Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2568

Chapter 2568

"Don't be rude!"

Dijian waved his hand, and immediately said: "Qingming, you go down!"

"Yes!" The girl known as Qingming gave Fang Yi a hard look, and then retreated.

"Heh! Unexpectedly, this little girl is quite loyal, so she might really like you! However, this is the underworld, are you sure you have found out her gender?"

"Or, you don't care at all?"

Fang Yi deliberately teased.

As soon as Di Jian heard the words, he immediately rolled his eyes at Fang Yi. Originally, the relationship between the two was not too close, but a small joke, and in this strange underworld, the distance seemed to be shortened a lot.

wrong!The only one who is unfamiliar is himself, Emperor Jianyi is no stranger, and he has become some kind of young master.

"Tell me! What's the matter with you, young master? You have been to the underworld before? Why didn't you tell me about the barrier between the two worlds? This gentleman was almost stunned."

There was a hint of questioning in Fang Yi's tone.

Seeing this, Patriarch Qing Ming's face was slightly displeased, and he seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Di Jianyi.

"I'm afraid you won't believe it when I say it, but I'm also baffled by this young master."

"As for the barrier between the two realms, do you think that if I knew, it would be like this?"

Emperor Jian asked back, "On the contrary, it seems that you are not damaged at all. I am still not as good as you. If it is not for the seal of the master of the mountain, I am afraid..."

Di Jianyi smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Young Master, there is no need to underestimate yourself. The barriers between the two worlds are very important. Only those who are above the Immortal Realm can pass through safely. Although the barriers in the Soul Realm are weak, it is already an incredible feat for the Young Master to pass through with the cultivation base of the Cave Heaven Realm. .”

Patriarch Qingming said sincerely.

But halfway through the conversation, he couldn't help but look at Fang Yi, because Fang Yi was also in the Dongtian Realm, and he was safe and sound. Could it be that all warriors in the real world are so powerful?

At this moment, he couldn't help being suspicious.

"That's right! Do you think you are the only one with the seal of the Lord of the Mountain? My magic weapon is no weaker than yours."

Fang Yi also had no intention of hitting the other party, so he prevaricated at will. Of course, Di Jianyi was able to achieve today's achievements, so how could it be so easy to hit.

"Okay! Let's get to the point, what's going on here?"


Immediately, as soon as the Emperor Sword began to speak, Patriarch Qingming interrupted from time to time.

After a while, Fang Yi finally figured out the ins and outs of this matter. It turned out that the reason why Patriarch Qingming and others recognized Di Jianyi as the young master was because the ancestor of Di Jianyi, who was once the lord of Tianshan Mountain, Di Wuque .

Di Wuque once entered the underworld through the soul state, and by chance, he met Patriarch Qingming and others.

Later, by chance, this passage was discovered.

After that, he subdued Patriarch Qingming and others, and established Taoyuan Town here.

And Emperor Jianyi, after passing through the barrier between the two worlds, was able to come to Qingming Mountain, in fact, it was also because he was guided by the mountain master seal.

After figuring this out, Fang Yi suddenly realized.

No wonder Patriarch Qingming's soul is so condensed, and those children also know how to condense their bodies, all of this must have something to do with Di Wuque.

However, the reason why Di Wuque is like this is probably just to let these people guard this passage, so that his descendants can use it.

Is this a free ride?

"By the way! Is there any news about the Immortal Corpse King and Jun Jiuyou? Are they also nearby?" After a slight pause, Fang Yi asked instead.

"Not yet!" Di Jianyi shook his head.

"However, judging from where the two of us stayed, they should not be far away, so he purposely entered Taoyuan Town. With my current situation, once I meet them..."

Fang Yi nodded. These two people are really terrifying, even among the top Dao Rune experts.

Had to be careful.

Next, the two exchanged a few more pleasantries.

At this time, Fang Yi took a look at Patriarch Qingming. As soon as Emperor Jian had these helpers, he would be fine, but it was him who was looking for the Kyushu disciples...

"Can I ask you for a favor?" Fang Yi asked Patriarch Qingming.

Ancestor Qingming was obviously puzzled, but he looked at Di Jianyi, who was extremely generous, and said: "Brother Fang, if you can help, Qingming will naturally not refuse. "

"Since that's the case, then I'm not being polite, I want you to help me find some people..."

"A Kyushu disciple?"

Hearing this, Patriarch Qingming looked blank, as if he had no impression.

When it came to Emperor Jianyi, he looked at Fang Yi strangely, and said, "Unexpectedly, Brother Fang has acquaintances in this underworld."

"Actually, they are not native spirits of the underworld, but entered the underworld after death!"

Fang Yi replied.


Both of them were startled now, and looked at Fang Yi in disbelief, "Brother Fang, don't you know that after death, the soul will fall into the underworld, and all memories will be purified, and then turned into pure soul power, dissipated in the underworld, no longer exist."

"That's right! Once this happens, even with supernatural powers, it's impossible to retrieve their memories."

Patriarch Qingming also echoed.

"There are exceptions to everything!" Fang Yi smiled and said, "Maybe the memories of the people I'm looking for are still preserved."

Of course, he couldn't tell anyone about the water temple, but if he wanted the other party's help, he couldn't say nothing.


Di Jianyi took a deep look at Fang Yi, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

However, he didn't ask any more questions. Everyone has their own secrets, some of which can be inquired about, while others cannot.

Ancestor Qingming naturally understood this truth, pondered for a while, and said: "If that's the case, then the person Mr. Fang is looking for is probably in Huangquanhai."

"It's just that Huangquanhai has a very wide range, so I'm afraid it will take a lot of thought."

Huang Quanhai?

Where does this seem to be heard?Fang Yi's eyes moved, and he asked anxiously, "Where did you say that?"

"Young Master Fang doesn't know something. According to rumors in the underworld, Huangquanhai is the gathering place of the Styx River in all realms. All fallen souls will be purified by the Styx River, and then flow into the Huangquanhai."

"After that, they will dissipate everywhere in the spirit world, and some of them are said to enter the gate of reincarnation and be reincarnated."

"If the young master's friend really retains the memory, it will definitely absorb the soul power to strengthen itself, it will not dissipate, and it will not enter reincarnation. Most of them are still in Huangquanhai."

"However, there are countless powerful Yin spirits in Huangquanhai, and the various forces are intricate..."

Speaking of this, Ancestor Qingming didn't continue, but the meaning was already obvious.

Even if he could really resist the purification of the Styx River, most of the places in Huangquanhai, which he dared not set foot in rashly, had already been swallowed up.

Of course, Fang Yi didn't think so. There were many Kyushu disciples who fell into the Styx that day. He believed that the Kyushu disciples would be able to protect themselves.

But having said that, he felt a little impatient in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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