Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2548 Girl Meteor

Chapter 2548 Girl Meteor

"What is this place? Underworld?"

Passing through the entrance of the cave, there is an endless darkness in front of you, like an abyss, an abyss where there is no light or hope.

Immediately afterwards, a fierce wind struck, and the power of endless rules entangled.

Countless thin regular lines invisible to the naked eye spread in this space.

cold!pain! !

When the strong wind blew, it was like a blade, cutting the flesh wantonly, any resistance was futile, Fang Yi only felt like a fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

In this pitch-black space, he couldn't do anything.

Whoosh! !

The body was scraped off bit by bit, and the originally condensed soul body also collapsed bit by bit.

Fang Yi has no doubts, if it wasn't for the condensed soul body, based on the strength of his own soul alone, he might have been completely wiped out at this moment.

At this moment, he felt a threat of death.

What's worse is that he can't escape, this place doesn't know where it is, a huge attraction is tearing him forward, and at the same time it seems to tear him into pieces.

what! !

The severe pain made Fang Yi cry out.

Is this the barrier between the two worlds?Legend has it that crossing the barriers between the two realms requires paying a huge price, and it is absolutely impossible for someone who is not an extremely strong person to succeed.

Although I came from the soul realm, the barrier between the two worlds still exists, but it is much weaker.

This pain has continued.

Fang Yi only felt that every second seemed to be suffering, until the three-color Tianying almost collapsed, and a faint light slowly appeared in his sight.

The light became more and more intense, like a scorching sun.

The suction also suddenly became much stronger, like a huge vortex, completely swallowing Fang Yi in it.

The world returned to peace, and everything disappeared.

Instead, it was a silent valley.

Also, under the valley, there is a body exuding a faint three-color light.

"This is the underworld?"

Enduring the severe pain that seemed to be falling apart, Fang Yi raised his eyes and looked around. The valley in front of him was nothing special, no different from those ordinary valleys in the spirit world.

Doesn't it mean that there is a huge difference between the underworld and the spirit world?

Could it be that this is still the spirit world?

Fang Yi frowned slightly, but it didn't seem right, his body at the moment was the three-color Tianying.

The fit with the outside world is not like the spirit world.

never mind!

Regardless of these, what about the others?

I clearly entered with Emperor Jianyi, and at the last moment, Jun Jiuyou and the Immortal Corpse King also entered the passage, they should have come too, why no one is there?

Could it be that that channel is a formation similar to random teleportation?

Don't say it, it's really possible!

That being the case, Fang Yi has no intention of thinking about other things. The most important thing right now is to take care of his injuries. In that dark space just now, almost half of his soul power was consumed.

Only at this moment, the whole person looks dispirited.

Even the three-color heavenly baby showed signs of breaking apart.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged, and began to feel the world, and the next moment, his face couldn't help being happy.

Because, he has already sensed the rich and pure soul power between heaven and earth.

groan! ! !

From his body, the sound of dragon chant faintly came, and the three-color divine dragon entwined, and the majestic soul power between heaven and earth poured out immediately.

I don't know if it was because there was too much movement, but a roar came from a distance.

A huge monster appeared in sight.

The monster was similar to the monsters in the spirit world, but with black smoke all over its body, it gave people an extremely evil feeling.

Roar! !

The monster roared and attacked Fang Yi, extremely fierce.

"Crack!" Fang Yi couldn't help frowning. He was recuperating at the moment, so he was naturally in a bad mood. However, this was the first time he met a creature from the underworld.

Do not!Strictly speaking, this is the first time I have encountered an underworld creature in the underworld.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to do it, but was going to observe the difference.

shuttle! !

Also at this moment, seeing that the monster was about to attack, a sharp arrow suddenly roared, piercing through the monster's head directly.

The monster was instantly killed on the spot.

At the same time, a girl with a human appearance galloped forward and landed in front of the monster.

"Damn evil spirit! Tell you to come out and do anything wrong."

The girl was wrapped in a long skirt, but her body was like mist, exuding a faint blue light, and shouted at the monster.

However, as if remembering that there was someone behind him, he quickly turned around and looked at Fang Yi.

The moment she turned around, her body seemed to materialize and became clear.

She is a rather playful girl with exquisite facial features, small and exquisite.

"you are?"

"How strange! Why is your body in three colors?"

The girl looked at Fang Yi curiously. Obviously, what she was curious about was Fang Yi's three-color Tianying, which was indeed somewhat different from ordinary Tianying.

However, in comparison, Fang Yi still felt that the opponent's body was even more peculiar.

However, one thing was beyond his expectation.

I thought that the underworld is the realm of the soul, and the bodies of the creatures here should be more condensed.

But the fact is not like this, just like the young girl in front of her, her body seems to have quite strong soul power, but it is far from being condensed by her own Tianying, like a plate of loose sand.

The monster just now is similar, it seems to be their commonality.

"Really? I don't know very well, what about you? Who are you?"

After a pause, Fang Yi asked with a smile.

This time when he met humans in the underworld, he wanted to find out the situation here himself.

Oh!No, it is not known whether the one in front of us is considered human or not. If Pluto and Di Jianyi are right, most of the creatures in the underworld are naturally born, then it is really hard to say whether they are considered human.

"Me? My name is Meteor, and I live in a town not far ahead."

The girl didn't have any intentions, so she replied directly.

small town?

There is also a town here?

Fang Yi couldn't help being startled, but thinking about it, since there is life, there will naturally be a place where life gathers, and since the girl in front of him has appeared in human form, human towns are naturally indispensable.

"What about it? Why do you call it a ghost?"

Fang Yi asked curiously.

"You don't know?" Now it was the girl's turn to be startled, and looked at Fang Yi in astonishment.

"I just came here, so I don't know very well." Fang Yi was not sure if he said something wrong, so he had to reply cautiously.

But these words made the girl feel even more incredible.

"You haven't just opened your spirit, have you? But that's not right, you have already transformed, should you transform first and then open your spirit?"

The startled look of the girl, as well as her words, undoubtedly made Fang Yi puzzled.

However, combining the words of Pluto and Di Jianyi, he vaguely guessed what the other party meant.

He couldn't help saying, "Neither, it's just that I was severely injured before, and I can't remember some things."

That's it!

The girl looked suddenly enlightened.

"By the way! Why don't you tell me what's going on in this world! How about it?" Fang Yi immediately took the opportunity to say.

(End of this chapter)

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