Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2571

Chapter 2571

After leaving the valley, Fang Yi looked back, his eyes were a little dark.

Di Jianyi's words undoubtedly shocked him greatly.

However, these are still a bit far away from him. The most important thing right now is to find the whereabouts of the Kyushu disciples. As for the others, we will talk about them later.

Immediately, he disappeared from sight.

"Brother Black Crow, if you have a chance to introduce me to this king, this time it was a complete misunderstanding."

Somewhere in Qingming Mountain, the Qinglin Demon King was smiling all over his face.

The black crow is very useful. Once upon a time, a person like the Qinglin Demon King would call himself a brother and brother, but now, how can he be complacent.

"It's easy to say! Don't worry, the demon king, as long as Hei explains it to the king, the king should not blame him."

"However, it depends on the sincerity of the demon king."

Black crow picture you understand the meaning.

How could the Qinglin Demon King not understand, he smiled and said: "Brother Hei Ya said yes." After saying that, he reached out with his big hand, and a storage ring appeared in his hand.

"Ahem!" Crow coughed twice, obviously a little nervous.

But he still pretended to be calm and said: "Master Demon King, don't misunderstand, these things are just transferred to the king, to show your sincerity, so that the king will forgive your offense."

"Understood! These are the king's apologies to Mr. Fang."

The Qinglin Demon King didn't care at all, perhaps out of his confidence in himself, how dare a person in the Zifu Realm covet his things.

Or maybe, he really doesn't care, and if he can use this to build a relationship with Fang Yi, it's nothing to lose a little.

It must be known that even Patriarch Qingming is not the opponent's one-hit enemy.

"It's good that Lord Demon King understands!"

Black Crow was ecstatic.

Because based on his understanding of Fang Yi, Fang Yi probably didn't bother to pursue this matter. Even he, who provoked Fang Yi a few times, was still alive and well.

What's more, the Qinglin Demon King, the other party is only defending his own territory, and he is still the one who has been abused.

So, these things he can...

Just as he was extremely excited and was about to take over the storage ring, suddenly, a three-color light flashed, and a figure gathered in front of him.

"Your...Young Master!" Hei Ya's face turned pale when he saw the person coming.

However, his reaction was extremely fast, and he quickly presented the storage ring, saying: "I have seen you, sir, this is the Lord Demon King's apology and respect for you."

"That's right! The little demon has eyes that don't know Mount Tai, so I hope you will be Han."

The Qinglin Demon King also said hastily.

"Really?" Fang Yi glanced at the two of them, with a faint smile, and immediately took the storage ring without being polite.

Seeing this, the Qinglin Demon King was immediately overjoyed, but on the contrary, the black crow was bleeding in his heart.

Of course, the surface dared not reveal anything.

"Qinglin Demon King, I ask you, how much do you know about Patriarch Qingming? How is his character?" After thinking for a while, Fang Yi asked.


The Qinglin Demon King was obviously a little bit surprised, but after pondering for a while, he quickly replied: "Master Hui, Patriarch Qingming almost controls the entire Qingming Mountain. Without extraordinary means, it is absolutely impossible."

"Of course, compared to the young master, he is nothing."

"However, in the tens of millions of miles of Qingming Mountain, his reputation is known to everyone, and he is extremely domineering. Anyone who dares to rebel against him will be suppressed by him."

"That's the little demon. His cultivation is not much weaker than him, and his speed is faster than him. That's why he can occupy this area."

"Besides, this area is close to the Eastern Emperor's Domain. The Abyss Emperor is also a ruthless character. Maybe he allowed the little monster to occupy this place just to prevent the Abyss Emperor from going west."

The Qinglin Demon King didn't dare to be negligent, so Fang Yi answered everything he asked.

According to what he said, Patriarch Qingming was an extremely powerful person. In fact, this is not surprising. If he is not strong, how can he be able to dominate the huge Qingming Mountain.

It's just that such a powerful person, whose cultivation base has reached the heavenly perfection, is comparable to the soul state of the spirit world, will he easily surrender to a person?

And it's not a general surrender, it's directly regarded as the young master.

Although Di Jianyi's strength was extraordinary and he could definitely suppress the opponent, but that was the heyday.

At this moment, Emperor Jianyi has already suffered heavy injuries. Will these people really be willing to recognize him as the master?

Just because of Emperor Wuque tens of thousands of years ago?

Di Wuque entered the spirit world, and he must not stay for too long. These people are still so loyal to him after tens of thousands of years?So much so that his descendants are regarded as young masters?

Do not!

Subconsciously, Fang Yi shook his head, he always felt something was wrong.

In fact, this kind of wrongness did not occur at this moment, but in the small town of Taoyuan, during the conversation with Di Jianyi, he sensed something wrong, but he couldn't say exactly what was wrong.

That's why, at this moment, I will ask about Patriarch Qingming's personality.

After asking, this feeling became even stronger, but it was still hard to say exactly how.

never mind!

Fang Yi couldn't figure it out and didn't bother to pay attention to it. After all, the other party didn't show the slightest hostility, but told him a lot of secrets.

Everyone has their own secrets, and Fang Yi has no intention of exploring them.

"That's right! How much do you know about Huang Quanhai?"

After clearing his mind, Fang Yi went straight to the point, which was what he cared about the most.

"Yellow Spring Sea?" Hearing this, the face of the Cyanscale Demon King couldn't help changing, and the black crow was no exception. Obviously, both of them were extremely afraid of this place.

"Master Hui, Huangquanhai is extremely dangerous. There are countless kinds of powers in that place. The little demon has only been there a few times, and it is still on the periphery, so it is close to life and death."

"However, that place is also full of soul power and full of yin energy, which is far from what this Qingming Mountain can compare."

"Especially the legendary Youdu, the city of the underworld. It is located in the depths of the Yellow Spring Sea. According to legend, there are endless treasures of the underworld, which gather the power of the entire underworld."


It was the first time Fang Yi heard of this place, and his eyes lit up.

Immediately asked: "Where is it exactly?"

Since there is such a place that gathers the power of the underworld, it is undoubtedly easier to inquire about the news there, and he also wants to know the power of the underworld.

"Master Hui, the little demon has no way of knowing where it is. The little demon tried to find it, but in the end he almost lost his life to Huang Quanhai."

"However, Xiao Yao has heard that Youdu does not have an exact location, but a huge island floating on the Huangquan Sea, and its location changes at any time."

"Huang Quanhai is endless and vast, without extraordinary strength, let alone find Youdu, before stepping into it, he was swallowed by the ghosts of Huangquanhai."

The Qinglin Demon King said with lingering fear.

Fang Yi couldn't help but frown. This so-called Youdu has no exact location, which is a bit of a headache.

However, I finally have a goal. As for whether I can find it, I will talk about it later.

"My lord, are you going to Huangquanhai?"

Hei Ya asked at this time, his face obviously a little ugly, because he is Fang Yi's guide, Fang Yi is going to Huangquanhai, then he...

"That's right!" Fang Yi nodded, turned to the Qinglin Demon King and said, "Let's borrow your place to rest for a few days, is it okay?"

"My lord, you're being polite. It's a great honor for the little demon to ask for it."

The Cyanscale Demon King replied.


(End of this chapter)

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