Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2564 Qingming Mountain

Chapter 2564 Qingming Mountain

"My... my lord, I, I..."

Walking out of the Black Iron City, the messenger of the abyss looked at Fang Yi tremblingly, and couldn't even straighten his tongue.

"No...don't kill me!"

There was despair on his face, and pleading in his eyes.

"Kill you?" Fang Yi glanced at him lightly, "Is it still necessary to take you out?"

"Don't call me your lord, from now on, just call me your son."

Hearing that there is no need to die, the Abyss Messenger's eyes suddenly glowed with joy, and he said quickly: "Yes! Thank you for not killing me, my lord, then we..."

He looked suspicious.

"Let's talk while walking!" Fang Yi waved his hand, rolled up the abyss messenger and disappeared from sight.


"My lord, this is Qingming Mountain."

A few days later, in front of a stretch of mountains, two figures slowly descended.

"Qingming Mountain!" Fang Yi stared at the mountain with a look of surprise on his face, because the mountain was so big that even his senses couldn't cover it.

"I ask you, where in the mountains did the great war take place?"

"Young master, we will be there in a short distance." The abyss messenger 'Black Crow' replied hastily.

After a pause, he continued: "Speaking of this Qingming Mountain, I'm afraid you don't know something. This Qingming Mountain is vast and boundless. It reaches to our East Emperor's Domain in the east, crosses the Qingming Domain, and then reaches Huangquanhai."

"There are countless big monsters in the mountains, and they are extremely dangerous. If you want to go deep into them, you need to be very careful."

Along the way, the black crow probably also figured out Fang Yi's nature.

Knowing that the other party was full of curiosity about what he had seen and heard about the underworld, he was busy introducing Fang Yi whenever he had the chance.

I have to say that Fang Yi made the right choice in choosing him to lead the way.

"Big monster?"

A look of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes.

"That's right!" Black Crow hurriedly said: "The so-called big monsters are some powerful ghosts born in Qingming Mountain. They will transform into various forms, but most of them appear in the form of monsters, so they are called big monsters." Demon."

"In Qingming Mountain, the soul power and yin energy are much stronger than those of the outside world, so the yin spirits here are also extraordinarily powerful."

"But at the same time, this place is also full of all kinds of evil spirits, which can easily turn into evil spirits, so ordinary ghosts will stay away from it."

"In the battle a few days ago, the three Zifu powerhouses were all said to be great demons from Qingming Mountain."

That's it!

Fang Yi nodded slightly. This underworld seems to have the same things as the spirit world.

For example, in this endless mountain, the soul power and yin energy are much denser, and the same is true in the spirit world, where the mountain range is where the aura gathers.

"Let's go! Then let's meet the so-called big monster."

As Fang Yi said, he took a step forward and headed towards Qingming Mountain.

The black crow naturally did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed.

As Black Crow said, the soul power and yin energy here are indeed much richer.

Speaking of soul power and yin energy, I have to say that the black crow really gave Fang Yi a deeper understanding of the underworld.

It turns out that not only the soul power but also Yin Qi make up the bodies of creatures in the underworld. This is also one of the reasons why the souls of creatures in the underworld are not condensed enough.

Because they are not pure soul bodies.

On the contrary, like Fang Yi, he is a complete soul body, extremely condensed.

In addition, there are Yin stones in this world, similar to spirit stones, which can be absorbed and made into weapons.

In a word, the difference between here and the spirit world is the difference in energy.

But the soul power is an existence of a higher level.

The cultivation of ghosts in the underworld is the improvement of soul power, from the initial opening of the spirit to the end, slowly condensing a pure soul body like Fang Yi.

And this requires various mysterious methods of condensing and soul cultivation.

In the underworld, this method of cultivation is extremely precious.

Because most of the ghosts in the underworld are born with nature, there is almost no concept of home, and there is no concept of inheritance, and they are completely accumulated and explored over time.

Even if a Yin Ling realizes something occasionally, it is limited to himself and will not be passed on.

Even if there are, they are very few.

But the spirit world is different. Although the soul power of the spirit world is weak, it has been passed down for countless thousands of years.

Among them, there are countless predecessors' experience, so it is even better.

According to Hei Crow, the reason why he surrendered to Pluto was because of this, because Pluto mastered such a method of cultivation.

When Fang Yi learned of all this, he also sighed.

The ghosts of the underworld seem to be sitting on a treasure mountain, and they don't know how to collect them.


"There is movement ahead!"

Among the vast mountains, before the two of them had walked far, the expression of the black crow couldn't help but change.

"There is also the rear, left and right, why are there so many?"

The black crow's eyes were full of horror, showing disbelief.

This is not far from entering Qingming Mountain. It stands to reason that there shouldn't be such a ghost, but the fact...

Fang Yi naturally noticed it too, but he didn't take it to heart. They were all weak ghosts, and they couldn't even fit between their teeth.

Moreover, they all seemed to be evil spirits, with black air all over their bodies.

"I see, it's the pure and rich soul power of the young master, and the evil spirit is extremely sensitive to it." Only then did the black crow react.

In fact, he should have thought of this earlier.

It's just that Fang Yi's strength is too strong, so strong that he dare not look at him at all, let alone sense the breath of the other party.

"Young Master, it's best to cover up the breath on your body, otherwise, if you continue to go deeper, you will attract more powerful evil spirits."

Black Crow looked apprehensive.

Obviously, he has lingering fears about the powerful evil spirit in Qingming.

Is that right?

Fang Yi didn't react at all, but felt a little curious, and at the same time, released his breath to his heart's content.


In the induction, the evil spirits in the distance seemed to have discovered something, one by one, they rushed over like wolves and tigers.

This is really the reason, no wonder I encountered an evil spirit as soon as I entered the underworld, and it should not be too bad once the Emperor Sword landed here.

However, the other party was far less lucky than himself, and it must be not just one evil spirit that besieged him, but countless evil spirits.

In the end, the top three Zifu peaks were attracted.

"Young Master, hurry up! Use your soul power to mobilize Yin Qi, condense it on the body surface, and cover up your breath."

Black Crow seemed a little anxious, and said hastily.

Fang Yi naturally didn't care, but after hearing what the other party said, he tried a little bit. These so-called yin qi hadn't been stimulated yet, and immediately, his mind moved.

Immediately, countless misty yin qi swarmed over, instantly covering his body surface, making his originally bright three-color body dimmed a lot.

Those evil spirits also seemed to lose their target in an instant, and were a little dazed.

However, there are still many coming up.

Black Crow has already made a move.

Although he was vulnerable in front of Fang Yi, he was still in the Purple Mansion Realm. Although it was only in the early stages, dealing with these weak evil spirits was still like cutting melons and vegetables.

In a breath, the battle has been resolved.

As for Fang Yi, he was still looking at his body at the moment. This body was not much different from the original one, except that the three-color light was a little dimmer.

However, if you don't sense it carefully, it will be no different from those ghosts in the underworld.

It seems that the power of the soul is also extremely loose.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

"Interesting!" Fang Yi muttered to himself, and then continued to delve deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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