Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2569 Above the Legend

Chapter 2569 Above the Legend

"Then how much do you know about Huang Quanhai?"

Fang Yi immediately asked.

"This!" Patriarch Qingming paused, slightly embarrassed, but he quickly replied: "To be honest, I seldom leave Qingming Mountain, because I have already condensed a simple body, located in the small town of Taoyuan. .”

"However, the sea area connected to Qingming Mountain is old enough to know something. It is called the Black Dragon Domain, and the person who rules that sea area is a black dragon whose strength should be comparable to that of the old man."

Patriarch Qingming didn't seem to be too sure, he was just guessing.

However, Fang Yi didn't really care much, as long as he wasn't a Daowen strongman, he wouldn't be afraid.

Do not!In the underworld, it should be called the strong man who manifests the saint.

"It seems that Brother Fang can't wait any longer. However, I don't know the power of the underworld. Brother Fang needs to be extra careful."

Di Jianyi had obviously seen Fang Yi's eagerness and reminded him.

"Thank you!"

Naturally, Fang Yi was not a reckless person, and he did not leave in a hurry. After thinking for a while, he said again: "There is one thing that I always want to ask Brother Di, but can Brother Di clear up my doubts?"

"Oh? But it doesn't matter!"

A look of surprise flashed in Di Jian's eyes.

"Abyss of Nine Deaths, what happened to that cemetery?" Fang Yi asked directly.

This question has been entangled with Fang Yi. In that cemetery, the burials are all superpowers, and even Emperor Qing and Emperor Wuque can only be ranked on the periphery.

That was also the place where he and Di Jianyi met for the first time.

At that time, he seemed to be asking each other, but because of Fairy Leng Yue, the two of them even made a move.

Di Jianyi seemed a little surprised. He didn't expect Fang Yi to ask this matter. After pondering for a while, he said, "I wonder how much Brother Fang knows about the Three Realms?"

"And, what is the ultimate goal of cultivators from the Three Realms?"


Fang Yi pondered for a while, but he didn't know where to start. His understanding of the Three Realms was nothing more than what Mo Lao said. As for the purpose of cultivation, it might vary from person to person.

As for Fang Yi's purpose, it is to protect, protect Kyushu, and protect the people around him.

"Brother Fang is right. The fairy world is indeed a realm of rules, and the underworld is a realm of souls. But these two realms are actually virtual realms, and only the spirit realm is the real realm."

"The existence of the virtual world depends on the real world, so the spirit world is the foundation of the three worlds."

"This is why only the spirit world can accommodate the power of rules, the body, and the soul at the same time. Although the power of rules and soul cannot be observed by the naked eye, they exist in another form."

"This is not the case in the underworld, where the physical body cannot be accommodated at all."

Fang Yi had never heard of Emperor Jianyi's remarks, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed very reasonable.

Could this be the essence of the Three Realms?

But what does this have to do with that cemetery?

"Brother Fang, don't worry!" As if sensing Fang Yi's eager gaze, Di Jian smiled and continued: "The three worlds rely on each other and complement each other to create this world of infinite possibilities."

"Brother Fang, do you know? According to ancient records, the Three Realms were not that big in the first place, but gradually grew to where they are today, and the Three Realms are still expanding."

Fang Yi was not surprised by this.

On the earth, there are related scientific researches similar to the Big Bang and the expansion of the universe.

Although the earth's technology is not worth mentioning in front of martial arts, some things can still be observed.

"What's the point?" Fang Yi asked puzzled.

"Of course!" Emperor Jian nodded, "This shows that the Three Realms we live in are also growing and becoming stronger and stronger. Have you noticed that the martial artist's cultivation system is very similar to the Three Realms?"

"The inner world symbolizes the spirit world, and the spiritual world symbolizes the underworld. As for the fairy world, we have to talk about the martial arts realm later."

The three realms correspond to the inner world and the spiritual world. Fang Yi had learned this from Mo Lao.

However, he has never heard of the state after that.

At this moment, he couldn't help looking at Di Jianyi curiously.

Emperor Jianyi didn't give a shit, and said directly: "The strong Dao pattern condenses the Dao body and achieves a legend. After becoming a legend, they can ascend to the fairy world, or enter the realm of rules."

"And the practice of entering the realm of rules is to comprehend various rules. If you fully comprehend a rule, you can condense the rule of law and be promoted to a strong person in the realm of the rule."

"There are nine levels of avenues. Every time one avenue is condensed, it becomes a level. If the nine avenues are ten percent, you can try to join them."

"The so-called harmony means that the inner world, the spiritual world, and the nine avenues are integrated into one real world, just like the spiritual world. If the harmony is successful, the world will become a world."

Fang Yi's eyes lit up when he heard these words, he was extremely excited.

In fact, as early as when the Ice Queen descended into Fairy Leng Yue's body, he faintly heard her mention the existence of the 'world'.

It was still in the Abyss of Nine Deaths. Fang Yi suspected that the entire Abyss of Nine Deaths was a huge spiritual world, but the Snow Queen said that it was a complete world.

However, he didn't feel it at the time, but gradually became suspicious as his cultivation level improved.

It wasn't until now when I heard Di Jianyi's words that I suddenly realized it, and at the same time, I yearned for it in my heart. How amazing is it to control a complete world at that level?

At this moment, Di Jianyi also had a yearning look on his face, as if he forgot to continue talking.

It wasn't until a moment later that he said, "Let's not talk about the World Realm, even the Great Dao Realm is an extremely rare existence in the Three Realms. The Nine Levels of the Great Dao are all immortal figures."

"As for the world realm, it is even rarer. They absorb the power of the world and expand their own world, which is almost the same as the Three Realms."

"However, this is still not the end of martial arts. Even if the world is ruled by a great consummation, they will still die, and they will die under the tribulation of the Three Realms Era."


Such a strong man will die?Era catastrophe?What is that?

Fang Yi looked bewildered.

"As I said before, the martial artist's cultivation system is very similar to the Three Realms. In fact, this is the cultivation system formed by the ancient cultivators, who sensed the changes in the Three Realms during the cultivation process and simulated the transformation of the Three Realms."

"Facts have proved that this system can make warriors so powerful that they can control a world."

"But it's a pity that we can't escape the Great Tribulation of the Era. The so-called Great Tribulation of the Era means that every once in a while, this time is not fixed. It may be tens of billions of years, or it may be tens of millions of years. A great catastrophe, under which no strong practitioner can resist."

"In addition to the great calamity of the era, there is actually a small calamity of heaven and earth, but there is no essential difference between the two, only the size of the scale."

"Under these two catastrophes, the stronger the cultivator, the faster he will fall. On the contrary, those weak warriors will not sense the existence of the catastrophe at all. This seems to be a catastrophe specifically aimed at those strong men."

Is there such a thing?

Fang Yi was stunned. For some reason, he thought of Tiandaozong at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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