Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2565

Chapter 2565 Vulnerable

Along the way, the two encountered many ghosts and evil spirits.

However, they were all extremely weak, and it took Bu Fang Yi to make a move at all, and the black crows were all solved.

Just kidding, the Zifu Realm is considered a strong party no matter where it is, not to mention, it is not too bad to be the envoy chosen by Hades.

Moreover, this is only the outskirts of Qingming Mountain.

After walking not far, at this moment, a desolate land appeared in front of him.

"Master, here we are, this is it!"

Black Crow said, "The great battle a few days ago was here."

In fact, it goes without saying that Fang Yi also knows.

The messy scene, as well as the remaining energy fluctuations in the air, all indicate that a large-scale battle once took place here.

Even, from the flattened mountaintops and rocks, Fang Yi could faintly sense the traces of the sword-slashing technique.

It really is Emperor Jianyi!

And judging from this trace, Emperor Jianyi's situation at that time was extremely pessimistic.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi still has lingering fears when he thinks of the time when he crossed the barrier between the two realms.

"I ask you, where is the nearest human gathering place near here?"

The so-called human beings are naturally not real human beings.

In the underworld, there are only Yin spirits and evil spirits, but many Yin spirits like to transform into humans, so Fang Yi subconsciously regards them as humans.

In fact, not only him, but also the ghosts themselves, and Black Crow is one of them.

So he didn't pause at all, and said directly: "Master Hui, because there are too many evil spirits in this area, and the nearest human gathering place is tens of thousands of miles away."


Tens of thousands of miles are not close to ordinary ghosts, but compared to Fang Yi, it is only a breath away.

It's just that Emperor Jian suffered heavy injuries, and he was pursued by soldiers. Fleeing didn't seem to be the best choice. Could it be that he hid?

Forget it, try it first.

Immediately, Fang Yi didn't bother to think so much, completely relaxed his mind, and began to feel the breath of Emperor Jianyi.

His divine sense expanded infinitely, covering tens of thousands of miles in an instant, and was still heading for further places. Countless ghosts and evil spirits appeared in his induction.

The black crow seemed to have noticed something, and hurriedly said: "Young master, you must not, wantonly investigate, once the big monster notices, then..."

Unfortunately, Fang Yi naturally ignored him.

What kind of big monsters, how could Fang Yi see them, and, with these big monsters, how could Fang Yi's investigation be discovered.

In a moment, Fang Yi's perception has covered hundreds of thousands of miles.

But unfortunately, there is no aura of Emperor Jianyi.

Could it be that the other party also covered up his breath like himself?If this is the case, it will be a little troublesome.

Fang Yi couldn't help feeling a little headache.

At the same time, in a corner deep in Qingming Mountain, a huge figure glowing with blue light, whose body was originally coiled, suddenly raised its head.

It was a huge green snake, with blue scales all over its body glowing with a cold light.

But strangely, it has a human head.

Behind, there is a pair of huge blue wings.


With a fierce flap of his blue wings, his huge body soared into the air, and his blood-red eyes were filled with raging anger.

"Hey! Finally there is a decent one."

A look of astonishment flashed across Fang Yi's face. Not long after, the huge cyan snake covered the sky and covered the sun. The terrifying coercion enveloped the four directions, and the surrounding world seemed to be its territory.

"The Blue Scale Demon King!!"

Seeing the green snake, Black Crow's face instantly turned pale.

He unconsciously took two steps back.

"Grand...Young master, this is the demon king near Qingming Mountain, the legendary ghost of the cave, I...we..."

Black Crow was obviously quite frightened.

Although Fang Yi is powerful, he is not very clear about how powerful he is.

And the Green Scaled Demon King in front of him is indeed the long-rumored Yin Spirit of the Cave Heaven Realm, even the Abyss Emperor may not be his opponent.

It didn't take long for the Abyss Emperor to appear in the Eastern Emperor Territory. When the Black Crow met him for the first time, the opponent hadn't reached the Cave Heaven Realm, but the Qinglin Demon King was different.

He had heard the other party's legend countless years ago.

Seeing it now, how not to panic.

"Dare to act recklessly in this king's territory, you are so brave." The Qinglin Demon King shouted angrily, and the tyrannical spirit also spread out.

Black Crow's performance undoubtedly benefited him even more.

But the other person, as if he didn't hear it, made him even more angry.

What made him even more annoyed was that the other party seemed to be okay, and said to himself: "Not bad! With your speed, you should be able to get here in the first time for the battle of the day."

"Bastard! What nonsense are you talking about, die!"

The Qinglin Demon King was furious, and the huge tail suddenly fell down like a sky pillar.

But what he never imagined in his dreams was that the next moment, he felt that his body could not move at all.

It turned out that at some point, a huge golden dragon claw had already grabbed his tail, making him unable to move for a moment.

How can it be?

The pupils of the Cyan Scaled Demon King were full of disbelief, and even a trace of fear. The huge cyan wings struggled hard, trying to get rid of the golden dragon claws.

But it's a pity that the golden dragon's claw is like a sea-fixing needle, and it can't be shaken no matter what.

The next moment, he felt a huge force coming from the dragon's claw, and suddenly, he felt his world spinning.

And the black crow at the side, with its originally terrifying expression, has completely become dull at this moment.

Because in his eyes, the Qinglin Demon King, who was originally aloof and extremely powerful, was pinched by Fang Yi in his hands like a chicken at this moment, and fell at will.

Finally, with a bang, it was thrown out and hit the distant mountain peak.

The huge mountain peak also collapsed.

This this! !

At this moment, the black crow's eyeballs seemed to be about to fall out.

At one time, he suspected that the reason why the Emperor of the Abyss treated Fang Yi so courteously must be because Fang Yi had a strong background and might have some powerful backing behind him.

But it wasn't until now that he realized that Fang Yi himself was the biggest backer.

Even the Qinglin Demon King, who has been entrenched in Qingming Mountain for countless years, is so vulnerable in the opponent's hands, how can he need any backing?

However, the Qinglin Demon King is already an existence in the Cave Heaven Realm, and Fang Yi's strength...

Black Crow was a little incomprehensible.

It's no wonder that he is not in the Purple Mansion Realm, which is already beyond his cognition.

In fact, Fang Yi's cultivation base is placed in the underworld, so naturally it is only in the Dongtian realm, but it is definitely not comparable to the ordinary Dongtian realm.

In the spirit world, he is not afraid of the strong ones at the peak of the Heavenly Soul, but only the strong ones with the Dao pattern can make him afraid.

But here, the power of the soul of the Dongtian Realm is far inferior to the soul cohesion of a strong person in the Spirit Realm, so it is even easier for this Qinglin Demon King.

According to Fang Yi's estimate, the strength of the Qinglin Demon King, in the spirit world, is at best the appearance of just stepping into the realm of transforming gods.

Naturally, it wasn't enough in his eyes.

"You... who are you?"

Among the ruins, the Qinglin Demon King finally crawled out and looked at Fang Yi in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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