Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2572 Black Dragon Domain

Chapter 2572 Black Dragon Domain

The reason why he had to rest for a few days was actually because Fang Yi's injury had not fully recovered.

Of course, there is another reason.

That is to see if Jun Jiuyou and the Immortal Corpse King will come. If they do, it will be difficult for Emperor Jianyi to deal with the current situation.

For the sake of the other party telling him everything, Fang Yi didn't mind helping him.

Although Fang Yi's strength is not the opponent of the two, it is more than enough to lure them away.

However, the worrying thing did not happen, neither Jun Jiuyou nor the Immortal Corpse King appeared, perhaps, the two had no intention of dealing with Emperor Jianyi at all.

In fact, Di Jianyi and the two had no grievances, the only grievances were in the soul realm.

When it comes to him, he and the two of them can be described as immortal.

Time goes by like this.

On this day, Fang Yi's injuries have completely recovered. Not only that, but under the strong soul power of the underworld, his spiritual world has expanded a lot.

The cultivation base has also improved a lot. If it goes on like this, it won't take long to try to attack the soul of the sky.

Once it reaches the soul of heaven, add the space pattern of the inner world.

Maybe, he will be able to directly exert the power of the rules. At that time, even if he is a strong Taoist, he will have the power to fight.

"My lord, this is what Xiao Yao prepared for you these days."

Before leaving, the Qinglin Demon King offered another gift.

In the past few days, he has been very respectful to Fang Yi. It is no wonder that Fang Yi's strength is so strong that he is full of yearning and fawning on him desperately.


Fang Yi was a little surprised, looked up at him, and took it casually, only to find out after a while that it was a map of Huangquanhai.

Although the map is only a small part, it is undoubtedly a good thing for Fang Yi.

"You have a heart!"

Fang Yi nodded in satisfaction.

Then he thought about it, and said: "If you really want to follow me, go and help the Abyss Emperor! He will teach you the method of soul condensing."

"Also, let the emperor of the abyss expand westward and connect to Huangquanhai, maybe I will need it at that time."

The Qinglin Demon King was overjoyed at first, joking, Fang Yi is so strong, if he has no idea at all, how could it be possible, the attentive performance of these few days is enough to explain everything.

However, when he heard that he was going to march west, he couldn't help showing a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Then what about Patriarch Qingming?"

he asked.

"Bypassing Qingming Mountain, there are many places bordering Huangquanhai." Fang Yi replied.

The Qinglin Demon King still seems a bit embarrassed, how big is Qingming Mountain, how to get around it?Some places are simply impossible to get around.

Fang Yi naturally understood, glanced in the direction of the valley, and said, "Don't worry! If you can't get around, just make excuses, Patriarch Qingming won't do anything to you."

He seemed to be speaking to the Qinglin Demon King, but also to other people.


The Qinglin Demon King didn't dare to neglect, and quickly took orders.

Fang Yi also nodded slightly. In fact, he didn't intend to make any noise in the underworld, but since Huang Quanhai is so complicated, it is safe to do some preparations.

"And you, go back and return!"

In the end, Fang Yi took another look at Hei Ya, who was overjoyed when he heard the words.

Where is Huangquanhai?Fang Yi may not be afraid, but he has been having trouble sleeping and eating these few days. Hearing the words at this moment, he might as well be relieved.

Immediately, he hurriedly bowed his body and wanted to thank him.

However, Fang Yi's figure had disappeared.


"Master, he has already left Qingming Mountain and headed towards Huangquanhai."

Still in that house, Patriarch Qingming bowed to report.


Emperor Jianyi heard a thick and majestic voice.

"His injury healed so quickly, if it wasn't simple." Patriarch Qingming's eyes were full of surprise, and he said again: "And he is not a reckless person. He knows how to heal his injury before entering Huangquanhai."

"Do you really think he stayed for a few days to recuperate?"

Emperor Jian asked.

"Otherwise?" Patriarch Qingming was puzzled, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

"No! His injury is not serious. He stayed for a few days just to repay this favor." An intriguing smile appeared on the corner of Di Jianyi's mouth.

Patriarch Qingming looked bewildered, but he didn't ask further questions.

Instead, he asked, "What about his expedition to the West?"

"Let him go! You just need to guard this valley, and let them do the rest."



The Yellow Spring Sea does not seem to be much different from ordinary oceans, but the sea water is bright red, like blood.

Fortunately, there was no smell of blood at all.

On the contrary, it makes people approach, and there is a kind of refreshing feeling, as if the soul has been baptized.

All of this is naturally due to the strong soul power here.

What a Huangquanhai!

Looking around, Fang Yi couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

He walked on the waves, his clothes fluttering, like a fairy crossing the sky.

"Brother, another blind guy broke into Huangquan Sea, what should we do?" Compared with the comfort on the sea surface, under the calm deep sea, several ghosts like sea snakes gathered together.

"What else can I do? Swallow him, an unknown thing."

The leader is a black sea snake with a size of 30 meters away, a huge monster.


All the ghosts shouted immediately and headed towards the sea.

finally come!

On the surface of the sea, Fang Yi also slowly opened his eyes. Searching blindly is like finding a needle in a haystack. In this case, it is natural to find the most powerful creatures in this sea area and let them do it for him.

It is a pity that this piece of sea water seems to have some kind of isolation force, so it is impossible to investigate too far.

Therefore, only the simplest and most direct method can be used.

"Things that don't know how to die dare to break into the Yellow Spring Sea and seek death!" A group of sea snakes surfaced, spitting out long letters, extremely greedy.

Fang Yi was surrounded.

"You are the subordinates of the black dragon? Where is the black dragon?"

This place is the Black Dragon Domain of the Yellow Spring Sea, and a black dragon rules this sea area. Fang Yi naturally has no time to talk nonsense with these ghosts, and gets straight to the point.

"Bold, dare to call Heilong directly, seeing that you are looking for death, take him down!"

The leading black sea snake scolded angrily, and the huge snake tail rolled over directly, like the whip of death.

At the same time, other ghosts also rushed forward, as if they wanted to tear Fang Yi into pieces, and the greedy light in their eyes was like a ghost.

Bang bang bang! !

But unfortunately, they came fast and went even faster, and they burst apart one by one, disappearing invisible.

If it was normal, Fang Yi might still be interested in playing with them, but now, it can only be considered unlucky for them. In a short while, most of the sea snakes have died.

"you you……"

The leading black sea snake's expression became extremely terrified. There was already such an outstanding person before, and another one came in a blink of an eye. How could he not panic.

As for the other Yin spirits, they were too scared to move.

Just kidding, with such a method, they would not dare to do it again if they borrowed ten guts.

"You... who are you guys and what do you want to do?"

The black sea snake's voice trembled, and despair appeared on its face.

(End of this chapter)

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