging the Immortal Corpse King into the underworld is undoubtedly the best result for the Soul Race.

But for Fang Yi and the other two, they don't know what the other end looks like, so...

The two of them no longer hesitated, and plunged into the hole.

At the same time, above the nine-day thundercloud, a huge thunder tore through the sky and came towards the bottom, but at that moment, the figures of Jun Jiuyou and the Immortal Corpse King also disappeared into the black hole.

Boom! !

A huge thunder fell, and most of the entire space collapsed, and it was never the same as before.

(End of this chapter)

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